New Releases
Mar 09, 2020
"I shot this on Valentine's Day and was surprised with roses by my best friend who I've known for 8 years, so I decided to work with the rose petals and the wooden floor boards and keep a natural earthy theme going as that's the theme I love and feel works best for me. These photos are shot using natural bright light indoors in my bedroom and lounge room. Simple but beautiful in my eyes. Lots of curves, rolls and dimples to work with."
Mar 08, 2020
"All summer long I spent my mornings hiking up the mountain in the centre of the city with my best friend. We often got lost which lead us to discover a few remote locations. One of the locations I chose to shoot in is wedged between a local university and the mountain, it had a picnic table so I invited a friend with me to eat and shoot. It was around 5pm so the sun was just starting to set, and my friend munched on chips and hummus keeping lookout while I stripped and entered the bush. I found it extremely erotic to shoot outside nude, and at one point while shooting, I could see a creamy manifestation of my excitement in between my legs :)"
Mar 08, 2020
"I wanted to do the shoot in nature which was quite a mission! So I went to a park and searched for places where people would not see me while shooting myself naked! That was so exciting! I really enjoyed climbing trees naked, it made me feel a bit like a forest fairy. Hopefully they don't have to suffer under all those mosquito bites :P"
Mar 07, 2020
"It is so much fun being naked outdoors! I spent a couple of leisurely afternoons making this folio, first by a beautiful creek that made me feel so at peace and comfy - except for when I heard people walking their dogs nearby, haha. Cool rock on my skin feels amazing on a warm day, and running water is one of my favourite sounds. Next day I went for a more desolate vibe in a big concrete area near a busy road. I was having so much fun exploring my body with the camera I totally forgot people could see me! When I got home I just couldn't stop taking photos of myself, so there are a few in the backyard too."
Mar 07, 2020
"I really wanted to focus on the female form within nature. Nature flows, with lots of shapes and textures, which correlates a lot with the female form. I wanted to show my body in the most natural environment I could. I was also inspired by my favourite painting, 'Hylas and the Nymphs'. I see a lot of myself and my power in it. Getting in the dirt was really fun! It reminded me of when I was young, rolling around in mud and dirt. At one moment I had a garden spider crawling on my leg. I was under a mulberry tree for most of the shoot so my legs got stained with all the juices. I also had an allergic reaction to the grass so I had to shower everything off very quickly. I had to make sure there wasn't any dirt up my bum because it got into all the crevices somehow."
Mar 06, 2020
"Non ho mai avuto un rapporto sereno con il mio corpo a causa di un senso di insicurezza che mi ha sempre portato a dare troppa attenzione al pensiero delle persone che mi circondavano, se pur non richiesto. Ogni giudizio era come un proiettile che mi affondava e mi faceva sentire inferiore alle altre ragazze con cui mi comparavo. Non mi e' possibile affermare che dopo questo progetto tutto questo e' cambiato o cambiera, ma mi sento nella giusta via per farlo. Attraverso lo shooting sono riuscita a riscoprire il mio corpo, ad esplorarlo, ricordandomi cio' che considero i miei difetti, ma allo stesso tempo ad accettarli e ad umanizzarli. / I've never had a peaceful relationship with my body due to a sense of insecurity that always led me to give too much importance to people's thoughts about myself and my body, even if I had not asked for an opinion. Every judgment is for me like a bullet that keeps me down and makes me feel less than the other girls I used to compare myself to. I can't tell you that after this project everything has changed or it will change in the future but I feel it is a step in the right direction. Through the shooting I found myself able to rediscover my body, to explore it, reminding me of my faults, but at the same time accepting them and humanizing them."
Mar 04, 2020
Ooh, look what we found! A cheeky little motion sensation, tucked away in Elenor's ISM cam. Contributors bring us these videos every so often, and we are constantly amazed to see how dynamic all those little moments are, just before the shutter clicks. Get out into the fresh air with Elenor, and enjoy this bonus documentation of her folio, PDA.
Mar 04, 2020
"The photos were emotionally taxing to take, in a positive way, I feel like these shots follow a process of shedding a skin. There is a profound difference in my feelings reflected in the photos at the beginning of the folio compared to the end. Just like going to therapy or the gym I guess. At the start it was rusty, awkward, and somewhat curiously ashamed, but by the end it left me with the most euphoric feeling of accomplishment and in all honesty arousal. It was the most grounding and moving experience I have ever had with myself."
Mar 03, 2020
"There's nothing quite like taking your clothes off and prancing around the house naked on a 40 degree afternoon after a day of making coffee for the tired during the silly season. And your housemate laughing at walking in on you taking nudes while smashing a bag of skittles on the side. Life is all about balance after all. I enjoy grounding myself outside any chance I can get, feeling the earth and the grass on my skin. I had such a nice time being naked for part of the shoot in the garden, rolling around in the grass (I think you can see some stray blades stuck to me in some photos haha) that I think I'm going to do it more often!"
Mar 02, 2020
"My shoot was done at home in the early morning whilst everyone else was sleeping!! ;) I incorporated a butt plug and fruit into my pictures. I'm currently working in a sex shop so I'm slowly getting more props to play with at home. It was such a hot day and perfect to do ishotmyself at home with the air con on! I love taking pictures of myself naked now and I can't believe how far I've come, it makes me feel so happy. What a goal I've achieved! I just wish I had a pet to take pictures with. My mirrors at home are great too though! I had such a good morning, thanks heaps ISM."
Mar 02, 2020
"I chose to shoot myself on the property I live in. I recently moved here from the city to be closer to nature. I wanted to portray the beauty of the human form as no different to nature's form. I took the photos on different days and noticed how different I felt on each day. There were definitely moments of doubt and judgement...followed by a voice of reassurance that I am beautiful and enough. I wish for everyone to feel beautiful and loved in their bodies, without shame or judgment. Which is how I felt at the end of my shoot."
Mar 01, 2020
"Al prinicipio cuando empece a hacerme fotosme senti reprimida y un poco incomoda pero a medida que empece a sacar fotos me senti mas comoda con mi desnudez y mi cuerpo. Deje de intentar ser sexy y explore mi cuerpo. Normalmente estoy acostumbrada a scar solamente fotos favorecedoras desde angulos buenos y con este shoot intente verme des de una perspectiva diferente que explorara todos mis lados. / In the beginning when I started taking pictures of myself I was feeling a bit uncomfortable and shy but as I kept shooting I felt more and more comfortable with my nudity and body. I stopped trying to be sexy and started exploring my body. Usually I only take flattering pictures from good angles when I know I look good, but this time I tried to look at myself from a different perspective that explored my body from all its dimensions."
Mar 01, 2020
"I recently started a new day job that goes from 8am till 6pm in an industrial area. I'm loving the high viz but not the early mornings! The 2 days I had planned to shoot in my lounge room next to the mirror there were painters freshening the outside of my balcony with a new coat... there was no way I could set myself up a metre away and not be noticed hahaha. It would have made their day... but certainly not mine haha. I pushed up the plastic part on my bedroom skylight and managed to get a few shots in between clouds going past over the top of me."
Feb 29, 2020
"I found that doing this for the third time was super easy for me, I felt extra confident and comfortable in my own body. Once again, just like the other shoots it gave me a huge confidence boost and increased my self esteem for sure! I felt sexy! I was in such a relaxed mindset throughout this shoot, all of my poses are really relaxed and natural because I really just felt completely natural. I felt that this time I knew what angles I wanted to use, and even though I was in a different environment I felt like I just knew what I was doing. ISM helped me to love myself once again! It's truly a beautiful experience."
Feb 29, 2020
"The shoot was a little awkward at first, having three housemates and a dog asking what you've been doing behind closed doors! But once I had the house to myself, I could relax and let the creative juices flow, it was so much fun. I was a little nervous shooting outside, wondering if any of my neighbours could see me! I really wanted to get some nudes while skateboarding, but maybe next time!"