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ISM Affiliates program
We are interested in considering affiliates for the development of the Project however our artists are not porn models and we require that all promotion is respectful and tasteful. Below are the minimum requirements you must meet if you're to become a Project_ISM affiliate. Please don't query this policy with us - just go and promote somebody else. Or better still, channel your mental energies into developing ethical, creative ways of promoting the Project. Because we are a totally unique concept with 100% original and exclusive material, you'll find we convert extremely well and it's worth the effort.

Your part

Not all artists have given us release for promotional use, and you must use material only from artists who have. We'll give you access to a dedicated affiliates area where you can download zipped folios for promotional purposes.

All material must be presented in an artistic context, notwithstanding that it may be sexually explicit in nature.

We do not allow any of our images to be used on hardcore TGP pages or third party sites where you are unable to remove or edit the material you have posted - the reason being that we respect our contributor's requests to limit their image to use within our Project and if they ask for a promotional gallery to be removed, you must be able to comply.

www.indienudes.com is an example of the style of gallery site that we approve of, and they convert very well, far better in fact that TGP posters who have promoted us in the past.

You may not refer to the artists as 'models' (except in cases where the artist describes herself as a model), portray them as promiscuous, or use any language, insinuation or context which is disparaging, degrading, or sexualises the artist. (You may, where appropriate, describe an artist as adventurous, liberated, bold, or similarly open minded.) You must not use popups or exit consoles in conjunction with any ISM promotion.

You must not place ISM banners or links on any page which contains material which falls outside the values described here. In other words, no promotion on or with hardcore porn sites. Fine art nudes and pop culture sites which portray women in a positive, empowered context are where we belong.

The ishotmyself logo and copyright must remain intact on all images unless reduced to thumbnail size.

Due to the admin overhead in maintaining affiliates, you need to remain active and referring customers for your affiliate account to remain open. Accounts which refer less than a few signups every month may be closed down.

ISM isn't interested in AVS programs.

ISM doesn't do banner exchanges

We only accept established, high traffic sites to our affiliate program. If you are just starting out, please wait until you have an established viewer base before submitting an application. We will ask to see some stats proving how much daily traffic your site gets.

Any affiliate who is found to contravene the ISM promotional guidelines may have their account suspended. If they continue to offend after warning, their account may be terminated and unpaid commissions forfeited.

Our part

We pay 50% on initial signups, no rebills.

Our primary billing company is CCBill.

To create an affiliate account the steps are:
1. Contact us through the form below and tell us how you intend to promote our site, including links to samples of similar promotions you've done.
2. If you meet the affiliate criteria, we'll email you an auth code and the URL to register with CCBill as an affiliate.
3. We'll provide you with material to use for promotional use.
If you'd like to go further and register your interest in becoming an ISM affiliate, please submit the form below. You'll find us responsive, helpful and supportive.