New Releases
Mar 30, 2019 Abbie_M//"sunlitsmile"
"Initially I struggled getting the lighting right in the dingy dark house I'm currently living in but then discovered the perfect lighting in my housemate's room. I wanted my shoot to be as natural as possible and to be myself. I loved taking pictures outside. It is a communal garden and neighbors have to walk through to use the washing machine, and I do think one guy got an eyeful!"
Mar 29, 2019 Alisha_F//"real_hero"
"Completing this shoot was easy for me, I'm very comfortable showing my physical body but the timing of the shoot was the definition of life getting in the way and didn't turn out the way I had expected. The fragility of the weekend meant the folio was different, maybe more rushed than I wanted, although I'm still proud of what I accomplished in myself. It was interesting trying out something so new and out of the blue, it makes me feel alive and truly human."
Mar 28, 2019 Hanna_Grace//"myfavourites"
"I would have loved to do this shoot outdoors, in the park, on the beach, but it was much too hot! Red and sweaty isn't my favourite look, so I decided to do my shoot with things that ARE my favourite. Can you tell what they are? xx"
Mar 27, 2019 Kippy//"ego_tripping_1"
"I sat on the throne // drinking nectar with allah
I got hot and sent an ice age to europe // to cool my thirst My oldest daughter is nefertiti. the tears from my birth pains created the nile. I am a beautiful woman. I am so perfect so divine so ethereal so surreal // I cannot be comprehended except by my permission." Nikki Giovani
Mar 27, 2019 Hannah_C//"duali_me"
"I did two different shoots for my folio, one showing my glamorous sensuality while the other depicts my natural beauty. The contrast between not only the background environments but my physical appearance shows the two different ends on the spectrum of beauty and how they are both perfectly imperfect in their own way. My folio shows not only to others but to myself too, how I can be erotic and sexy no matter if I'm all glammed up or just fresh out the shower."
Mar 26, 2019 Sary//"le_meraviglie"
"Cerchiamo all'esterno, le meraviglie che portiamo dentro di noi. Bellissima la sensazione di liberta e di accettazione di se stessi dopratutto dei popri difetti o quelli che repunamo tali. / We seek outside, the wonders we carry inside us. The sensation of freedom and acceptance of oneself, especially of the "defective" populations or those that we find as such, is very beautiful."
Mar 25, 2019 Melanie_R//"upcurling"
"I decided to take these photos in my hometown where I grew up, knowing I would feel most comfortable in a place I know well. I had gotten partially naked before in a nearby forest yet the real challenge was getting fully naked and waking up at 6am to catch the golden sun. I ran into a couple of funny experiences whilst taking the photos, several people riding their horses were exploring the forest as I was fully naked and almost saw me, I heard people talking as they were hiking and hid behind or underneath logs/trees just in case they saw me or a pesky ant would crawl too close to my butt. I also experienced being comfortable with my naked body in nature and feeling the sunlight coming through the trees on to my skin. I felt I truly embraced taking photos of myself (even close up) and spent several wonderful hours in nature truly being myself."
Mar 25, 2019 Caroline_P//"saffronsnacks"
"This was my second shoot for ISM and the experience was just as good the second time around. In my car, butt naked, I celebrated my newly orange hair by eating oranges and cheetos. The colours worked super well and also I was quite hungry. I put my bed sheet over my car and taped it down to which my housemates said "What doing?" and I replied "Stuff." Knowing what I was doing the second time around really helped and I felt even more comfortable taking pics of my nether regions than the first time. Everyone get in your car and eat coloured snacks naked, you won't regret it!"
Mar 24, 2019 Valentina_A//"lluvia"
"Hice esta sesion de fotos afuera, porque realmente disfruto mucho pasar mi tiempo al aire libre, estando en contacto con la naturaleza. No tuve el lugar perfecto que hubiera deseado para esta sesion, pero con un poco de creatividad intente mostrar mi conexion, como mujer, con nuestra madre tierra, estando desnuda, libre, en contacto con algunos pedacitos de plantas, permitiendome reir y sentir alegria de estar acostada en el suelo, abrazandome a mi misma y a este mundo en el que vivimos. Me diverti mucho haciendo esta sesion,principalmenteriendome de mi misma, ya que debido al clima en, tuve que interrumpir la sesion varias veces, y salir corriendo adentro de la casa, ya que de golpe comenzo a llover a cantaros! jaja, y luego porque unos amigos llegaron de sorpresa, pero finalmente pude terminarla un poquito mas tarde y estoy contenta con el resultado natural y espontaneo de esta sesion de fotos :) / I did this shoot outside because I enjoy spending time outdoors, and being in contact with nature. I didn't have the perfect spot for it that I would have liked but I got creative and tried to show my connection as a woman with our mother nature, being nude, free, and in contact with some little pieces of plants, being able to laugh and feel joy laying in the ground, embracing myself and this world we live in. I had a lot of fun doing this shoot, mainly laughing at myself because due to the weather, I had to interrupt it several times, as it suddenly started pouring rain and I had to run inside. Then when I got back at it I had to run again because some friends came to the house lol, but finally I was able to finish it a bit later and I'm happy with the natural, spontaneous feel of this shot :)."
Mar 24, 2019 Audrey_C//"everypieceofme"
"So, weird fact...I've always prided myself on what I call my "monkey toes" - I can pick up basically anything with my feet. However, I tried relentlessly to take photos using my feet to assist and I dropped it on my face almost every single time. That's about the only confidence I've lost, realizing my "monkey toes" let me down."
Mar 23, 2019 Sativah//"grouse_femme"
"The theme of this shoot is my favourite colour, YELLOW! I love it cause' it's so bright, bold and happy. It also stands out and makes for unique outfits. I've been really digging 50's/60's erotica lately, from the house wife, submissive vibe to the quirky, young and fun vibe. Sooo lately with my art and my numerous selfies, I've been trying to pay tribute to those grouse femmes. My yellow looks are 60's inspired and I hope my poses could reflect that intention also."
Mar 23, 2019 Sam_B//"say_my_name"
"This was rushed and unorganized like most other things I do... but it was surprisingly fun. My first shoot was at my Grandma's so it was a little awkward and very secretive but I got some of my favourite photos out of it. I went back to my hometown for the rest of the shots and had a lot more privacy. The photos don't look perfect like I wanted, but I had more fun than I'd ever expected."
Mar 22, 2019 Amelie_G//"Mirroring"
"Spiegeln - eine Uebung zum selbstbewusster werden und die effektiefste Methode um lernen sich selbst zu lieben. Waehrend Spiegeln, steht man vor einem Spiegel, schaut sich in die Augen und gibt sich selbst, laut, komplimente, ueber das Aussehen, Staerken, Talente, Sachen die man an einem Selbst mag. Weil ich in meinem Shoot ein paar Spiegel verwendet habe und jedes Foto dass ich von mir gemacht habe eine widerspiegelung von mir selbst ist, dachte ich mir, Spiegeln, waere ein guter Name fuer mein Shoot. Ich betrachte ISM als eine Art Selbst-Therapie. Nicht jeden Tag mache ich fotos von meinem nakten Koerper. Zuerst hatte ich schwierigkeiten meinen nakten Koerper zu Fotografiern, ins besondere mein Vulva. Als ich die ersten paar Fotos angeschaut habe dachte ich mir: Oh Gott, das ist doch nicht heiss! wie kann jemand das sexy finden? es ist so rot und haarig. Das war der Zeitpunkt als ich merkte, dass sich etwas aendern muss, ich muss meine Aengste ueberwaeltigen und die negativen Gedanken loswerden. Wenn ich das was ich nicht mag, verstecke, werde ich es nie loswerden. Also muss ich lernen meine Vulva so zu lieben wie sie ist, mit den eingewachsen Haaren und der Roetung, und ich glaube erst dann werde ich das Problem los. Lernen my Vulva so zu lieben wie sie ist ist ein langer Weg, aberder Weg ist es Wert. ISM hat mir dabi geholfen, diesen weg zu beginnen. / Mirroring - a confidence building exercise and the most effective method for learning to love yourself. During mirroring you stand in front of a mirror, look yourself into the eyes and say nice and positive things about yourself out loud about your appearance, strengths, talents, characteristics. Since I have used a couple of mirrors in my shoot and basically every picture I took is a reflection of myself, I thought this was a suitable name for my shoot. I consider ISM as a type of self therapy, I do not find myself taking pictures of full frontal, bold nudity every day. At first I found it quite difficult taking pictures of my naked vulva for example. I have never taken such images of my body before and when looking at the first couple of pictures I took I thought to myself: I have to delete this, how can anyone find it sexy? It's so hairy and red! That was when I realized I need to overcome my fears and get rid of my negative thoughts. By hiding what I do not like, will not make it go away. So I need to look it in the eye, learn to like the way I look and I am sure the red dots on my vulva will heal. Love yourself and heal. Learning to love my vulva will be a long journey but it will be will worth it. ISM has helped my to begin this journey."
Mar 21, 2019 Molly_B//"bee_balm"
"I was so nervous at the start of the shoot, I felt ugly and awkward. So I put on a rockin playlist of my fave artists and immediately felt a boost of confidence. I moved from my room to my housemate's room and eventually went outside. I was bloody scared that our creepy neighbours would see me so I stayed low to the ground so they couldn't look over the fence and see me. I got leaves and dirt up my bum but I had the biggest smile across my face. I didn't want it to end, so I just kept going and shooting more poses with different props. I mainly focused on bright colours and flowers because I feel like they sum me up as a person. I love everything colour, so I guess that was the theme of my shoot. I absolutely loved the shoot and can't wait to do more Feck things!"
Mar 20, 2019 Nio//"SuburbanCreep_3"
"I am visual artist, albeit a frustrated one because I have a disability," says Nio. The understatement of the century. It's part of Nio's beguilement that she should be so many things at once - stunningly talented and abashedly humble, frankly vulnerable yet swathed in layers of shifting painted mysteries. Nio, if this is you disabled, we reckon in your full power you'd probably destroy the world and spit it out, shaking and screaming, at your perfect feet.