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RELOAD - 22 OCT 2020
"I was living a simple life. In a small cottage in the Alpujarras mountains in Spain - my only company being a black and white feline called Susho. I spent my days naked and in liberty. I watered the trees, picked the lemons. Smashed the almonds out of their pods, made art and filled my head with words of great writers and music of soul and love. But of all...I found silence. I watched the fabric twist in the wind, I listened to the birds chirping with the first light that saw morning. I felt the softness of my own skin. The unbelievable passion constrained and held captive for so long. Love of life love of mind love of body. The weave of energetic currents, pulsing Up and Down, aching and breathing. The Reader. Ink of blood and skin tissue paper. With silence we learn to read the most important story of our lives."

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