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"I had more than a few people walk past and look up at my balcony. Lucky them, they got to see this shoot in the making. The first few people I felt weird about and I thought - "I wonder what they are thinking, seeing a girl on her balcony taking so many fully nude pictures of herself" but then I just found it hilarious! If the shoe was on the other foot I would love to walk past someone in the middle of them shooting themselves!"
"I went on a wee road trip into the rolling hills, and was immediately drawn to the colourful autumn tones of the trees. Their leaves were falling all around me and it was here I decided to be at one with mother nature, in the unseasonally warm sunny weather, making a little nest for myself to unravel my desires."
Jun 15, 2019 Evestaar//"wax_tracks"
"This is my fourth "I shot myself" shoot, and I really wanted to do something different and show another side of myself. I incorporated my love for wax play and other forms of BDSM. The BDSM community has been an integral part of my mental health recovery journey, showing the different ways that my body can be used, different sensations, and assisted in the feeling that my body belongs to me. My body is infinitely mine, and that is beautiful."
"I went to my bedroom during the middle of the day when I knew all of my housemates were at work. I put on my Independent Woman playlist that contains music ranging from Aretha Franklin's 'Respect' to Ariana Grande's 'Dangerous Woman'. I felt empowered taking part in this shoot, I was in control of the camera and how the photos portrayed my body. To my surprise I felt most confident taking photos when I fully naked in comparison to wearing my underwear."
Jun 14, 2019 Susie_L//"winterberry"
"While I was sitting in my overgrown greenhouse, with my cat and dog, surrounded by mirrors, legs spread, I thought - "I hope none of my neighbours can see me right now" but then I reminded myself that I was shooting myself FOR MYSELF! No one can get in the way of that. The body is natural, my dog and my cat didn't start staring at me, sexualising me, because they were also naked, naturally. If we had fur do you reckon everyone would be chill with being naked?"
"Pour le shooting au debut je n etais pas tres a l aise par rapport a mes complexes mais apres ca allait mieux. j ai supprime queques photos ou je me trouvais vraiment pas jolie. apres plusieurs photos j ai commence a me trouver jolie. cela ma fait prendre un petit peu plus confiance en moi. / At the beginning of shooting myself I was not very comfortable because of my complexes but after that it was better. I deleted some pictures that I thought were not pretty. After several pictures though I started to find myself pretty. It makes me have a little more confidence in myself."
That's one lucky roommate, getting the likes of Kaye jumping on their bed. And lucky us, too - enjoying the great views and plentifully bouncy footage. If you're curious how Kaye maintains that glorious bod she's rocking, wonder no further. Follow along with Kaye's daily workout and maybe you too, shall become as buff as she. Bro.
"At the beginning of taking my photos, I felt really awkward and shy, but as soon as I got into the swing of things, I really enjoyed myself and how freeing it was. I really liked all the different angles I was taking and close ups, especially of my nipples. This is because I have inverted nipples and I know that they are surprisingly not as common or as seen throughout erotica. I want to empower others who do have inverted nipples throughout this folio."
"I think there's a fundamental issue most of us have of being overly critical of ourselves, looking at our photos with a certain level of negative judgment rather than positive. Once I let go of viewing my photos right after I took each one, I put on some music, and I then listened to some stand-up comedy and just started snapping shots of myself. It was so much more fun and I started to appreciate my body and feel sexy and strong and happy."
"Since completing my folio, I've had many conversations about positive, raw erotica with family and friends and I truly believe these small seeds will grow into a better mindset and image around porn, and naked bodies in general. It took three shoots to be content with the photographs that were taken, and every experience I honestly learnt about new parts of my body: Stretch marks, scars, freckles, moles. I'm very much looking forward to future projects."
Jun 10, 2019 Jazzy//"skullcandy"
That dauntless darling called Jazzy returns with another incredible folio, reiterating her penchant for lost art photography. Be it a Barbie doll, test tube, speculum, or chain - Jazzy always finds a way to push the boundaries of erotica. And with all this delicate bone, her bad bitch boots and eyelashes out to there, today's shoot is no exception. After this we'll never be able to look at birds quite the same way again. We suspect that's exactly what Jazzy was hoping would happen.
Jun 09, 2019 Nadia_P//"winsome_one"
"My boyfriend did walk in when I was bent over, ass in the air with the camera underneath me! We had a good old laugh and he left me to continue the shoot. I wanted to be outside in some of the pictures but just didn't have an area around me where I felt it was acceptable for me to strip down to my birthday suit but I had a lot of fun in my room doing the shoot! Note to self: buy a mirror so I can get better angles next time! Thanks ishotmyself, you made my nerves go away instantly and I felt really good the whole time I was taking the pictures."
"This shoot was done in the backyard of my home. It's a bit of a quirky house that has lots of interesting things and textures which made it the perfect place for the shoot in my opinion. Halfway through my shoot one of my housemates came home, she decided to get naked in solidarity with me and we ended up just chatting and hanging out in the garden for the rest of the day. I am really lucky to live in a house where people are so open with nakedness and sexuality, it made the whole process super relaxing and carefree. This shoot was really fun and made me feel really body positive. It's nice when you look in the mirror and actually think you look like a bit of a babe!"
"As this was my third shoot I thought it would be easier than the previous ones I had done, but boy was I wrong. I live in a sharehouse so I was bound to my bedroom after one close encounter when I was about to undress and take photographs in the kitchen but then I heard someone come out of their room so I ran to the bathroom. What I also noticed this time around is that these photos and videos I have taken part in has been almost a documentation of my body, weight loss and weight gain, fluctuation. Something I have struggled with, learning to accept that this is just the way I am, and eventually celebrating it. Every day my appearance changes and that's not just okay, it's beautiful and ISM helps me realise that."
"This shoot was so much fun, at first I struggled finding more positions but I soon got the hang of it and ideas flowed. The process was empowering as I took photos of angles that I usually don't like about myself but I saw them in an entirely different light. I felt strong and beautiful and I now want to do more things like this in the future."