New Releases
Nov 18, 2019 Gisele_Z//"hot_girl_summer"
"Spring is one of my favourite seasons so it was a delight to get among the blooming plants in my backyard and explore the the way I could use the sunlight and the space. The sun on my skin, as well as the cool breeze felt divine and definitely made this my favourite shoot to date. ISM shoots are always so great because by the end of it you feel so liberated and even more in love with yourself!"
Nov 18, 2019 Tallulah_C//"day_game"
"I shot myself on a nudist beach, and once I had arrived there with my friends, a guy walking his dog just began chatting with us. He seemed really genuine and was just really intrigued with the work we were about to do, so he came with us to the location, and as we propped into position he was offering different ideas and was genuinely making us laugh. He helped me get up and down from ledges that I couldn't get to myself. His dog was keen to get involved as well, which was really funny too. It really was a memorable experience and I had a lot of fun doing my shoot."
Nov 17, 2019 Julianne_N//"KeepYrSocksOn"
"Je n'ai pas de chambre privee dans la maison ou je vis actuellement (mon espace prive est separe par un paravent du reste de la maison) j'ai donc envoye un message a ma colocataire pour la prevenir que jallais faire un photoshoot nue et qu'elle ne soit pas surprise si elle me trouvait a poil, et j'ai adore sa reponse! / I don't have a private room at my place (my private space is separated with a screen from the rest of the house) so I texted my flatmate saying I would be naked all afternoon doing a photoshoot so she wouldn't be surprised if she found me, and I loved her answer - "That's the most random thing! Have fun!"
Nov 17, 2019 Isla_M//"cat_facts"
"I wish I'd kept a tally of how many times I dropped the camera on my face while trying to take a photo! I'm honestly surprised I'm not bruised! I live with two cats, so getting privacy enough to do this shoot was hard, and whenever I thought I had an excellent shot lined up, one of my kitties would come running in and "ruin" the shot (or improve it, I guess!). I definitely had heaps of fun doing this shoot and found I got more and more confident as the shoot went on."
Nov 16, 2019 Jade_B//"CrowdedHouse"
"This shoot was by far the most challenging, my previous contributions were difficult in a different way; finding and bringing forth the confidence to show myself in a raw light, but this time, living with 4 other people had proven itself to be problematic. In the time I have lived in this house, I have never once been home alone. So with the support of my partner keeping an eye and ear out for footsteps getting closer and guitar amps piled against the door I managed to get some photographs taken."
Nov 16, 2019 Selva_Flora//"fiori_del_sole"
"Quando ho deciso di partecipare a questo progetto ho subito pensato, "quanto mi piacerebbe fotografarmi in natura, magari in un bosco in messo a felci ed alberi!!". Purtroppo non vivendo in mezzo alla natura la mia migliore opzione era la mia camera da letto! E' stato divertente oerche avendo le finestre che danno nel giardino ogni tre scatti mi giravo a controllare se ci fosse quancuno ahah! / When I decided to participate in this project I immediately thought how much I would like to photograph myself in nature, perhaps in a forest with ferns and trees! Unfortunately, I live in the city, in a crowded share house so the best option was to use my bedroom! I was a little scared that someone could see me, every three photographs I checked outside the windows to see if there was someone!"
Nov 15, 2019 Georgia_S//"strut_yr_stuff"
"I had so much fun with this photo shoot, it made me fall deeper in love with myself and appreciate all things that I used to consider 'imperfections'. I ended up getting wacky and creative with objects and fun poses, until I saw my neighbour staring through my blinds whilst I was getting heavily into it. I kept going as I was feeling too funky and cheeky! Safe to say I was strutting to the grocery shop later on."
Nov 14, 2019 Valerie_C//"ama_mi_cuerpo"
"Me senti bien haciendo estas fotos, muy segura de mi misma y de mi cuerpo, me senti hermosa y sex, tambien me hizo darme cuenta que debo incrementar el amor por mi misma y la seguridad en mi cuerpo, todas somos hermosas y tenemos algo que mostrar al mundo. / I felt very good doing this shoot, very confident about myself and my body, I FELT BEAUTIFUL, and sexy. It also made me realize that I have to increase my self love, and the security in my body. I think that every woman needs this experience, all of us are pretty and have something to show the world."
Nov 13, 2019 Savannah_M//"high_fidelity_3"
"The bulk of this is shot in my room because as much as I am an extrovert I feel so safe in my own place, and the ability to feel safe and comfortable in my body is a feeling that resonnates with me most. This is my body and I love it to bits. Thank you ISM for giving me the chance to share this experience with you all!"
Nov 13, 2019 Jacquie_C//"CriticalDarling"
"On the day I did the shoot I had just gotten out of the shower. My hair was wet and I had no make up on, but I felt sexy and fresh. I picked up the camera, put on some Slipknot and whipped my hair around. I used a beautiful old vintage mirror and basically just played on my bed for the afternoon."
Nov 12, 2019 Leona_G//"hubsche_Pose"
"Ich dachte, es wäre ein vielversprechender Weg, die richtigen Positionen zu finden, um meinen Körper optimal darzustellen. Trotzdem war es einfach, als ich es tat. Es hat großen Spaß gemacht, verschiedene Positionen auszuprobieren. Ich fühlte mich während meines Shootings sehr wohl in meinem Körper. Irgendwann wurde ich auch sehr geil. Ich würde es jederzeit wieder tun. / I thought it would be way harder to find the right positions to present my body in the best possible way. Nevertheless it was easy when I did it. It was a lot of fun to try different positions. I felt very comfortable in my body while doing the shoot. At some point I also got very horny. I'd do it again any time."
Nov 11, 2019 Mel_C//"MendingFences"
"My shoot happened outside in the morning sun and was a nice, empowering process. I utilised the mirror because I love full length mirrors and my confidence became a lot stronger around reflections (don't know why). My neighbours are old peeping Toms and we live in an old house so the gaps in the fence always prove to be a challenge - but a fun challenge at that. My shoots always combine multiple environments because why not provide variety!?"
Nov 11, 2019 Catherine_C//"ThinkOnYrFeet"
"Well, who knew taking nude selfies could be so thought provoking. Finding snazzy places with light, mirrors in a non-public place turned out to be more of a challenge then I anticipated. If only my arm was a little longer! Foot selfies are wild and close to impossible. Note: for next time, make sure all housemates aren't home for nude photo shoots in the backyard."
Nov 10, 2019 Bobbi_J//"shedding_sparks"
"There is something about an ISM folio that just makes a girl feel SEXY! I feel my most confident when I'm shooting naked with the thought that people will later see the photos I have taken. I have a hard time posting nudes on my social media platforms because I have people like my family that follow me and I would die if they saw even half of what I do for Feck. Autumn has always been my favorite season. All the trees are turning bright orange, red and yellow as if they were engulfed in flame, shedding sparks to the ground as the wind howls. Most of the time I feel like I'm on fire."
Nov 10, 2019 Carly_C//"hit_the_road"
"My folio is the perfect representation of me, I love travelling and just being at one with nature instead of being cramped up in the day to day city life. Being naked is also a massive part of my life as I feel more free and more me without clothes restricting me."