11:14 - JAN 19 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            

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"This shoot for me was all about reclaiming my mornings. I often wake up feeling sleepy and self conscious about the way I look, so I wanted to create a shoot that embraced those feelings and flipped them on their head. The sun streams in through my living room nice and early so it was the perfect opportunity while everyone else was still asleep to get naked and practice some self love. So with my coffee, raisin toast and my warm fluffy robe, it didn't take long to get into things. This shoot left me feeling so confident in myself and it was such an empowering and exciting start to the morning. Safe to say I got my mornings back ;)"
"Super sympathisch, ich habe mich sofort gut aufgehoben gefuehlt! Es ging auch ohne grosse Umschweife los, weshalb man sich gar nicht doof vorkam. Das mochte ich :). Es hilft sehr, sich in seinem Koerper wohler zu fuehlen. / Super nice! It went off pretty easy. I like that :). It helps a lot to feel better in my body."
"Ich bin ein typischer Schuetze und ich fuehle mich immer wie ein freier Vogel. Ich liebe einfach das Gefuehl von Freiheit und ich finde meine Bilder druecken genau dies aus. Ich hatte etliche Ideen fuer dieses Projekt, wusste nur anfangs nicht so richtig wie ich diese umsetzen soll. Das Gesetz der Anziehung und das Universum halfen mir mal wieder ziemlich schnell und ploetzlich hatte ich ein tolles Haus in dem ich wohnen und knipsen konnte, einen Assistenten mit einem Auto, einem Spiegel und natuerlich eine Menge Spaß an meiner Seite. / I am a typical Sagittarius and I always feel like a free flying bird. I just love the sense of freedom and I think my images express exactly that free flying bird feeling. I had several ideas for this project but I didn't really know how to implement them in the beginning. The law of attraction/the power of thought and the universe helped me again pretty fast and so I suddenly had a beautiful house to stay and shoot in, an assistant with a car and a mirror and of course a lot of fun by my side."
"Nature is a most erotic thing. Passing time by, with leaves twisting in sunlight and wind caressing tree trunks, is very arousing. Having bare skin, moving in the bush, I couldn't help but be reminded of the wildness of woman. We come from nature, and returning back to the bush is rejuvenating."
"There was a gorgeous warm breeze, rabbits and flowers. The ground was warm. It was lovely. I am normally very open with being nude in public and around other people, even taking pictures of myself nude in front of people because it is something I normally do. So, I was very comfortable during the shoot. It was a little difficult for me to be creative with so many people around. For something as special as shooting raw creative nudes in a nature, I would have liked to be more alone, and able to open up more to my sexuality and creativity. I think if I had the opportunity to do this shoot again I would be alone."
"C'etait un super moment! J'etais enthousiaste a mort ! C'etais super pour developper la creativite! Je dois quand meme ajouter qu'il faisait 12 degres la chambre, entre deux sourires je tremblais comme unne feuille. / The shoot was a great time! I was enthusiastic as fuck. I think it's a good opportunity to develop your creativity hahaha! I should also add that it was 12 degrees in the room, between two smiles I was shivering so much."
"I didn't want to be caught by anyone, so I drove out the area where I grew up; there's lots of bush there. Then I walked about ten minutes into the forest, just to be sure. No humans came across me while I was naked, but a couple kangaroos did come very close! It reminded me of being a kid and running around in the bush, but I'd never done it naked before of course!"
"Here is my body in all its glory. So many of these photos were confronting and strange to take at first, but I gradually became more free and comfortable, more connected to my physical self in a way I haven't been in a long time. I went into this shoot unsure of what to expect but I came out of it feeling empowered, brave, renewed and excited. Yes, I am super pale, covered head to toe in freckles, I have bruises and scars, regrettable tattoos and very oddly different sized breasts, but I am WOMAN, I am SACRED, I am ALIVE, I am FREE, I am BRAVE, I am POWERFUL, and most importantly I am MYSELF."
"Ich habe mich sehr wohl und aufgehoben gefuhlt. Nach kurze habe ich meine Aufregung vergessen und total Spass am shooten gehabt. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Resultat und der Abwicklung. / I felt very well. One soon forgets the nervousness and has great fun. And I really liked the results of the photos."
"I decided to shoot myself in my bedroom because it's where I feel most comfortable. My bedroom is literally my safe haven. I shot myself over a span of three days, and each day I shot myself first thing in the morning. I did this because that is when I feel most sexy. Fresh, hair messy, still dazy, and just getting out of bed. It's probably the happiest part of my day!"
"In this shoot I focused a lot on the colour green and creating a sense of luxury. I have beautiful green eyes which are one of my favourite features, so I tried to accentuate that using my living room plants and my antique green velvet couch. Additionally I chose to wear my new favourite lingerie set to create a sense of luxury for the viewer and for myself. This shoot for me was really about celebrating my femininity, beauty and feeling comfortable in my space surrounded by beautiful things and basking in the sunlight."
"I was shooting in the living room which has a massive window that faces the street. My housemate's dog was in the room at the time, he's a gorgeous boy but a very barky little thing. So every time someone walked past on the street he would run over to the window and start barking away, so naturally the passers by would look to see what was going on. I reckon at least 20 strangers would've seen me naked, attempting gymnastics moves during my shoot. You're welcome, random passers by."
"I thought it was a great idea to do this shoot on a weekend when I had an apartment full of guests so every time the floor creaked or it sounded like someone was moving around my heart rate went insane. Plus, every time a car drove past I ducked out of sight which is ridiculous because I live on the second floor!"
"Our house tends to be quite dark so I had planned with my housemates to have the backyard to myself one afternoon, and then a crazy storm happened! Recognising I might not have this window of time again I pulled out my umbrella and blanket and got to it. I felt a theme emerging when my pink umbrella and blanket matched the unfortunate pink marks on my butt. I put on Janelle Monae's 'Pynk' and started snapping. I've historically been quite camera shy and I think you can see my confidence starting to improve at about the same time as the weather cleared and the sun came out."
"I had such a lovely time while shooting. I spoke about some pretty personal things that, like nudity are often stigmatised (mental/physical health). I chose to speak about these things because I believe we should not be ashamed of any of these things. I believe nudity should EMPOWER us and mental and physical health should be spoken about without shame! This shoot has allowed me to experience further comfortability with my body; curves, stretch marks and all! It's all beautiful and REAL which is what I love about ISM. REAL people doing their thing! If you liked my vid I have also done Beautiful Agony and ISM photos. Thanks ISM and thanks for watching <3"