New Releases
Jul 14, 2019 Talia_B//"eclaircie"
"J'ai fait le tour de ma maison pour trouver de l'inspiration et des objets a'utiliser lors du shooting. Heureusement, nous avons plein de mirroirs et ils se sont re've'le's mes meilleurs allie's. Re'aliser le shooting dans le jardin e'tait super pour la luminosite mais moins pour l'intimite'. Malgre le fait que j'ai pre'venu le maximum de mes collocs, au moins trois personnes m'ont surprises lorsque je prenais les photos et e'taient entre la confusion et la surprise. Malgre cela, c'e'tait une bonne experience. / I tried to have a look around my house and took all I can find to use it for the shoot. Fortunately we have a lots of mirrors and for me it was the best accessory ever for this shoot. Doing it in the garden was nice for the light but for the privacy not so much. Despite the fact that I tried to talk about it to the maximum of my roommates, at least three people surprised me taking the pictures and were in a state between confused and sorry. It was still a good experience."
Jul 14, 2019 Isla_S//"ile_de_lace"
"I used this shoot as another artistic avenue, another way to express my body exactly how it is and not idealised in any form. I want this to encourage other women to get as excited and liberated as I felt."
Jul 13, 2019 Skyyla//"rustle_and_fade"
"Getting back to nature the best way possible. Confident, naked and unafraid. Soft, warm sun lingering on my skin and the breeze tickling the hairs over my body. I can hear leaves rustling and the birds in the trees and I feel at home. Caught up in my own world with not a thought of getting back to reality anytime soon. Let me lay here and play in the grass as the light dances on my skin. I feel peaceful and playful capturing sweet moments in time. I'm getting as close to mother nature as possible!"
Jul 13, 2019 Mlak//"quat_jahmeela"
"Doing Ishotmyself was the most exciting and beautiful thing I have done so far. Taking my own pictures naked alone, made me feel so powerful and free. The more I took pictures of myself the more I got excited to take more. I felt confident in my own skin and I loved it. It made me feel that I wanted to make love to myself and I did. I still don't know why but afterwards I thought of my mother, I felt connected to her and connected to all women."
Jul 12, 2019 Maddy_C//"rainshine"
"On the morning of the shoot, I decided not to wear any makeup. I got out of bed, washed my face and was ready to go. I didn't even brush my hair! This was totally liberating for me. Halfway through the shoot, the wind blew my mirror over and it smashed. It also started to rain. I continued shooting anyway, because the smashed glass actually gave the shots a really cool vibe. My favourite thing about shooting for I Shot Myself was the freedom I had to practice weird and unflattering poses I would normally NEVER do. I just let myself be completely free, didn't try to hide lumps and bumps or my tummy. I could've spent all day taking these photos! I would do this shoot again and again, it was great fun and left me feeling great about myself."
Jul 11, 2019 Maja_S//"Korpergefuhl"
"Das shooting hat Spaß gemacht. Ich habe es in einem abgelegenen Haus gemacht und kam auf die Idee Gegenstände wie zum Beispiel einen Spiegel oder Pflanzen mit einzubeziehen. Es gab mir ein anderes Körpergefühl meinen Körper aus Winkeln zu sehen aus denen ich ihn noch nie gesehen habe. Am Anfang ist es vielleicht etwas merkwürdig aber je mehr Bilder man macht desto mehr Spaß hat man am Ende daran und desto mehr lernt man auch seinen Körper lieben. / The shoot was fun. I did it in a secluded house and came up with the idea to include objects such as a mirror and plants. It gave me another body sensation to see my body from angles I've never seen before. In the beginning it was a bit strange, but the more pictures you take, the more fun you have in the end and the more you learn to love your body."
Jul 10, 2019 Jenna_B//"gottabekind_2"
"I gotta say... life is boring without a lil' bit of nakey love. And music. Take care of your beautiful body, she does so much for you. Love your rolls and help other people love themselves too. Imma stop being inspirational now haha, but really, what is life without loving yourself?"
Jul 10, 2019 Heidi_D//"irrepressible"
"I've obviously taken photos before for previous partners etc and I thought this was going to be the same but this was different. When taking photos in the past I've always tried to look sexy. I've been sucking my tummy in, sitting in particular angles to make sure I appear to have no "fat", and making sure my boobs look perky rather than letting them hang in their natural state. It's so stressful trying to look "perfect" and what you think is attractive to the other person. With this shoot I was able to be completely myself. I didn't have to hide anything. I was acting like a fool, making faces, being silly, singing along to the music and taking photos of parts of my body I had always thought weren't up to standard. We are all beautiful. I am beautiful. I am me and this is me!!"
Jul 09, 2019 Anggun//"ngadem"
"Memiliki kamera untuk memotret setiap bagian tubuh saya untuk orang asing adalah salah satu hal paling menantang yang pernah saya lakukan. Yang menantang saya untuk syuting adalah bagaimana menjadi kreatif dengan semua yang saya miliki di kamar saya dan berharap setiap menit teman serumah saya (yang kebanyakan adalah laki-laki) tidak masuk ke kamar saya. Setelah saya mencoba untuk menjadi kreatif dengan semua yang saya miliki di kamar saya sendiri, tanaman pot besar saya jatuh sehingga tanah ada di mana-mana dan kamar saya berantakan. Tapi saya senang saya melakukan pemotretan dan bersenang-senang dengannya. / Having a camera to shoot every single part of my body for strangers is one of the most challenging things I have ever done. What challenged me for the shoot is how to be creative with everything that I have in my room and hoping every single minute that my housemates (which mostly are guys) didn't come in to my room. After I tried to be creative with everything I have in my own room, my big pot plant fell down so the soil was everywhere and my room was a mess. But I am glad that I did the shoot and had fun with it."
Jul 08, 2019 Phoebe_L//"jurassic_sex"
"This recent shoot was inspired by components of my different personalities, like the seasons all collaborating to form one single thing. I aimed to showcase an element of creativity mashed with natural, raw vulnerability. The setting of this shoot was in my house and backyard in Melbourne, at the beginning of winter. Grey skies contrast vibrant red and brown hues of fallen leaves. This project was an exploration of myself in the most pure form. I hope you enjoy!"
Jul 08, 2019 Angela_C//"dont_delete"
"I am well practiced in the taking of the phone "selfie" but I often delete these and rarely do I show another person. In the process of taking the photos for the project I was able to develop a new appreciation of my body and realise its potential as a powerful form of self expression. My favourite part was sneaking out onto the balcony in the early morning chill to take shots. The risk of being seen by people out on the street elicited a feeling of excitement and freedom. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and feel empowered as a result of it."
Jul 07, 2019 Lyndel//"biomechanics"
"For this shoot, I was staying with a friend living in an old joinery warehouse and was inspired by the eclectic pieces he had lying around, such as the retro scooter. Even more fun was creating the suspended elastic net/swing we got to play with. It was my first time experimenting with studio lighting but I hope we pulled off an interesting shoot! I again felt so comfortable, capturing all of my curves, bumps and angles. I fully embraced an entirely unshaven body this time. I love seeing my personal growth through each contribution to ISM!"
Jul 07, 2019 Shante//"kuuki_o_yomu"
"My rules for the shoot was to first take a shower, and shoot till my hair gets completely dry. Why? Because to me it represents the ever changing nature one's look (body, hair, or face), self-acceptance of every stage of the changes, and waiting for my hair to dry is usually not a fun time. My most natural self comes out when I'm in nature. But I wanted to do the photo shoot in the comfort and safety of indoors, so I incorporated lots of plants!"
Jul 06, 2019 Taylah_M//"crimsonwave"
"I had a lot of fun creating this folio. My folio shows photos of me ranging from from a face full of makeup to feeling down and just rolling out of bed with no makeup and bed hair. I decided to take photos of myself from the most obscure angles while holding obscure random objects. The hardest part of this project was trying to hide in my backyard away from my male roommates to take pics."
Jul 06, 2019 Sativah//"lonesome"
"This shoot follows the themes of my last shoots which also occurred in new bedrooms (I've moved around too much recently). I like doing these shoots in my new bedrooms because I take care to decorate each room in a new way that's still true to me. This shoot was definitely the most interesting I've done so far because my body has changed a lot recently and I had to find the balance between feeling hot as I do in my body and performing for the online audience. The shoot started off and I was a bit self conscious trying to look how I usually do in these shoots but soon enough I realised I've just gotta let myself feel hot the way I do when I'm by my lonesome."