New Releases
Oct 31, 2019
"I like my body both naked and clothed. My tattoos are little adornments that I feel break up the even white of my skin. I've recently gone through a large weight-loss, but I cannot say that I have ever been afraid to show my naked body before and after. It is powerful, strong and consistent. I love when other people appreciate my body, whether in a sensual way or an offhand compliment. I love sharing, and sharing my body brings me joy."
Oct 30, 2019
"The freedom of being able to leave the camera in a spot and just mess around and be my weirdo self was awesome. It's almost confronting to watch myself doing such mundane everyday things and be able to see a new perspective of myself."
Oct 30, 2019
"I was trying to get a good angle, fell off the couch and nearly landed on Jojo the cat who was not happy with me the rest of the day so I had to heavily coax him into coming to cuddle with me again. The photo shoot was super fun, I liked seeing myself from different angles and looking at the photos. It has given me great joy."
Oct 29, 2019
"We had this pile of dry leaves in our front yard, so it gave me an idea to do some shots there. Although the yard is surrounded by walls, you can't lock the gate. So I put the chair in front of it in case someone came, so I can just jump up and cover myself. I've spent maybe 30 minutes there, having a lot of fun when I realized an old lady was watching me through the window of the higher building next door. I was done immediately after that, but maybe she should try "I shot myself" too."
Oct 28, 2019
"This shoot was heaps of fun. It was a pretty hot day and I was thinking about being back at the beach, enjoying my fading bikini tan lines. I was enjoying myself and my own sexuality as well as thinking of my current lover. I had a few little bruises on my body left from rough sex which I love to carry around with me, they're small and subtle but I hope some of them came through in the shoot."
Oct 27, 2019
"Das shooting hat Spaß gemacht. Ich habe es in einem abgelegenen Haus gemacht und kam auf die Idee Gegenstände wie zum Beispiel einen Spiegel oder Pflanzen mit einzubeziehen. Es gab mir ein anderes Körpergefühl meinen Körper aus Winkeln zu sehen aus denen ich ihn noch nie gesehen habe. Am Anfang ist es vielleicht etwas merkwürdig aber je mehr Bilder man macht desto mehr Spaß hat man am Ende daran und desto mehr lernt man auch seinen Körper lieben. / The shoot was fun. I did it in a secluded house and came up with the idea to include objects such as a mirror or plants. It gave me another body sensation to see my body out of angles I've never seen before. At the beginning it might be a bit strange but the more pictures you take, the more fun you have in the end and the more you learn to love your body."
Oct 27, 2019
"I had so much fun doing this shoot, I really enjoyed taking my clothes off and gallivanting around my garden naked! I have two dogs and two cats that are massive attention seekers and massive sops, so I found it extremely hard to get some time alone! But I really loved taking a few pictures with them and getting them involved. The pets and I really do come as a package deal in all aspects in my life!"
Oct 26, 2019
"I had so much fun with this shoot. I enjoyed exploring myself, spirit through body, and body through spirit! I shot these photos in my Mum's room! Haha! I asked her to evacuate for the day, she thought it was funny. I made myself a big cup of tea (black tea, 2 sugars and almond milk) and spent the morning seeing how many weird ways I could bend MY body. I was SO cold, early morning Melbourne winter. But even that was fun and kind of exhilarating, plus, the cold made my nipples look nice..."
Oct 26, 2019
"Doing this, "I shot myself" project has really opened my eyes about myself and how my body actually looks through the lens. Like even just preparing myself for the shoot, I was doing my makeup and I was just feeling super stoked about this whole thing! The only problem about it, I have an older - a lot older roommate and she's super judgey. The window where I shot myself, it was super risky because she could EASILY look through the window when she goes outside. So that made my shoot extra exciting! But all in all, I had an amazing time, I love getting into my special lingerie, as it brings out some sort of other sexual alter-ego. I love how it makes me feel, then slowly getting naked - such a vibe. Thank you for this out of this world opportunity!"
Oct 25, 2019
"This experience was just, wow! I saw myself from angles and heights not yet explored. Up high, down low, up close, all up in the nooks and crannies of my body. Also, as I did my best to make sure no neighbors could see, I found thrill of excitement that can only come from doing what we "shouldn't be doing" because our most natural selves have been stigmatized and covered for so long. Unless that is, we fit society's idea of beautiful which is often very narrow. So in closing, I must say thank you! This truly has been most liberating to my soul!"
Oct 24, 2019
"My shoot Distortion is the visual analysis of my relationship with my naked body. Slowly discovering and playing with my limbs, skin, strength, flexibility and limitations. I have aimed to capture my body in its full ability. During the shoot I felt like a child, experimenting with touch, strength, mobility, as they do when discovering how to manoeuvre their bodies in the world. I have distorted my body and my perception of ideal beauty standards in an attempt to demonstrate the dissonance I feel, and am learning to overcome, between my body, sexuality and sense of self."
Oct 23, 2019
"This is probably my most natural state: naked, occassionally confused, blundering through a sewing project with a drink in hand. This was such a relaxing, wonderful shoot to do. During my first Ishotmyself shoot, it took me a while to get into the groove. This time, having the camera set up meant that I often forgot it was there. It was just me doing my thing. I am so excited to share a couple passions of mine with you: nudity and sewing."
Oct 23, 2019
"For my shoot I wanted to explore the theme of self-determination of image, particularly in regards to feminine sexuality. Using adornments such as make-up and jewelry, I wanted to present contrasting versions of my own image, but in such a way as to imply that neither is superior, more beautiful or sexual than the other. I loved incorporating the water into this as a bridge between the make-up and bare faces, as well as a literal, visual metaphor for the idea of two different sides to the same surface, hence the title of the shoot."
Oct 22, 2019
"Trying to shoot this folio was really hard, especially due to stormy weather and a broken heater! But I decided to just face the challenge and find whatever fun colourful things I had in the house and just went for it! I named this folio "Coloured" because I wanted to play with different backgrounds to see the effect, and red and green are my favourite colours!"
Oct 21, 2019
"I was playing with mirrors and plants, this allowed me to experiment with reflections and utilise the plants to create intrigue and to bring even more life into the shoot. I found it more difficult than the first shoot only because I had to challenge myself to create different poses and camera angles. Despite this I felt extremely confident and comfortable and just jumped straight in the first chance I got. It gave me such a rush and I would encourage everyone to do this or take photos of yourself in some manner to get comfortable and satisfied with your body."