PRIMARY - 17 APR 2021
"Fue muy interesante ir con un grupo de chicas a hacer este proyecto. Estabamos todas en la misma situacion, nos entendiamos. Empezamos muy timidamente, y fue paradojico, porque esta¡bamo en el medio de un parque nacional, subiendo una montana, y a medida que fuimos ascendiendo fuimos capaces de liberarnos ma¡s y ma¡s, al punto de que finalmente llegamos a una playa y terminamos corriendo desanudas hacia el mar. / It was very interesting to go with a group of girls to do this project. We were all in the same situation, we understood each other. We started very shyly, and it was paradoxical, because we were in the middle of a national park, climbing a mountain, and as we were ascending we were able to free ourselves more and more, to the point that we finally reached a beach and ended up running naked towards the sea."
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