New Releases
Jan 26, 2020 Emily_Newman//"scarlet_salt"
"I spent the afternoon out in my hot and sunny garden with a blanket, some tea and paint brushes in my hand as I worked on a current painting. I was feeling so connected to my self and the colour red as I was also on my period during that time. I decided to put bright red lipstick on and tie my hair up with a red silk scarf once the temperature increased. I indulged in the sensual feelings evoked by this colour and loved the smell of my salty skin after a swim in the ocean earlier on in the day. During the shoot I had to be careful of the workers working on my neighbour's house next door! Multiple times, I put my clothes back on frantically as I heard someone climb onto the roof, scuttling with a slight sense of adrenaline rushing through me."
Jan 25, 2020 Morgan_M//"body_flow"
"This shoot felt SO different to the first one. I initially thought it would be super familiar and would flow through with ease and grace... but it was actually quite the opposite. To honour the flow of this mood, I needed to be somewhere comfortable, warm, enriched, held. My idea was initially to go back outdoors and exlore nature and get intimate with the outdoors - but my body only permitted this while I was ovulating - I needed to honour and allow my body to be in this current state of neediness - neediness and requirement for soft kind love."
Jan 25, 2020 Libera//"no_regrets"
"The first few photos I took were a bit embarrassing but I really started to enjoy it and have fun, my mind was brainstorming, I got so many ideas, I couldn't stop taking photos, I felt so creative. It was so empowering, time literally flew. Wasn't expecting it. I was feeling good with myself, so sexy. This project has such a high purpose, women shooting themselves and feeling great while doing it, doing it at their own pace, respecting their timing, realising their worth and not letting society's stereotypes own them and take them down. Ishotmyself is definitely worth it, so girls pick that camera up and start shooting, show how beautiful and particular you all are in your own way, you will not regret this."
Jan 24, 2020 April_V//"being_muse"
"I was drawn to do the I Shot Myself project because it is totally aligned with my purpose. It felt so empowering to step further into this "role" in this way! I enjoyed doing this shoot more than I thought I would for so many reasons. It was so fun getting creative and being my own muse. Challenging myself not to try to do anything and to really just be and represent my true self. On another level, I felt my self love deepen as I gained an even more profound appreciation for myself, my own unique beauty and courage."
Jan 23, 2020 Sierra_C//"mi_mejor_amante"
"Le pedi el living a mi amigo para hacer este photoshoot porque me enamore de su luz y sus ventanas espejo. Lo hice cuando no estaban sus roomies pero una llego antes del gimnasio y tuve que vestirme muy rapido. Realmente disfrute hacerlo y senti muchas ganas de masturbarme haciendo las fotos pero me contuve porque estaba en casa ajena, pero cuando llegue a mi habitacion fui mi mejor amante. / I asked to do this photo shoot in my friend's living room because I fell in love with the light and mirror windows. I did it when his roomies weren't at home but one of them arrived home earlier from the gym and I had to get dressed really quick. I really enjoyed doing it and I really wanted to masturbate while taking the photos but I held back because I was in someone else's house but once I was in my own room I become my best lover."
Jan 22, 2020 Lucie_D//"survivoress_2"
"There are a number of fundamental physical changes I have undergone: I have had both breasts surgically removed and replaced with silicone implants, and both nipples have been removed. I have no sensation in either breast, and both armpits are quite numb too. During chemo I lost all my hair and gained about 5 to 8 kilos. Strangely, the short hair is the hardest thing to deal with. Any woman who has shaved her head can tell you, short hair IMMEDIATELY alienates you from many men! They see short hair as butch and radical and their fragile masculinity is threatened! Oh my! My girlfriend looks tougher than me! Woe!"
Jan 22, 2020 Eloise_M//"SunsetSymphonics"
"This folio represents the soft and also the artistic aspects of who I am. I have music deep in my veins and I wanted to show the relationship I have to my instruments and the nature I have around me in my backyard. It also involved climbing a rusty, dodgy old ladder onto the tin roof of my house, flashing the entire neighborhood for the perfect shot of me and the beautiful setting sky, aptly displaying my strong sense for adventure and giving absolutely anything a go with no fear whatsoever ;)"
Jan 21, 2020 Edie_A//"CharacterSketch"
"I would be lying if I said I wasn't at all anxious about participating in this project but I was driven by this aim to represent a natural body image. I'm an artist in my spare time and I like to illustrate so I really felt that I wanted to incorporate that into the shoot. I thought about the parts of my body that made me unique or the parts that I'd usually hide. I took out my sketchbook and drew my lips, collarbone, right breast, naval and vagina. I positioned each drawing over that body part and as the shoot progressed I would remove the drawing until I was fully naked. It was actually felt really liberating to expose myself in this way. I felt creative and super body positive!"
Jan 20, 2020 Lucinda_T//"plant_mama"
"The weather was not my friend this week, yet I finally caught a break and assembled all my leafy friends together for a really fun morning. After having done previous shoots before I was feeling really relaxed and was able to just have a bit of fun with the camera and at times let out a little bit of my silly side. I really felt in my element surrounded by all my favourite plants, and loved having the opportunity to share a little part of my personal life with others. I also really enjoyed being able to shoot in my new apartment, and sharing that other more intimate side of my life too."
Jan 20, 2020 Felicity_D//"SpineTingling"
"I took these photos in places away from home that I felt safe or comfortable, my best friend's house (Eloise_M!). I used the spine because I wanted to play around with the curves and it also speaks to the part of me that has wanted to be an Osteopath for a full decade at this point. I also wanted to take some photos in water because I basically grew up in the water so I decided to go skinny dipping in the Yarra River on a Monday afternoon and hoped that no one was kayaking at the time (only 2 kayaks came through!)."
Jan 19, 2020 Ida_G//"Gartenmadchen"
"Das Gruen der Pflanzen im Sonnenlicht war so wunderschoen. Ich habe FReunde gefragt, ob ich deren Garten fuer die Fotos nutzen kann und dann einen Zettel an die Tuer gehangen, um die anderen Leute in der WG vorzuwarnen, "Achtung - nacktes Maedchen im Garten". Es war wunderschoen die Natur in die Bilder zu integrieren und nackt draussen zu sein, hat diese Erfahrung noch einmal auf ein ganz anderes Level gehoben und es hat sich sogar noch schoener angefuehlt als beim letzten mal. / The green of the plants in the sunlight was so beautiful. I asked my friends to use their backyard and put a note on the door saying that I'm naked outside to give their other housemates a little heads up. I loved integrating nature in the pictures because being nude in nature took this whole experience on another level and seemed even more wonderful."
Jan 19, 2020 Karla_M//"perfeccion"
"Nunca me habia sentido tan comoda desnuda como con estas fotografias, mis cicatrices en mi busto me causaban mucha inseguridad porque no son lo "natural", pero estoy orgullosa de como salieron las fotos / For this project, I wanted to remain a little silly but also open about my body. For the most part I wanted the background to be simple, most importantly, I felt so confident and beautiful in my own skin, my scars from breast reduction surgery became an insecurity of mine, but shortly after I became more and more loving and accepting of my body."
Jan 18, 2020 Rita_J//"CatAndMouse"
"It's been a few years since my last shoot and so much has happened in that time. I'm basically a different person haha. So it was cool to see what I came up with for this shoot. I'm definitely a LOT more body confident and happier in general so I think that shows in the photos as well. It's funny because my cat actually killed a bird from the garden and brought it into the apartment the morning I did these. A bit of a buzz kill! I thought "How can I get in the mood to do the shoot now?" But once I got started it didn't take long! It's fun playing around with different angles and positions. I hope you enjoy! I certainly had fun taking the photos :D."
Jan 18, 2020 Elenor_P//"PDA"
"I feel most in-tune with my body and calm in my mind when I'm in nature. So for my ISM shoot I wanted to capture a day out in the bush. I took my partner with me for the bushwalk so he could be my spotter, and I found a beautiful stream to shoot next to. My partner was mostly a good spotter but it was such a sexy experience that we got a bit...erm... "distracted". Later when we walked out of the spot we realised just around the bend was another couple relaxing under a tree who would of definitely heard everything!"
Jan 17, 2020 Heidi_G//"arsch_beiben"
"Als ich beim essen zubereiten war, wie immer nakt, kam mir die idee in den sinn ein shooting zu machen, als ich die kamera auf meinem regal sah. Dann bin ich schnur straks in den garten gesprintet um ein paar shots zu machen. Da ich mich nicht ganz so comfortabel gefuehlt habe, habe ich mir noch ein paar sexy sachen aus meinem kleiderschrank rausgewuehlt. Als ich mich grade gut gefuehlt habe, haben mich ein paar ameisen in den po und oberschenkel gebissen. Na super! / I just came from the kitchen where I prepeared my meal naked, as always. Then I saw the camera, just right in front of me on my shelf while I was eating. I thought I might get some pictures in the backyard. I took my nice stuff out of my wardrobe and started the selfie session. I felt quite comfy after I took a few shots. The funny thing about my shoot was, I got bitten by some ants in the grass. You can actually see the bites on my bum and thighs."