21:09 - MAR 06 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            
PRIMARY - 06 MAY 2022
"Pra mim realizar essas fotos foi um desafio, eu não sou fã de mim e nem do meu corpo e então fiquei timida em frente a câmera mas ao longo dos clicks eu fui me soltando, interagindo comigo mesma, dando risada das poses e o desafio foi se tornando brincadeira. Ao ver as fotos finalizadas eu me senti “a gostosa” haha. Não imaginava que ficaria linda nua, que a minha nudez pudesse ser algo tão bonito de se ver. / For me to take these photos was a challenge, I'm not a fan of my body sometimes and so I was shy in front of the camera but throughout the clicks I was letting go, interacting with myself, laughing at the poses and the challenge was becoming fun. When I saw the finished photos I felt like "the hot one" haha. I didn't imagine that I would look beautiful naked, that my nudity could be something so beautiful to see."

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