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"I shot Black Leather when I was in Melbourne while I was photographing a bunch of other beautiful people in a stunning apartment with lots of mirrors and soft light! They all cheered me on in the background while we had some drinks, and a couple of dudes on a balcony across the road were watching in too. It was really interesting shooting myself and it was really challenging too. I love how my shoot turned out, how it pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me explore with angles, light and reflection."
"I recently moved apartments and I have a lovely, petite room with an open, double window which creates the most sweet, joyous light. Waking up in the morning is a dream, and for the last four days I have immediately reached for my camera and starting clicking photos of myself just waking up, as the light is prime. It's a beautiful feeling taking pretty, wholesome photos of your naked body in such a warm environment. This take of ISM just felt like something fun that would happen in my spare time."
"Ich hatte heute riesen Spass in meiner Kueche. Ich habe meine Brueste und Vagina mit bunten Zuckerkuegelchen bestreut und los ging das shooten. Ich habe mich total wohl und gut gefuehlt. Jede Frau sollte sich und Ihren Koerper akzeptieren und lieben. Auch ich habe Dehnungsstreifen, welche auf den Fotos ersichtlich sind. Das ist etwas menschliches und nichts verwerfliches. Selbstliebe an jede Frau da draussen. / I had a lot of fun in my kitchen today. I sprinkled my breasts and vagina with colorful sugar kisses and started shooting. I felt totally well and good. Every woman should accept and love herself and her body. Also, I have stretch marks, which are visible in the photos. This is something human and nothing reprehensible. Self-love to every woman out there."
"In the beginning I found this project hard as I lack confidence in my body. But the more I dove into it, the more I fell in love with my own body. It was such an experience and something I think most women should be involved in. It's such a form of self expression and the more involved in the shoot I got, the more I actually could see the beauty in myself. I shot this at home, all over the house, which was liberating in itself. It was interesting to be able to have such freedom."
"Hey, it's Ripley here, I hope you enjoyed watching my videos as much as I enjoyed making them! I've always thought I had pretty good comedy chops, I have done stand up comedy and improv shows in the past, but this was a chance for me to really test it out by running my own show! I was given a topic that I actually don't know that much about - history - and what started as a fun, sexy, educational history cable show very quickly devolved into the disturbing expose of a host being made to dance against her will and whose sanity is sliping through her fingers. It became less about the history and more about the comedy; me feeling out the boundaries of my own sense of humour and how to toe the line between dark and entertaining."
"Als ich versucht habe die ersten shoots zu machen, hat mich ein fremder dabei erwischt und das witzige daran war das er sich unwohler gefuehlt hat als ich. Da wurde mir wieder bewusst wie unwohl sich die Leute mit Nackheit fuehlen oder anderen Leuten die Nackt sind. / When I was trying to do the first shots a stranger saw me and the funny thing waas that he felt more uncomfortable than me. It made me realize how many people don't feel comfortable with other nude bodies."
"Due to the harsh nature of the environment I am unavoidably exposed to, this shoot was very challenging for me. I am constantly moving around so I need to find and use my body as a home, a temple, something I can have constant peace of mind with. I view my body as a canvas, a piece of art I take anywhere and everywhere. This shoot helped my find myself, as cheesy as that sounds. Mid-shoot I got a large stomach tattoo, this alone actually boosted my confidence, I think it is evident in my photos."
"I was so excited to do this shoot, however when I began to do it I found it was even more fun than I was expecting. Constraints around finding a time and place were difficult, but I loved the challenge as it made me think creatively and try things I might not have thought of."
"I found the shoot a lot more challenging than I originally thought. Trying to find the right lighting and also being creative, using different spaces and positions. I put on some funky music to get me excited and danced around the house taking photos. I saw myself through completely different eyes. The camera gets you in such a different way to how you see yourself in the mirror. It was liberating and a learning experience. We are all such beautiful beings and so different, there is not another body like yours!"
"Avez-vous déjà regardé Breaking Bad? C'est l'une de mes séries préférées donc quand j'ai trouvé cette incroyable combinaison jaune et ces immenses bottes en plastique (oui, je pouvais mettre mes deux pieds dans une seule!) je me suis dit qu'il fallait que je les essaye. Et j'ai commencé à prendre des photos. Et j'ai commencé à me déshabiller. Et vous connaissez le reste! C'était une si belle journée pour prendre des photos, et puis j'adore ces hautes herbes sèches. Et pour ceux qui connaissent Breaking Bad, j'imagine que c'était un bon endroit pour prendre mes photos! Bienvenue dans votre nouvelle série: Bushing Bad! / Have you ever watched Breaking Bad? That's one of my favourite TV show ever so when I found that crazy yellow suit, with those huge rubber boots (I could have put my two feet in one!) I thought I had to try them on. And I started to take pictures. And I started to get naked. And you know the rest! Such an awesome day to take pictures, and I love high dry grass. And for those who know Breaking Bad, I guess it was a good place to take my pictures! Welcome to your new TV show: Bushing Bad!"
"This shoot was empowering and liberating. I had such a fun time playing around in my house with different reflections and positions. I explored my body from different angles and fell in love with the beauty of my body and self as well as finding a new appreciation for photographers. Photography (as fun as it was) definitely requires experience and practice to find the right lighting and angles but this has inspired me to take more photos of myself and the life that surrounds. I do have to say I gave my neighbour across the road quite a show laying naked in clear view, I was so distracted with admiring my body he must have been standing there for a while. Hopefully I made his day."
"It's early spring and I'm on holiday, visiting my Aunt who lives out in the middle of the country. On a lazy Sunday I decided to go exploring around her huge property. I found this beautiful patch of fresh buttercups and I couldn't resist getting undressed amongst the flowers and trees. Being naked outdoors is SO much fun! Embracing the sun's rejuvenating energy I felt even more connected to the exquisite powers of beautiful mother earth!"
Jul 27, 2019 Violet_J//"hygge"
"I would say to anyone thinking of doing the shoot to go for it! I had a lot of fun and I was very pleased with the outcome! Don't ever be ashamed or embarrassed of your body, you are beautiful! Stay sexy! xox"
"The day I took these photos it was a super cold and grey day. The first few photos I took felt awkward and I started to doubt myself, but then I took a few more and my confidence started to grow and by the time the sun had come out I was having so much fun and was even turned on. I took the photos in my bedroom and in my bathroom, a place that for me represents self care, which is what this project was for me, a complete act of self love. I ended up taking over 200 photos and could have taken more, it was such positive experience that gave me so much confidence in my body and in myself."
"Ich habe die Bilder gemacht als ich bei Freunden zu Besuch war, also musste ich einen Zeitpunkt finden zu dem ich alleine im Haus war, da ich nicht wollte, dass sie von dem Shoot erfahren. Das hat die Erfahrung sehr aufregend gemacht. Ausserdem war es arschkalt im Haus als ich die Bilder gemacht habe, aber ich wusste ich musste es durchziehen, weil ich keine andere Moeglichkeit bekommen wuerde. / I was staying at a friend's place while I was shooting myself, so I had to find an opportunity when they weren't home to do the shoot, because I didn't want them to know I was doing it. It made it really fun and exciting. Also it was super cold in the house while I was shooting, but I knew I had to do it now, because I wouldn't get another opportunity."