13:57 - FEB 12 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            
PRIMARY - 19 APR 2024
"As a breast cancer survivor, what a way to showcase my fabulous figure. Doing this project at home and in the garden has been one of the most empowering, liberating, and freeing feeling as a woman, embracing one's body even more and feeling fabulous after so many years of being criticised on how my body should be and look. Finding this liberating feeling, and being free to express my emotions through taking these natural photos of my body was amazing. Going out of one's comfort zones and thinking out of the box on what photo to take next and where. Embracing your body as every woman is beautiful no matter what size or background one is from. What society says about nude art is debatable - I thought of it as a blank canvas as when you were born."

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