20:33 - MAR 08 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            


Me siento empoderada y la dueña de mi cuerpo. Me siento hermosa porque pude verme. Me gusta que vean mis fotos personas que valoran el arte. Me hace sentir orgullo y motivación, me ayudó a amigarme con mi cuerpo. Solo hice una sola sesion de fotos desnuda, y no fue una buena experiencia. Estoy inspirada. / I feel empowered and like the rightful owner of my body. I feel beautiful because I could see myself, and I like that people who value art can see my photos. It makes me feel proud and motivated and it helped me to become friends with my body. Before this I'd only done one nude photoshoot and didn't have a good time. I am inspired.

Media index

Geraldine_A 'JardinSecreto'
17 Dec 22
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ZIP - 53 images
Geraldine_A 'EnLosTropicos'
19 Aug 23
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ZIP - 53 images
Geraldine_A 'CuidarLaCasa'
09 Feb 25
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ZIP - 72 images
birthplace: El Salvador
occupation: Bailarina/Dancer
age: 25
height: 1.65cm
relationship status: Soltera/Single
biggest passion in my life: Acting and dance
I like to listen to: Moans, jazz and running water
I like to watch: Sunrises, nudes and comedy movies
I like to smell: Strawberries and coconut
I like to taste: Ice, beers and licking the skin of someone I like
I like to feel: Bites on my neck, my cat's fur, and candle wax on my body
favourite part of my body: My tits and neck
favourite part of someone else's body: Their neck
Why i shot myself: I shot myself because I want my art to generate abundance and it is a psychomagic act to make friends with myself.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Nobody. Anyone should if they want to
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: All my friends!!
Most outrageous thing I have done: Have sex in a tree, and show my ego who's boss
Bands I like: Hiatus Kaiyote, Nathy Peluso, Black Coffee
Books I like: Muchas vidas muchos maestros/Many Lives Many Teachers, The Gold Book of Saint Germain, Viaje al centro de ixslan/Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Films I like: Relatos salvajes/Wild Things, Soul, Coco

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Geraldine_A is Agony contributor A5339