RELOAD - 28 JUL 2020
"Where do you find comfort? Can you find a home in yourself anywhere, like some suggest? What sort of people encourage that sort of trust and peace? I suppose these questions are what inspired this photo set. It was shot coming out of a very long, limbo-like place. Dissatisfied with the environment I called home, my appearance, my camera gear, my place in this world... I reached out to a friend for a change of scenery. These photos were on a camera that I was really struggling to accustom myself to (thus why so many were taken with a tripod and trigger), in an outfit that I find most comfortable. I wanted to have FUN with these. The bright colours, and old school psychedelic elements allowed me out of my head and back into my body. I think we should play around just as much, as adults, in everyday life when appropriate. Being around people that accept all of me, unconditionally, is what ultimately keeps my spirit up and my inspiration churning. Love, love, love, love."
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