New Releases
May 07, 2019
"I have a spare room in my new apartment, it's where I have been drying my laundry and doing my yoga. I had some mirrors lying around so I decided this would be a great location to "shoot myself". It was 37 degrees and my air conditioning wasn't working - this made for a sweaty stretch session! I became more comfortable the more photos I took and I really began to enjoy myself. I felt so confident and sexy that I immediately went to my bed and masturbated. I was laying in my post-cum bliss when I heard a loud bang, I went to the spare room and saw the mirror had crashed onto the floor from the window sill - seven years bad luck!"
May 06, 2019
"This experience was so liberating and creative! I decided to use props to add a bit of color and showcase my inner artist. Despite the water freezing my nipples off, I felt like a sexy mermaid celebrating my true nature. So welcome to my beach goddess shoot and remember to just breathe."
May 05, 2019
"This shoot was super fun and it really pushed me to think creatively, I ended up with a mostly outdoor shoot and I loved it. I love being naked outdoors, as it feels very natural and makes me feel one with nature and it connects with my free spirit. It actually started raining at the start of it so I adjusted and took some pics inside til' it stopped and then finished the rest outside. I got so dirty in my backyard but I didn't care at all."
May 05, 2019
"The second time of shooting myself went much faster and I could feel that I was more confident than the first time. This time I explored my creativity a little bit more and felt really good taking the pictures. Shooting for I shot myself has empowered me and my body more and have reminded me how beautiful our bodies are a piece of art. I would recommend to all women out there to be a part of this experience and to feel comfortable with your own body. You are worth that feeling and to carry the greatest smile while you're showing your body."
May 04, 2019
"During the shoot it was freezing, which made my nipples go small and pointy which in turn made them look prettier in the photos. Learning the tricks of the trade, one by one. I had a lovely view of the city: those iconic yellow and red leanie thingies, and they had a lovely view of me. Not to mention the train, which whenever it passed I had to dive into the tall grass giggling to myself like a child playing hide 'n' seek."
May 04, 2019
"A travers ce projet j'ai decide de juste m'amuser avec moi meme, de decouvrir mon propre corps, j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir a realiser ce projet et je me suis sentie tres a l'aise avec moi meme et ma nudite. Ce projet ma fait realise la beaute de mon corps, malgre quelque complexes j'ai reussi a me lacher et me sentir tres confortable face a la camera en decouvrant des points de vue de mon corps que je ne connaissais meme pas. J'adore l'idee de ce projet car il met en avant la beaute de la femme et la puissance que peut degager une personne qui s'aime elle meme. / Through this project I decided to just enjoy myself, to discover my own body, I took a lot of pleasure to realize this project and I felt very much at ease with myself and my nudity. This project made me realize the beauty of my body, despite some complexes, I managed to let go and feel very comfortable facing the camera by discovering points of view of my body that I did not even know. I love this project because it highlights the beauty of the woman and the power that can release a person who loves herself."
May 03, 2019
"I Shot Myself with some of my most beloved pillows. Some may say I have too many, some may think it's excessive. However, little do they know that the love of soft curves and tantalizing textures in my safe space inspire me to radiate that love right back into the world! Devil's Ivy has most certainly been featured in this shoot. Living in a greenhouse has always been the ideal. The desire to be surrounded in flora and fauna grows inside me every day! Having shared some of my soul with these photographs, I do hope you enjoy!"
May 02, 2019
"I terrified my housemate when crawling on the rooftop in the early morning. Assuming the noise was from an intruder, she woke up another housemate (poor fella, he usually wakes up after noon), and contacted the landlord. I am glad she didn't call the police. Damn, I thought I was as quiet as a cat. That kinda shattered my ninja dream - but we can pretend. Hence the folio name."
May 01, 2019
You lucky audience, you. Wendy is back this week for a little more of her taped-up shenagans, posing and snapping like the ISM adept she's quickly becoming. She's great at shooting herself - but she could use a little more practice with the masking tape. She won't be able to take pictures with her toes if her legs fall off from having their blood supply cut off.
May 01, 2019
"I woke up on the morning of International Women's Day, put on some tunes, made myself a chai latte and took these shots to celebrate my freedom, my body and my sexuality. I was on a solo trip to Melbourne, just cos I could, and staying at an Airbnb in St Kilda. The morning light was so beautiful coming through the big front window - which just so happened to be open to anyone who walked past. A few people copped an eyeful...I hope it was the highlight of their day!"
Apr 30, 2019
"I had to take a break during this shoot as I was confronted by seeing my body in certain angles. It was totally unexpected because I'm used to being nude in front of the camera. It took me a little time to regroup my thoughts and realise that what I was seeing was who I am and that I need to love what I look like. Being able to push through and complete the project and learn something new about myself was such a great reward."
Apr 29, 2019
"Doing the ishotmyself shoot outdoors in a public space was so much fun! The natural lighting was great, the vibrant foliage was a magnificent backdrop and who doesn't want to hear birds chirping as they photograph their nude body. There were a few moments when dog walkers would pass by and I would have to quickly duck further behind the bushes I was shooting behind, which honestly only added to the adrenaline of the shoot. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat!"
Apr 29, 2019
"I did my shoot on a boiling hot day so I thought I'd be safe outside without many people around but I was so wrong! I went to some wetlands and realised everybody in Melbourne was rowing down the river that day! I caught many men having a sneaky look hehe. I did this shoot with my beautiful best friend sitting nearby to chat to me and we made it such a gorgeous day picnicking in the sun! I felt so dirty but happy in nature!"
Apr 28, 2019
"Having taken my previous ISM indoors, I wanted to see if Mother Nature would acquiesce to my bare arse on her beach. I'd heard rumours there was once a nudist spot so decided to make camp amongst the dunes, hoping to snap a few pictures before any beachcombers got too curious. Slowly undressing from clothes to bikini felt like a tease, and then finally plucking up the courage to strip - getting sand in all the right places - was an interesting sensation. Naked playtime amongst the waves was definitely a bonus!"
Apr 28, 2019
"I did the shoot over a number of days as a way to show me and my life. I wanted my folio to depict me in my everyday state and the most familiar places to me, my apartment, my family home and garden. It was important to incorporate some of my favorite things; maths, nature, Dungeons and Dragons, and my Nintendo 64, to really show how natural being naked is and how comfortable it can be. I had an amazing time shooting in my family garden. It's so beautiful, I wish I had more time to take shots there. This was a great chance show off my fancy panties, and not so fancy alike."