Media index
birthplace: Germany currently living in: Germany occupation: Scientist / Waitress age: 26 height: 163cm relationship status: In Beziehung / partnered biggest passion in my life: Natur, Lernen & Entdecken / Nature, learning, discovery I like to listen to: Die See, Elstern, gute Musik / The sea, heart beats, good music I like to watch: Tiere, Pflanzen, Tänzer / Animals, small plants and flowers I like to smell: Regen im Sommer, Wald, Meer, mein Liebhaber / Rain on hot grass, cold forests, oceans, my lover I like to taste: Gutes Essen, Chai Tee, meines Partners Schweiss / Good food, chai tea, my lovers' sweat I like to feel: Eines Freundes Haut, weiches Haar / Friend's skin, soft hair, fur of a pet favourite part of my body: Can't decide. I love it all just like it is. I'm lucky to have it! ...Maybe my clitoris favourite part of someone else's body: My lovers' eyes and his hands. His neck to nuzzle into too Why i shot myself: Ich liebe Sexualitat, Feminismus & Respekt für Menschen - ISM verbindet all das / I Love Sexuality, Feminism & Respect for People - ISM combines all this who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Niemand / No one who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Meinen Partner / My partner my website/fav website: and Most outrageous thing I have done: Mit Freundin zusanmen masturbieren / Masturbated with a friend Bands I like: Fleet Foxes, Martin Hofstedt, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Sufjan Stevens, Dredg Books I like: Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey Films I like: Adventure Time |