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I feel adventurous and excited at this time of my life. I am an artist and I've often thought about doing something in the field. My art has brought me confidence and fire. I really hope to explore this deeper. I would like to promote through my images that I feel all souls deserve to be celebrated and what better way than through the body. Our bodies can't be hidden anymore it has made us confused, the body is a dance and conversation in itself. Most of our communication with another being is through body language. Public nudity should be legal, I can't believe we've even disputed that. We're animals, let's rejoice in it! The human body is the most beautiful thing the world to us, photography of the nude figure was a fun and empowering experience for me. I loved it and I have a lot of friends who are now interested in the idea.

Media index

Georgia_L 'deep_pink'
17 Jun 14
ZIP - 51 images
Georgia_L 'lights_n_lycra'
20 Feb 15
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ZIP - 44 images
Georgia_L 'wild_saturation'
04 Dec 15
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ZIP - 39 images
Georgia_L 'mandala'
20 Feb 17
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ZIP - 49 images
Georgia_L 'compositae'
17 Jul 17
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ZIP - 59 images
Georgia_L 'seasiren'
29 Sep 18
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ZIP - 61 images
Georgia_L 'dirty_workshop'
08 Oct 18
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ZIP - 60 images
Georgia_L 'tendernight'
04 Mar 19
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ZIP - 41 images
Georgia_L 'good_fortune'
22 Jun 20
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ZIP - 58 images
Georgia_L 'SpringInMyStep'
05 Dec 20
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ZIP - 34 images
Georgia_L 'bitch_slap'
15 Mar 21
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ZIP - 42 images
Georgia_L 'sevenfold'
09 Apr 23
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ZIP - 41 images
Georgia_L 'goddessence'
10 Dec 23
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ZIP - 53 images
birthplace: Byron Bay, Australia
currently living in: Hawthorn, Australia
occupation: Yoga instructor
age: 20
height: 170cms
relationship status: Single
starsign: Libra
biggest passion in my life: Art and music. Music influences my mood, my life and my art. Art expresses the soul like nothing else can
I like to listen to: I love to dance around to dub/reggae, it's hard to be unhappy with that heart and soul music
I like to watch: Cartoons! Robot Chicken! Anything that's trippy and makes sense to both kids and adults
I like to smell: The air before it rains
I like to taste: Caviar, I love how it makes flavour explosions in your mouth. And anything Japanese
I like to feel: Of course I love to feel happiness, the waves on my face at the beach and uncontrollable laughter
favourite part of my body: My back. The way it flows perfectly down my body I think is sexy
favourite part of someone else's body: On men, their shoulders and eyes, on women, BOOBS!
Why i shot myself: I shot myself to feel empowered, for confidence and for fun!
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: No one! Everyone deserves to try it and flaunt it
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: My goddess housemate, those curves need to be shown off
my website/fav website: Rotten.com, it's absolutely filthy. You will either love it or despise it
Most outrageous thing I have done: Had sex in a public hotel spa, with onlookers
Bands I like: I love Kalya Scintilla, he's an Indian influenced flowing, psychedelic trance musician. I'm also very much into trip hop, so funky and puts swagger in your step
Books I like: I'm reading Shantaram at the moment and it's absolutely epic, I've never read something so raw and in that much detail
Films I like: A Scanner Darkly, it captures the inner working of the mind like no other film can

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Georgia_L is Agony contributor A3233