New Releases
Apr 17, 2019
"This high sex drive is exploding... is it normal for this.. high sex drive.. to be so horny? Nympho. Yeah I said it. I'm a nympho. I think about sex, constantly. I wanna touch and be touched. I wanna rush, not so much. Don't you dare tell me to hush. Tonight he's on my mind, as I think soly with the diamond between my thighs..."
Apr 17, 2019
"J'ai pris les photos dans le jardin de ma maison ou' je vis avec 11 personnes, c'e'tait amusant pour avoir un peu d'intimite'. Ce n'e'tait pas si facile de prendre les photos moi-meme sous diffe'rents angles, j'ai du me contorsionner pas mal. Assez rapidement, j'avais le corps plein de poussiere jusqu'a'ce que j'ai la bonne ide'e de mettre un matelas sur le sol. / I took the pictures in the garden of my house where I live with 11 other people so it was hard to have intimacy. It was not so easy sometimes to try different angles and I had to contort myself. Pretty soon, I was covered in dust so I finally had the great idea to put a mattress on the ground."
Apr 16, 2019
"When I was shooting IshotMyself, I found it was difficult to take what we have been taught as typically "flattering" body shots. I was capturing many different angles of my body. I noticed in most shots I had curves/rolls, but I realised this is not a bad thing! Even "skinny/smaller" girls have rolls and cellulite. We have been fed the idea that we need to be perfect (no wobbly bits) but having these curves is a part of being a woman! I'm so happy I got to do this project to reach a higher level of self love and acceptance :) Thank you ISM!"
Apr 15, 2019
"Participating in I Shot Myself made me look at my body from a bunch of new angles. It really opened my eyes and made me smile. I celebrate my body now! It's completely unique, and it got me where I am today. I will continue to make healthy choices and give my body what it deserves. I feel so much more confident and comfortable with my own nudity now. I smile when I think about all the places around the house I've been naked now, letting my nude body leave the safety and security of my room."
Apr 15, 2019
"The sun is out and there's something magic in the air. I start taking photos while I'm alone in my bedroom, but the beautiful weather outside is calling my name. I'm craving the feeling of the warm sun on my skin and the gentle breeze through my hair. Welcoming the well overdue change of season, I congratulate mother earth by drawing my appreciation on my window. But a giant loveheart in pink lipstick on the window doesn't satisfy either of us. Temptation overwhelms me and I eventually climb outside onto my window ledge, completely nude and completely carefree. What would the neighbours think!?"
Apr 14, 2019
Guinevere_E & Noah//"bodyandmind_2"
"This shoot was very interesting because we got to use a number of spaces such as the backyard of a friend's Mum's house, a holiday house and lying in a concrete gutter. I loved being with my partner and getting creative with our bodies, spaces and minds. Also, it was a great connection to be with her and explore our bodies and each other's in order to produce art and love between us. It's also quite an experience to have sex outside in your friend's childhood backyard."
Apr 14, 2019
Guinevere_E & Noah//"bodyandmind_2"
"This shoot was very interesting because we got to use a number of spaces such as the backyard of a friend's Mum's house, a holiday house and lying in a concrete gutter. I loved being with my partner and getting creative with our bodies, spaces and minds. Also, it was a great connection to be with her and explore our bodies and each other's in order to produce art and love between us. It's also quite an experience to have sex outside in your friend's childhood backyard."
Apr 14, 2019
"Welcome to my little current corner of the world, my bedroom, in all its loveliness. I spend a lot of time in here, so I wanted to celebrate how it heals me from the frantic outside world. I absolutely loved the whole process of ISM...from the nerves I felt prior, to the awkwardness of starting the shoot and feeling stiff, to the playfulness that began opening up, to the point where there was nothing else I'd rather be doing with my Saturday morning, and in the end the intense realisation of how insanely beautiful I feel in my own skin!! Doing this shoot gave me the opportunity to see what I 'actually' and 'realistically' look like and not just the way we see ourselves each day in the mirror. It was like taking a journey into your true self with all of the bits and bobs and cuteness you contain!"
Apr 13, 2019
"My best friend was encouraging me the whole way. When we shot at the beach she helped me apply coconut oil to my back as a natural sun deterrent and she said - "I really want to lick you right now!" We had many a laugh as I photographed myself. I loved seeing the light on my body and how even a subtle shift could transform an image and my own sense of self. It was truly transformative."
Apr 13, 2019
"Spending quite some time deciding what theme or medium I would be using for the shoot, I couldn't be happier with using the tape. (Although taking it off at the end I thought otherwise). I had heaps of fun this time and felt way more at ease. I even had a laugh when my housemate and boyfriend came home and saw me naked and covered in tape, as I had literally just finished tying it around my ankles so I almost fell out of my chair trying to run and hide from them. All in all, it was a great experience."
Apr 12, 2019
"At first I had no idea what I was doing. I was nervous and considered giving up but as I kept snapping something did the same in my head and I was having fun! I love seeing my expression and confidence grow throughout the shoot. It was great to be able to see myself from different angles and it reminded me how great and important my body is. I was so engulfed in taking photos that I forgot my cat was in the bedroom with me."
Apr 11, 2019
"I chose to do my photoshoot outdoors by a tree, bench, and blanket because I wanted to challenge myself. I mean, who knows who could walk past me at any moment. Of course, shooting these photos outdoors in England made me very chilly not to mention all of the flying insects interrupting my personal photoshoot. I actually got chased away by a massive wasp flying into my ear, absolutely terrifying."
Apr 10, 2019
"For the second time round of participating in "I Shot myself", I wanted to try something a little different and use tape to manipulate and emphasise certain parts of my body. This is something I've never tried before however I did have some confidence gained from the first I Shot Myself I did. From this I was more willing to get more experimental with angles, lighting and body positions. I had way more fun this time around and I felt like I was more focused on taking the photos than overanalysing what I disliked about my body. A massive step forward for me."
Apr 10, 2019
"I've done a lot of photo shoots, but I've never been both behind the camera and the subject before. I thought that I wouldn't have any difficulty shooting the amount of photos needed but I struggled, I had to think of abnormal poses I wouldn't usually use because they aren't conventionally attractive. I think in a way I was unsure about taking photos that weren't from my best angles and I had to stop myself from deleting photos and just go with it. I put on the playlist I use when I make art and tried to imagine the kind of photos I'd take that I would connect with - not just the kind of photos I'd be envious of if I saw it on my instagram feed. It took me a while to shift my thinking and I didn't expect that."
Apr 09, 2019
"I split my shoot over two days and both were very different in mood and confidence. My first shoot I had a full face of make-up on, shaved and just generally trying too hard. I felt really out my comfort zone and it took me a good few hours to get pictures I felt happy and comfortable with but by the next day I literally rolled out of bed with a bare faced and unbrushed hair with a completely different attitude about the shoot, allowing me to embrace my own skin far more."