20:26 - MAR 06 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            
PRIMARY - 11 JAN 2019
"Esta experiencia foi tao divertida e arriscada. Vivo com mais 6 pessoas sem privacidade nenhuma, tudo foi fotografado em areas comuns. Adorei sentir a adrenalina! Acho que um colega me viu na verdade, espero que tenha gostado! Haha. Quantas mais fotos tirava, mais me sentia sexy, divertida e livre. Tentei mostrar quem sou, simples, divertida, natural e conectada com a natureza. Senti-me sensual, aberta ao mundo e muito suada! (estavam 36 graus, uff) / This was so much fun and risky. I live with 6 more people with no privacy whatsoever, all was shot in common areas. I loved feeling the adrenaline! I think someone saw me actually, I hope they enjoyed it! Haha. The more photos I took, the more I was able to feel sexy, fun and free. I also wanted to really show myself, simple, natural and in tune with the world. I just loved it. I felt flirty, sneaky and hot in every way (36 degree day, damn)."

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