New Releases
Apr 08, 2019
"The one day I could do the shoot was pretty nippy. I was loving being naked in my garden so much, so it wasn't until I was done five hours later that I realised how cold I got. I also got a few scratches here and there from branches, and a mozzie bite on my bum. I also can't believe how difficult it is finding an open space outside where I can frolic around in my birthday suit. There should be more spaces where people can chill out in the nude instead of around your house with the windows closed."
Apr 07, 2019
"At the beginning I was struggling to think about ways to be creative with my photo shoot so much so that it kept me up at night. I didn't want to just do photos in my bedroom, so got out into the front yard. I have a tendency to overthink things a lot and this happened again for the photos, I kept thinking about how they would be perceived, whether they would be acceptable, am I getting enough of a range? Am I being creative enough? Am I not putting enough effort into it? The questions running through my brain were endless!! And this is something I struggle with in my life in general."
Apr 07, 2019
"I did my shoot in the backyard of a little house I am staying in. I'm feeling happy to finally have a room of my own and some privacy! Dorm rooms suck haha, but mostly because my vibrator is too loud. I turned down two dates to stay in and enjoy my privacy! The heat is overwhelming to this wee kiwi, but I love being nude outdoors. The setting, the little shed and the walnut tree inspired me. I tried to climb in and nearly fell, so a few bumps and scrapes later..."
Apr 06, 2019
Guinevere_E & Noah//"bodyandmind_1"
"We had a hilariously fun experience trying to find outdoor locations that we could freely be photographing ourselves nude and having sensual moments. We managed to sneak in a session at a friend's backyard while her mother was at work which ended in painstakingly putting every item in the house back to its rightful place so our friend's extremely conservative mother didn't find out we had been having sex on her lawn furniture and getting handsy with her garden plants. We took a long drive to the country to get some more locations which included crawling through a logging forest and mooing at some very friendly cows, ducking when passing motorcycles, and caravans and sedans full of families driving past. All in all, half the fun was exploring the boundaries of where and when we could do the shoot and being comfortable enough with our friends to drop our drawers on the side of the road and catch a few photos before carrying on with our road trip. I loved the experience and how the emotions of our shoot ranged from loving to sensual to silly to sweet and many places in between."
Apr 06, 2019
Guinevere_E & Noah//"bodyandmind_1"
"We had a hilariously fun experience trying to find outdoor locations that we could freely be photographing ourselves nude and having sensual moments. We managed to sneak in a session at a friend's backyard while her mother was at work which ended in painstakingly putting every item in the house back to its rightful place so our friend's extremely conservative mother didn't find out we had been having sex on her lawn furniture and getting handsy with her garden plants. We took a long drive to the country to get some more locations which included crawling through a logging forest and mooing at some very friendly cows, ducking when passing motorcycles, and caravans and sedans full of families driving past. All in all, half the fun was exploring the boundaries of where and when we could do the shoot and being comfortable enough with our friends to drop our drawers on the side of the road and catch a few photos before carrying on with our road trip. I loved the experience and how the emotions of our shoot ranged from loving to sensual to silly to sweet and many places in between."
Apr 06, 2019
"Oozing girly daydream vibes, satin and pink and fluffy. Right in the zone, having a blast, housemates unwittingly in the next room. Halfway through the shoot they go out for coffee and (of course) a delivery guy turns up at the door! I rushed to throw my clothes on, answered him with smudgy pink all over my face and a white pair of panties ruined by 24-hour stay matte lipstick. A token to remember it all."
Apr 05, 2019
"El comienzo fue un poco mas complicado a la hora de encontrar un espacio intimo y comodo, y tambien el hecho de comenzar con la sesion. A lo largo de la sesion senti mas y mas libertad y comenzo a resultar muy divertido jugar conmigo misma y explorar mi creatividad (los selfies parecen ser muy limitados, pero no lo son!) / In the beginning it was a bit more complicated when it came to finding an intimate and comfortable space, and also the fact of starting the session. Throughout the session I felt more and more freedom and it started to be very fun to play with myself and explore my creativity (the selfies seem to be very limited, but they are not!)."
Apr 04, 2019
"On the day of the shoot I felt so comfortable! I always take cheeky photos of myself so it didn't feel like anything all too different. The only thing that I didn't like was trying to hold the camera on a good angle without losing grip of it or being able to press the button. I'm used to an iPhone for those type of selfies, haha. Apart from that though, I enjoyed taking some pictures outside for a change!"
Apr 03, 2019
"The ritual is repetitive, renewing, and rewarding. Though it might not look like a physically demanding ritual, it can take a lot out of a person (I am after all giving away my energy) so by the end I was completely pooped, if not a little incoherent. I love the process of ritual preparation. As someone who tends to live in their head a lot it's a great way to return to my body and be reminded of why I love it. I hope you love it now too ;)"
Apr 03, 2019
"Ho fatto lo shooting a casa di mio fratello, dove vivo. Sempre con la paura che qualcuno potesse entrare o che i vicini mi potessero vedere, mi sono sentita a tratti timida, sexy, selvaggia, inibita, desinibita, tutto insieme. E' stata un'esperienza grandiosa per il mio IO. Grazie. / I did the shoot at my brother's house, where I live, always scared to be caught by somebody or seen by the neighbours. I felt a mixture of feelings...sometimes I was shy, sexy, savage but regardless it was a great experience for myself. Thank you."
Apr 02, 2019
"I call this shoot "Murphys Law" because all the plans that I had for it fell apart. I was going to go deep into the bush - but the week I had planned to do it got super busy. Or it rained. And then I became sick. So one morning I just got up and decided to have some fun with it in my backyard. I felt very comfortable throughout the shoot, and it didn't feel like I was doing a 'sexy shoot' at all. I felt like I was just hanging out and taking photos, all the while I just happened to be naked."
Apr 01, 2019
"I wanted to get a bit more intimate and stay indoors. The whole shoot took place on my bed, surrounded by things that are my favorite colour GREEN! I had loads of fun with this shoot working with whatever I had in my room that was my favorite colour. I had to redo some shots as my dogs kept on jumping up thinking it was play time, but was only play time for me."
Apr 01, 2019
"I wandered through the bushes with a friend of mine to find the perfect spot, thinking that we were far enough from the path that no one would find us. About half way through the shoot, I hear my friend yelling "people coming!!" I quickly started running back to my pile of clothes (tripping on sticks and rocks along the way). It was enough to give us both a little heart attack."
Mar 31, 2019
"I feel like this shoot is the perfect start to 2019. Going into it with the most open mindset ever, the most liberated ever and the most sexually free ever. Hopefully this year I get to experience new things sexually, continue to be ever so confident and truly just Blossom. Shooting myself felt really exciting. Most of it is taken in my apartment where I feel extremely comfortable but it's also where all the fun stuff happens and at my favorite beach which is always a good place for a cheeky skinny dip."
Mar 30, 2019
"This shoot was a little bit of a mix of everything. I wanted to use some water and see how it worked with the camera and the nature surrounding me. I completed the shoot in my backyard underneath the biggest tree that grew there. I must admit, due to it being such a gusty day, sometimes it got a little difficult to keep my hair under control, as it reaches past my waist. Other than that, as usual I thoroughly enjoyed being myself and being one with nature. Being naked outside, is a euphoric feeling like no other, it takes you right back to the ecstasy of being human and connects you with nature. There is no better feeling. Sometimes it's nice to step back, take a breath and relax into our basic instincts and the nature of life. I hope whoever sees this shoot, enjoys it as much as I did!"