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"I absolutely loved doing this intimate shoot, with the perfect sunlight. Every angle, I love my body more and more and can't think of a better homage than to share it with you. I loved being able to show myself off with sunlight streaming in, and loved how natural and intimate the setting was. I tried to completely let myself go and just feel every second of the shoot with no stress and naturalness. ISM has given me the opportunity to spend more time on myself, and I couldn't be more thankful. I encourage absolutely everyone to take the time to love yourself every second of every day. Thank you, ISM!"
Feb 10, 2019 Rory_K//"snackattack"
"When I first started this project, I felt empowered like never before. I got right into it, taking tonnes of photos, minute after minute, seeing new angles and shapes my body made and loving everything I saw. Then, after 2 hours my mood changed, I couldn't get back into the swing of it, I was too hungry. "Fuck this" I thought, and brought the camera into the kitchen with me and continued snapping my now loudly grumbling belly. Ya girl's gotta eat, but I can't just live on carrots, however much of a rabbit I am. Having this shoot be so open and really anything and everything is possible and accepted, I had some real fun making some tasty cookies, whilst naked and dancing around the house. Most of all, it made me realise that while being silly and weird, I can still be beautiful."
"This was my second prject with ishotmyself and the feelings were even better than the last time. I wanted colour, I wanted to portray power but also the playful side of me. It was funny shooting in my front yard because I'm pretty sure my neighbours could see everythig but that's only more power to me! I started off with a red theme (my absolute favourite colour) but then I realised all the things I had in my room were also a big part of me, I wanted to show more of myself, in my most naked and raw form if you will, showing absolutely everything. This ability to confidently and fully express my body like it's an everyday thing is something that is and will forever be so important to me, and I will continue to be the woman I am no matter what."
"On the day of the shoot I had spent the last few hours Instagram stalking my ex's new fling. I had put myself into a whirlwind of comparison and really bad negative thoughts. She's gorgeous. But she would never understand the sacrifices my body has made for the work that I do. The bags under my eyes from staying up till 4am to work on projects. The little, "jiggly" bits on my body from not being able to go to gym because instead I was helping a friend through a hard time. This shoot was about me acknowledging that my body changes from time to time during periods of high stress and that I make sacrifices for work and the people that I love. I would rather that any day over being perfect."
"Le shoot a ete tres intense, il faisait tres lourd. Cela a ete le projet le plus interresant que j'ai fait. Je marchais nu a la recherche d'idees, de nouveau angles, nouvelles positions. Je n'avais aucune competences en photographie auparavent et c'etais la premiere fois que je shootais derriere un appareil photo. Ce fut plein de choses a apprendre et gerer, mais j'avais de la creativite a revendre. Etre le maitre de son shooting, laisser libre cours a son imagination fut exeptionelle. Je le referais encore et encore! / This shoot was really intense and interesting. The weather was really warm, and it was one of the craziest things that I've ever done. I was walking around naked in my apartment, looking for new ideas, forms of art, and my roommate ask me tonnes of question about it! I don't have much experience with photography, or shooting. It was such a good feeling to shoot all the parts of my body, and to choose all the positions meant that I could make art that I wanted to do with my body. I recommend this shoot to everybody, your soul is gonna love it!"
"I am the least vulnerable and most comfortable when locked away in my private, quiet nest. I adore the shadow that light creates against the natural curves of the body and so I tend to expose myself in every moment. Appreciating, adoring, and in hopes, influencing. This is me, thick skinned and dancing through this life on a self love cloud."
"There was a point where I felt so sensual and turned on that I did turn off the camera to pleasure myself! I was glad I kept that intimate moment just for me, but I did speak about it afterward. It was really nice after the shoot outdoors to then video myself in the bedroom discussing my concept and my opinions and things that are important to me on camera. It's a nice little window into my life and mind to be able to share with the audience."
"Det har vaeret en kaempe befrielse og laererig oplevelse. Virkelig en oejenaabner i et omfang. Jeg er utrolig selvbevidst og var det bestemt ogsaa i starten af shootet. Men jeg fik lov til at freestyle og havde det saa sjovt med hele selfie delen. Jeg er aldrig noegen paa andre tidspunkter end naar jeg sover - det var saa befriende at vaere noegen foran et kamera og ude under himlen. / This feels like a true liberation of the body. You get to know yourself in a totally different way within seconds. I would call it some kind of a reality check. Life is simple. We are only human. We are meat and blood and we all come from the same place. I was really self aware in the beginning but I got to freestyle and loved the selfie part more than I thought I would. I felt so free, naked under the blue sky."
"I have become a lot more confident after doing the I Shot Myself project, the idea of being creative and sexy at the same time is beautiful and I'm so happy I had the opportunity to do this."
"For my second shoot I decided to take it down a notch and bask in my bedroom! I was playing Massive Attack and some incredible lady ambient tunes to settle into my body and sensuality. I lit some incense and melted into my couch. It felt super peaceful and beautiful to move and shoot these photos, an act of self love and appreciation of not only my body, but the space I had created for myself. The floral and pink vibes certainly made me feel extra lush and the more time that went on, the more I just wanted to keep on going! Such a blissful time out to feel and practice self love!"
"Je ne savais pas comment commencer, et je pense que ca se voit! Et puis j'ai eu envie d'ajouter quelque chose aux photos, quelque chose de poetique meme. Et je me suis souvenue de ce "truc a bulles" que mes amis m'avaient donne a notre derniere fete. J'aime que cela ait ajoute du hasard et de l'aleatoire dans les photos. Elles sont par consequent fondamentalement uniques! / I did not know how to start, and I think it shows! And then I wanted to add something to the photos, something poetic even. And I remembered that "bubble thing" that my friends gave me at our last party. I like that it added some randomness to the photos. They are therefore fundamentally unique!"
"This folio was a lot of fun for me! It’s a flashback to my very first folio I did with ishotmyself titled "hot_and_heavy". When I was taking the "hot_and_heavy" photos I was moving out of my apartment, and with this folio I had just moved back into that same apartment over 2 years later. It’s nice to look back and be in the space where it all started. I’m feeling very inspired these days and I can't wait to create more sexiness. I’ve been feeling kinda amazing lately both inside and out. I cut and dyed my own hair and it feels really good to have a change and be in a creative space. During this shoot I took some video footage as well for an ifeelmyself video diary entry so keep an eye out for that. ;)"
"This shoot for me was all about embodying and embracing my lil' kinks and quirks without judgement. I dolled up and themed it around picking flowers, doing my make up, playing with paints, glitter and baby powder - letting myself play like a child while maintaining my sensuality and fierce confidence that comes with being a woman. There's so much to hand to the weird things that turn us on and being able to acknowledge the oddities our mind deems to be sexy. There are often things I'll see or consider out and things that I think would make for an enjoyable experience. I love props and getting messy, which made for a fun time and a bit to clean up afterwards. Whether it's getting your nips bitten or dressing up like a yeti - everything's valid when it makes you and everyone involved feel good."
Feb 02, 2019 Nio//"SecondFace"
"I made myself a second face out of paper, paint and plastic flowers. I feel safe behind it. And powerful. Safe because you cannot guess what I'm thinking. Powerful because I chose this face for myself. I made the mouth unusable so you can't ask me any questions. The eyes are wide so that I can see everything you do."
"After doing the shoot, I feel much happier with my body at all angles! I had a smaller time frame I wanted to work within and it meant I needed to shed the fear and embarrassment quicker and just enjoy it. I certainly did! The parameters of shooting without a timer and to be totally exposed rather than coy meant it was a focused project and getting creative with how I positioned my body. It helped my get out of the stress of daily life and have a bit of fun! I would definitely do it again, and recommend it to anybody wanting to try something a little daring. Cheers to nakedness, boldness, happiness and sexy sexiness!"