New Releases
Oct 12, 2019
"I was a bit unsure about doing this project at first but found it so empowering once I got started! It was hilarious because I was stark naked and looking down on my window and I saw a man looking up at me pretty shocked and confused, it was pretty funny and I felt super naughty! I think it's great for females to explore their sexuality and feel sexy in their skin no matter how they look. It's a really beautiful project and I loved exploring every inch of my body! I felt this was not only a positive experience physically but also mentally, as the confidence I felt was awesome and really made me feel feminine!"
Oct 11, 2019
"Taking these pictures was definitely more of a challenge than I first thought because you need to be a bit creative with angles and mirrors. I live with other people so my bedroom was the only safe area to do the shoot. I actually trimmed the tree outside my room so I could get a bit more light in! My window is also visible from the kitchen so I was a little paranoid but it was all good in the end."
Oct 10, 2019
"Starting these photos I felt very nervous, because the only window that lets in natural light over looks a highway and petrol station, and it's on the first floor, meaning I couldn't stand to get other props! I had to crawl a lot and make sure my dressing gown was close by. At one point I forgot what I was doing and took my robe off as I was bending down. Awkward! So glad my neighbours weren't walking past at that point! In the end I felt very happy with the photos, relaxed and surprised about how many selfies I could take! I'm also quite grumpy with my cats for whinging the entire time and trying to jump on me."
Oct 09, 2019
"I did this shoot in the late afternoon sun, upstairs in the living room. The air was warm and the atmosphere heady. I chose to shoot at this time because I love how the sun has warmed up the room, making it feel cosy, warm and safe. I felt relaxed whilst shooting, I enjoyed playing with the light and different angles. I chose to include daisies as part of my shoot as I love the idea of bringing nature inside to blur the edges between the natural and the constructed world."
Oct 09, 2019
"I love talking as it is, and I love to frolic about with no clothes on so this video came very naturally. Maybe I will make a habit of documenting my nude adventures from now on. I very much enjoyed connecting with the camera and talking about my shoot as it went on. I hope this inspires others to get out there and shoot themselves too!"
Oct 08, 2019
"Not one, but both of my hands sustained injuries during my shoot time; both making food and beverages. I had to awkwardly contort myself in almost every photo to compensate for my fingers being bandaged to reach the shutter button (my toes probably did more of the work). I also hadn't scoped out how visible my courtyard was from the footpath on a relatively well trafficked street, I kinda just ran outside naked in the moment until I realised if someone were to walk by, they'd be copping an eyeful of nipples and booty. If I was seen, the on-lookers were very polite! All that being said, in a few minutes in found myself in such bliss I didn't even notice how cold it was in the middle of winter."
Oct 07, 2019
"Take 2! I have returned to ISM's warm embrace for yet another nudie adventure and a bit of self exploration. This shoot for me is so different to the last. While both were authentic representations of myself and the liberation of my sexuality - I feel that this time round was a much freer experience. Being in my natural habitat - the beach! I felt relaxed, playful and a bit like a mermaid or an obscure sea creature. I had sand, the calm sea, some gorgeous friends and even a stranger there to encourage me on the journey. I feel so incredibly comfortable in my skin and my mind and being naked always makes me feel like I'm in my purest and most honest form."
Oct 07, 2019
"J'ai surtout fait ISM en me reveillant (je dors nue) car je voulais capturer ce moment ou je me sens le plus confortable avec mon corps. Certaines photos ont ete prises deux secondes apres mon reveil! C'est peut-etre les photos de moi les plus honnetes qui existent... / I mostly did ISM upon waking up (I sleep naked) because I wanted to capture this moment I feel the most comfortable with my body. Some photos were taken just two seconds after I woke up! These are maybe the most honest photos of me ever taken..."
Oct 06, 2019
"When I was a little girl, I always felt so light. Overwhelmed by ascending feeling, an urge to climb up and up until I reach the sky. Now my body is heavier, my heart steadier. But sometimes I still felt the balloons inside me, trying to squeeze out my body, lift me up to Laputa. So I let it. The wind was so strong that day. My hands gripped tight, yet I wish I could be carried away by the wind. Floating nudeness."
Oct 06, 2019
"I was really excited to be part of a project that embraces female sexuality and the diversity of all women, that encourages the notion that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and that sexuality is subjective and can exist outside the standardized Hollywood notion of what a "sexy" woman is. Doing the shoot was so fun and felt great! It was cool to just let go of any insecurities I had and just really enjoy my body and relax into it and just have fun with it. As I took more pictures I could feel my confidence grow and by the end I was rolling around just enjoying my own sexuality."
Oct 05, 2019
"I did this shoot at my sister's house. She has a two story townhouse, so I had a few different places to take photos. I couldn't get as many outdoor shoots as I'd like due to the uncomfortable gravel and also it was about to start raining. I felt more at ease this time around, it was lovely being naked for a few hours and taking whatever photos of my body that I felt like. If my sister knew I was walking around naked in her house she would kill me, haha."
Oct 05, 2019
"My life post-surgery has been complex, but I feel more grateful than ever for my life, my health, and my body. I am a proud ‘ostomate’ (a person with an ostomy), and this shoot was dreamt up as a way to de-beau the new changes in my body and show the world that nothing can stop me from achieving greatness."
Oct 04, 2019
"When I first turned on the camera I wasn't feeling confident with my body. I played around with different angles to capture the best of my body but I was unsatisfied. I remembered what the ISM girls spoke about, such as creativity, and to just enjoy myself. The next morning I woke up and was inspired by a branch of Acacia in my room. Playing with the colours of the flowers and the softness, I worked with the soft shape of my figure. The night prior I had incredible, passionate sex for the first time in a while. Feeling confident and free, I was able to fully immerse myself in this project. I really appreciate the opportunity I've been given. Thank you :)"
Oct 03, 2019
"Para esta sesion de fotos, queria preparar algo especial con un color que resaltara mi piel y personalidad, por esta razon escogi el amarillo. Tambien compre unas pinzas pues me gusta como se siente y sabia que me haria sentir mas sexy con el sentimiento de erotica emanando de mi que queria emitir. Decidi hacer la sesion un domingo en la manana ya que es mi dia de descanso y relajacion. Ahora que tengo 30, puedo decir que es el momento en que me he sentido mas comodo y confiada conmigo misma. / For this photo shoot I wanted to prepare something special with a color I really liked and that went well with my skin and personality, this is why I chose yellow. I also bought nipple clamps since I like the feeling and knew it would make me feel sexier with the erotica feeling flowing out of me. I decided to do it on a Sunday morning since that is my relaxing day. Now that I'm 30, I can say this is the time when I've felt the most comfortable with myself."
Oct 02, 2019
"I struggled a little bit with the lighting as it was quite a sunny day, but actually I loved the way the leaves created shadows on my body. I tried getting as many angles as possible when filming on my own, but what I loved was having my friend film me whilst planting and playing in the garden. The conversations we were having during filming were really healing, as the topics reminded me why I love plants so much and why being outside is such a special feeling, as it reminds me so much of being little. Next time there's a chance to do a project for ISM, I'm not even going to second guess it as they always fill me with joy and liberate me."