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RELOAD - 24 JUN 2018
"This portfolio was done entirely at the home of my partner's parents while they were away on a short holiday. On one level it was unnerving thinking that at any moment they could unexpectedly come home to their son's girlfriend sprawled out naked in the backyard, but thankfully the entire shoot went without problems. I had quite a lot of freedom because I had an entire house full of big sunny windows to myself for a whole afternoon, and a bright and grassy backyard to explore without constraint. With this shoot my mood was extremely comfortable with nudity, and I believe that reflected in some of my photos which were just silly shots of me doing everyday things around the house naked. I really enjoyed that aspect of the shoot because part of my love for this project is the normalization of nudity and I'm very pleased that I was able to incorporate my own attitudes towards nudity into my shoot."

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