Daily Updates
Project_ISM is updated at least once a day, for a total of at least 11 updates per week. Most days we release a folio from a new artist (known as their Primary Folio). Every other day we also release a Reload or a Duet.
Reloads are new folios by returning artists, who have been invited back due to the success of their Prime folio. Some artists have 3, 4 or in some cases 10 folios on Project_ISM.
Duets are shoots which feature more than one artist. Often they are artists who have already contributed a prime folio, and have decided to shoot themselves again, but with another artist, a friend, or a lover. These folios are longer and are usually released in 2 parts. Duets don't require both artists to be holding the camera so there is greater variation in picture style.
Videos are released weekly, sometimes in 2 parts. ISM contributors are free to use any video technique they choose and the 'hands-on' rule is relaxed - often artists get friends to help with their videos. Most videos are edited by the clever ISM staff into cool little movies with original soundtracks.