20:28 - SEP 27 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            


Hello people of the web! I shotmyself, I really did!! It was the best experience ever. Who would have thought taking a camera, a few props and one hell of an imagination to a "secret" location could make me feel so naughty and sneaky! Being nude is so purifying and blissfull though I think the distant onlookers may have had a few other things to say. Every angle and cheeky facial expression, expresses me and everything I am about!

Media index

alyssa_lee 'sensation'
31 Jul 08
ZIP - 54 images
[other artist] 'sweetnsour_1'
08 Mar 09
Photos - Duet
ZIP - 50 images
[other artist] 'sweetnsour_2'
15 Mar 09
Photos - Duet
ZIP - 52 images
birthplace: Townsville
currently living in: Melbourne
occupation: Dancer
age: 18
height: 175cm
weight: 58
relationship status: Non-existent
starsign: Virgo and Libra
biggest passion in my life: being me, and no one can tell you how to do that
I like to listen to: you know that annoying squeaky sound shoes make in shopping centres? I'm a big fan!!
I like to watch: anything that involves the male species running around in little shorts and tight tees
I like to smell: nothing better than a steak on the barbie
I like to taste: mum's home cooked mince chow mein - it's been so long!
I like to feel: mud - the kind that's stoneless between my toes.
favourite part of my body: my womanly shape
favourite part of someone else's body: eye shape and colour - they are all so different
Why i shot myself: to get nude!
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: anyone who thinks the sun shines out of their buttocks
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Bill, the car detailer from mky. So odd but awesome!
Most outrageous thing I have done: you want me to name just one? Hmm... not possible
Bands I like: Heavy Metal....Roar!! Dont get me wrong though, I love The Doors
Books I like: Guinness World Records 2004
Films I like: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony