03:03 - DEC 27 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            
PRIMARY - 26 AUG 2024
"It was my first experience in nude photography, and it was unforgettable! I took these photos at home, having asked to leave work early, so that there would be no one at home but me and so that no one would prevent me from revealing my imagination and take interesting photos. I thought I wouldn't be accepted by people because of my body. It's just that it's not customary in my family to show your naked body and love yourself, especially when you grew up with your grandparents. In the process of photographing, I came with different creative ideas, which I think I managed to implement beautifully. I was inspired by the fact that I had never done anything like this before, and I really like trying my hand at this art. After I finished shooting, I felt that I was satisfied with myself, because I took quite interesting and beautiful photos."

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