RELOAD - 26 JAN 2021
"Era un dia especialmente frio en Reykjaviak. La adrenalina me ayudaba a conservar el calor. Aquella fue mi especial despedida del pais que me habia acogido, paradojicamente, tan ca¡lidamente. Regrese a Andalucia y segui ech¡ndome fotos -durante el confinamiento y en mi nueva casa. Qua le voy a hacer si me encanta fotografiarme desnuda y contar pequenas historias con las fotos. / It was an especially cold day in Reykjaviak. Adrenaline helped me keep warm. That was my special farewell to the country that had welcomed me, paradoxically, so warmly. I returned to Andalusia and continued taking photos - during confinement and in my new home. I can't help it...I love to photograph myself naked and tell small stories with the pictures."
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