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"I'm a 28 year old naturopathy student born and raised in Melbourne. I love spending my time writing, I love all things baby pink and sparkly, I have a dog named Audrey and a kitten named Jupiter. My ideal night in is snuggled up in bed watching Tarantino movies, eating vegan takeout and drinking kombucha mocktails. I felt like such a babe the day of my shoot and I hope you enjoy looking at my images as much I loved doing them!"
Oct 25, 2018 April_G//"arrose"
"This nude photo shoot was a very first for me and something I always wanted to do. It helped me a lot to embrace my body more and be proud of how the woman's body can be. For a long time didn't feel that attractive because of my small breasts. Throughout this shoot I realized I could be as sexy as a woman with much bigger boobs! I struggled a bit to find different poses and also I've honestly never taken that many selfies of myself before! I'm glad I got to do this photo shoot, I had fun doing it and I would probably do it again!"
Oct 24, 2018 Lill//"plantwitch_3"
"...I love to express myself through dance."
"This was an amazing and liberating experience. I enjoyed it more than I had thought I would, yet it was also more difficult than I would've thought (with getting what I think are OK angles etc). I possibly overthink everything too much and this was no different. I reckon there are "selfie" type people who just love being in front of a camera and then there is everyone else, like me. It was nice to put myself out on the edge of my comfort zone to see what happened. There were a number of moments where I had to put the dog outside or into another room so I didn't get any weird inappropriate "Rottweiler whiskers in the wrong spot" type pics. Hubby was also trying to be a nuisance - he nearly needed to get put outside or into another room with the dog, haha."
Oct 23, 2018 Taylah_B//"Camellia"
"I was so excited to do the shoot that the day I got the camera out I decided to have a little afternoon/evening date with myself. I had some really nice red wine and listened to some hip hop. What inspired me for the shoot were a few aspects. I lived in Japan so wanted to start in my kimono from an old town in Japan. It is soft pink colours like my nipples and feminine aspects of personality. I wanted to juxtapose this soft feminine version of myself with my more kinkier and fiery side. Which I feel is truly celebrated in Japanese culture with movements like Shibari. So I got my hand cuffs out and a belt I thought might be fun to tie really tight around my neck. I got some wicked shots but unfortunately realised that I needed to use natural lighting. So a few days later I thought I would still use the imagery of flowers and handcuffs but take it outside into my backyard. It was really cold but exciting, making my nipples stand really tall. My flatmates could walk home at any moment which made it even more naughty thus exciting for me. It was so nice to see my body from many different angles. To see that curves even in places traditionally not celebrated are in fact truly beautiful. What a wonderful experience."
Oct 22, 2018 Lucy_P//"redroom"
"This is my favourite ISM I have done so far. I've been in a really good place with my body and my sexuality and it was really nice to express that on camera. I did this shoot in my bedroom and I think you get a really clear idea of what inspires me and my interesting relationship with my sexuality, religion and kink. I hope you enjoy this shoot as much as I did making it."
Oct 22, 2018 Katalina//"coolsun"
"I had such a great time shooting myself! I was nude outside during a Melbourne winter and I didn't even notice the cold. Total hilariousness ensued when I was trying to take photos with my feet and stay upright at the same time! The trampoline was such an asset as it set my mood for a fun and happy shoot filled with laughter. Hanging upside down on the Bagua Wooden Man was great until I realised I was stuck..."
"I'm a full time model and have done a lot of nude modeling but this was a completely different experience as I am not normally the one to take the pictures. I definitely had to be a bit more creative with angles in these photos. With the gymnastics style photos I found I couldn't get my whole body including my face in the image. I also tried to do a hand stand against the door for one of the images. Overall it was an interesting, enjoyable experience."
"I spend most of my time being a homebody and I love spending my mornings naked with my cat and my plant babies. I'm super excited to share this shoot because its really captured my day to day essence. Shooting in my new house is something I've been meaning to do for yonks so thank you ISM for encouraging me to stop procrastinating."
"It was really cold the day I decided to do my shoot, and inside I had limited space so I found all the best shots to be on the outdoor balcony, and between the wind blowing my hair in my face and every goose-bump on view at times, I had to mix it up a bit and do a lot indoors, also not to mention the heater was on full blast keeping the place warm. At times I literally had to run inside to warm up. As for those shots taken with my toes...I give big applause to those who find it easy, because as soon as I would line up the shot the clumsy toe wouldn't do what I wanted it to or when I wanted it to and wouldn't take the pics easily. I also believe the lady across the road got an eye full as she was jumping out of her cab, luckily it's not some one I speak to though. I hope she had a good look!"
Oct 19, 2018 Betty_M//"WAM"
"I think that the best and worst part of doing things that involves a pussy is not being able to tell people about how exciting it is that your greatest feature will be cased in homemade butter cream and sprinkles (please sir, do not touch this cake). I am a little shy, so knowing that I was the only one looking at myself slather my body in turmeric cake was great, however I have never done a shoot without a photographer as a guide to share in the fun of creating the best angles and poses. I think the best part was that of all 10,000 ideas I had come up with for the shoot, I had to let myself get free and just use the simplicity of what I wanted for the shots to really come through. I didn't want to try a bunch of shots and miss out on really understanding how to work with the camera. I wish I had worried less about where crumbs and icing were landing, but that's Betty - never make a fuss or mess keep it simple, that's the best. My life goal is to inspire one person to do something they never thought they could do. I hope that as I bake and shake my way through the world that someone finds their inner fire, puts on a fucking pair of black stockings and lets it drip from their soul. That would be the ultimate reward for me."
Oct 18, 2018 Lisa_J//"sculptural"
"When I was doing this shoot I was running around the house naked, definitely flashing the main road. It was very unavoidable honestly. During the shoot I was using my friend's sculptures she has been working on for the props. I love incorporating lil' touches of weird elements to make the image more interesting. Also I love how much of a time warp it was taking nudes on a lil' camera, so much fun and very cute."
In part 2 of her video, Lunabelle opens up a dialogue about bodies, ambitions, aspirations and her love of being naked.
"I participated in ISM to get back in touch with loving my body and appreciating my sexuality. I used to be very confident being naked and connecting with my sexual energy but after going through some difficult stuff I've been feeling a little disconnected and finding it hard to feel 100% comfortable in my body. This shoot is a step towards feeling free and empowered in my body once again!"
"This was super fun to shoot because I don't usually wear anything but black, so I thought it would be fun to wear another color to change a little bit haha! I really love the little flowers I took from the garden. I just wanted to be cute but sexy at the same time. I hope you love it as much as did doing this. Sending kisses!"