New Releases
Mar 20, 2019 Lana_C//"endofsummer"
"I live in a place with loads of people so I had to go over to my friend's house for this shoot. She was out to begin with but told me her back door was open and I could let myself in. I initially got the house number wrong and ended up in the back garden of a random house, luckily they didn't see me! Once inside there was no one else in so I went into their back garden to shoot, where I was surprised by a random chicken. I'd almost run out of ideas when my friend got back home and was able to give me some fresh poses."
Mar 19, 2019 Stacey_K//"age_of_stace""
"What a fun day! My partner lives overseas so I am no stranger to the camera (long distance is tough). I found it very liberating and exciting to be able to shoot myself how ever I wanted and I never once felt uncomfortable. I absolutely love what this shoot stands for - being completely 100% yourself and using your naked body as a way of expressing freedom. Amazing."
Mar 18, 2019 Piper_A//"fulloflove"
"I put off doing this shoot for so long! Every single week I was waiting for my body to be in pristine condition; I wanted the bruise on my knee to disappear, I wanted the weirdly shaped sunburn/tan lines on my boobs to fade, I wanted my chin pimple to leave my face alone! In the end, my body decided that it was not ready to heal at a reasonable pace so I grabbed the camera and went for it. Sure I was a bruised, sunburnt and pimply lady, but my heart was in exactly the place I needed it to be. I recently moved house - my space and my mind feel fresh as a daisy. This is also my first shoot as an engaged woman - my heart is full of love and I am so ready to share that with you! Enjoy <3"
Mar 18, 2019 Margaux_P//"plaisirenrouge"
"J'adore le rouge a levres. J'en mets chaque matin. Il m'a paru evident de faire mon shooting sur ce theme. D'autant plus que j'adore le rouge, je trouve que c'est une couleur sensuelle et tres sexy. Quand j'etais entrain de faire mon shooting, les voisons sont venus sonner a la porte. J'ai rapidement attrape une serviett, pretendant que je sortais de la douche. La situatiom m'a fait beaucoup rire (je me suis dis : si ils savaient. J'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir a faire ce shooting. J'ai ete surprise de voir a quel point je me sentais a l'aise avec mon corps et l'appareil photo. C'etait une super experience. / I love lipstick, I put some on my face every day. For me it was natural to do this shoot about this subject. I love red, I think it's a sensual and sexy color. When I was doing my shoot, my neighbours rang the doorbell. I quickly took a towel, pretending I was having a shower. It was very funny. I take pleasure in doing this shoot, I was surprised to see how much I was comfortable with my body and the camera. A great experience."
Mar 17, 2019 Lizzy_C//"sunnygirl"
"This shoot was much different from my first, as I decided to do it outside. When I arrived at my friend's house the lighting was much too bright for the pictures, but I found a nice cozy spot in the shade next to a wooden storage hut. Because I was in the shade I felt much much colder than I would have if I had been in the sun. I tried to play with props that I found around me. There was an old fake sunflower someone had previously used in the garden and I had a great time using it. I also brought a mirror on the train to my friend's place all the way from my place on the other side of town, haha."
Mar 17, 2019 Ashleigh_R//"superfan"
"I'm visiting family currently and don't have access to the whole house for shooting purposes, but I also chose my bedroom as I feel our bedrooms are a sanctuary, a safe space for us to catch up on much needed alone time and shut out the worries and distractions of the outside world. I find bedrooms to be a very personal, intimate place, so I wanted to let you all in and share some of that vulnerability and intimacy with you all."
Mar 16, 2019 Tayra//"soundbites"
Making excellent use of a pair of tights and some pink headphones, Tayra returns with another gorgeous shoot. Her obvious ease with herself is undeniably appealing, and we're very grateful that Tayra has allowed us the honour of witnessing her lovely presence. What a bunch of lucky ducks we are.
Mar 15, 2019 Mika_R//"gooddaysunshine"
"I went to a town near me and had a lounge in the sun. It was a beautiful wetland area so I wanted to take advantage of the beautiful scenery and nature that was around me. Because of how hot it was, I went for a swim before I laid around for ages listening to The Beatles in the shade. I haven't felt so free and liberated before."
Mar 14, 2019 Kippy//"death_proof"
"I love the days when my roommates are away and I can walk around the whole house naked! The day I shot most of this ISM was one of those days. I got to chase the sun and simply focus on sharing with the world all the comfort I have in my own skin. I also have a few shots that are scenes from my favorite red couch that now sadly is gone. But I'm glad I got to immortalize it one last time. Enjoy!"
Mar 13, 2019 Bianca_S//"butterscotch"
"I Shot Myself was a really liberating experience. I thought that it was going to take me a while to warm up and get going, but having control over the environment and the camera made things really safe and fun! I really enjoyed focusing on all different body parts and using mirrors, lighting and the camera to show how every part of the body can be sexy and interesting.
Having control of the shoot helped me to realise a bit more about who I saw myself as and who I would like others to see me as. I loved the whole experience!"
Mar 13, 2019 Rowan_G//"star_ostara_1"
"I filmed on Ostara, a pagan holiday celebrating the start of spring. This was the first ritual I've been able to perform since moving into the new place. I've been contemplating Dionysus a lot lately and wouldn't you know Spring is his favourite time of year. So I got out the candles, incense, flowers, and wine to dedicate myself to the god of the vine. I've been having a little trouble in the garden lately so I decided to direct my energies into my soon to be seedlings."
Mar 12, 2019 Morev//"espaceintime"
"J'ai du rester dans la chambre d'une amie pour me photographier et je venais juste de finir mes regles, donc les conditions n'etaient pas ideales, j'aurais adore etre dans la nature, dans une foret ou a la mer, pres d'une riviere ou en haut d'un arbre. Neanmoins j'ai passe un bon moment en me photographiant dans l'espace intime qu'offrait la chambre et j'aimerais recommencer avec plus de confiance, d'idees et d'endroits differents. / I had to stay in a friend's room to shoot myself and I just ended my period, so conditions weren't ideal. I'd have loved to be in nature, in a forest or by the sea, near a river or up a tree. Nonetheless I had a great time shooting myself in the intimate space of the room and would happily do it again with more confidence, ideas and different spaces."
Mar 11, 2019 Allira//"divinefeminine"
"Coming back and doing an ISM shoot is liberating and fun! I love making shapes with my body, the freeing movements, twisting, bending and opening myself up. Being outdoors, naked and moving feels most natural to me and I wanted to play with that concept in my shoot. Creativity with mirrors and angles made this even more interesting for me moving into my shapes, seeing where I could hold my body and how it looked in different positions. It's always interesting to see my face when I'm not expecting the camera to catch it! It's amazing how sexy it made me feel by the end of the shoot - that feminine divine energy was flowing. I had all the best intentions to make it solely yoga poses but it's not as easy as it seems to hold a pose and take a photo at the same time, there were a few tumbles! Haha. The light kept changing through the shoot, it started to rain at one point and I had to hide from the neighbours in the 2 storey house next door - although I'm sure they already saw more than they bargained for on a quiet Wednesday afternoon!!"
Mar 11, 2019 Jenna_B//"adoreeveryatom"
"I wanted as much of my bubbly personality to come out in this shoot, I want people to look at me and think "Wow, she knows how to have fun". So much cat hair! No matter how much I vacuum there will forever be cat hair, so if you look closely there is definitely stray hairs on my body, enjoy! Life is fun when you're naked, it's no use being serious all the time, I used this opportunity to learn about myself in a sexy way but also just a way to accept and adore every atom of my body."
Mar 10, 2019 Charlie_T & Alice_G//"loverslake_2"
Absolute cuties Charlie_T and Alice_G assist each other in the undressing process for part 2 of their watery escapades. Continuing the process of getting dirty before getting clean, these stunning water nymphs make wonderful use of a waterproof camera when they capture some gorgeous images in the jacuzzi.