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"Para el pezar use este lindo vestido que yo misma hice, el cual me hace sentir muy bien. Así soy yo una parte niña inocente otra parte mujer salvaje. En el comienzo me sentí muy tímida pero luego de un rato empecé a disfrutar y sentir como iba rompiendo estos viejos patrones acerca de la desnudez. Me amo me apruebeo y me acepto total y completamente. / To start I used this beautiful dress which I made myself, which made me feel good. Part innocent child, part wild woman. I felt shy at the beginning but after a while I started to enjoy and feel how I was breaking up all these old patterns and beliefs about nudity. I love and accept myself totally and completely!"
"J'étais déjà habituée à prendre des nudes mais assez classique. Je ne suis pas habituée à prendre des photo de ma vulve parceque je ne la trouve pas belle. J'adore le résultat et je m'aperçoit que toutes les partie de mon corps son belle (même mes petits boutons sur les fesses). Je recommanderais ce projet à toutes celles qui veulent prendre confiance en leurs physique, vous êtes belles! / I was already used to taking nudes but quite classic ones. I'm not used to taking pictures of my vulva because I don't find it beautiful. I love the result and I realize that all parts of my body are beautiful (even my little blemishes on the buttocks). I would recommend this project to all those who want to gain confidence in their physique, you are beautiful."
"Taking part in 'I shot myself' again after 2-ish years flowed freer than the first time. My relationship with my body although not shifting a huge amount, but now with more experience of all the facets of growth we have been through. I found I didn't try and shift my body into 'flattery' or try to accentuate the 'desirable' and found a very comfortable ease of accepting all of the views I have of my frame and flesh. I enjoyed the removal of the male gaze from my own opinion and view of my body as I was sitting on my dirty hallway floor thinking, "I ain't doing this for some man to see me". I think that's the difference from my first shoot, I no longer need/seek any validation from an outside source, let alone a man."
"I discovered that I love having a pop art/comic feel to my photography that scared my brother when he found me around the side of the house, totally stark naked apart from the flowers on my feet. That was a fun conversation. I loved doing the shoot once I got into it. I would do it all again if I could... obviously sans the whole scarring my brother for life part. Getting more in touch with my body as a whole, both sexually and just normally has been rewarding in more ways than I can count, though I think I'll stick to warmer weather next time."
"I spent a languid rainy afternoon reading and daydreaming in my bedroom. After a while of perusing literature I was inspired to explore other sensual pursuits... as the rain drummed against the windowpane outside, I lay amongst the tousled sheets, slowly undressing a silk slip and stockings, caressing my body and climaxing in a orgasm of fictional proportions."
"I was very excited to start this shoot, as I just moved into a new apartment with lots of gorgeous natural light to work with. I knew I loved this space, but it wasn't until I started shooting that I realized how comfortable and beautiful I actually feel in it. My bedroom window leads out onto the roof that has an almost 360 degree view of the city. I decided to go out there at the end and risk all my neighbors seeing me nude (there are some families around)."
"I participated in ISM after a big night out. My crush was DJ'ing at the gig I was at, and I went back to his house that night. We didn't have sex but we cuddled and held hands which was super nice (and somewhat reduced the hangover pain). It was finally nice to hold hands/be intimate with someone who I've literally liked for years. Hungover but happy I caught a didi back to my family house and did my shoot. What a Saturday."
"I thought I was secluded and hidden by the fence while taking these pictures in the garden but during the shoot a bus came past... Turns out buses are much taller than fences. I also found out that being naked and lying in grass is a really nice thing to do!"
"I wanted these photos to represent the full scope of my personality and sexuality: some of them are silly, some of them are sexy, some of them are happy. I took them around my house, the place I feel safest. We have a beautiful veggie garden that me and my boyfriend care for every day together; it's a ritual we share and one I value a lot. I put on my crocs (my favourite shoes) and went out into the sunshine. I got a bit silly with the fruit from the trees, got my feet (and butt) dirty, got the veggies and herbs involved."
"Fue una experiencia hermosa. Lo disfrute al maximo. Y me di cuenta que todes podemos ser hermoses. Solo hay que liberar la mente y todo seguira fluyendo. Al principio fue un poco extrano sacarme la ropa en el patio de mi casa porque pense que alguien me estaba mirando todo el tiempo. Luego de eso no importo porqe todo fue fluyendo. Fue muy divertido porque muchas veces pense que alguien me estaba mirando y luego de eso pense. Que importa! Es solo un cuerpo mas! / It was fun to do this, and was also a great experience. At first it was kind of weird and I didn't know how to pose. Then I went to my backyard and I took some shots in front of a mirror in a yard full of plants and I really loved it because I love green and nature. I also told some of my friends to let me know if somebody came into the yard. The rest of the shots were taken in my personal space which is my bedroom that I love because of the natural light that it has in the morning."
Feb 19, 2020 Renee_M//"pollinate"
"The day I decided to participate in this beautiful project, I got off the bus and it was absolutely POURING with rain. I ran inside my apartment building drenched and exhilarated by the idea of this shoot and decided: what better time than the present? I stripped off my clothes, opened all my blinds and commenced my journey of self love. I laughed and smiled more than I had all week. I got snacky in the middle and got myself some fruit and thought: why not incorporate it? Fruit is SEXY. I took photos with my feet (it's as hard as it sounds), on the floor, on the couch, on the bed, outside (THAT was scary). Everywhere. FYI: taking photos of your bum can be very difficult!"
"So, now I'm gonna do some stretching, I used to do gymnastics throughout highschool, I was on the highschool team and stuff. And I used to be so flexible, and then I kind of gave up. But I've been trying to get my flexibility back..."
"I wanted to do this shoot because I felt like ISM really aligned with my views on sexuality and the female gaze. I shot myself in my bathroom at home in Chicago. I wore my favorite blue dragon kimono in a lot of the shots because I'm constantly wearing it and it makes me feel incredibly sexy. I also wore my favorite bralette and thong in a few shots too because they also make me feel sexy. I took a few butt shots, which I don't normally do, and they ended up being some of my favorites! Doing this shoot truly helped me feel 100% confident in my body and I would love to do something similar again."
"What is an erotic life? This! This is my wonderful, sensory, orgasmic life! I capture images of myself and my experiences without end. Luckily for you I've compiled the best bits over the year into this delicious folio. I encourage you to take a peek into my world! I truly believe that every single day is an opportunity to access pleasure and sensual self growth. So I've chosen to seize the essence of who I am and celebrate it with all my might. I hope every one who looks at these pictures can take a little bit of my enthusiasm and eroticism with them into their own lives."
"I find being outside and surrounded by natural objects super inspiring. Getting dirty, feeling the textures of earth, soil, wood, feeling free and feral, tapping in to this connective energy, has always been erotic for me, and has led to some of my funnest sexual experiences. Cheeky al fresco sex all the way! Getting naked outdoors doesn't even have to be sexual though - I love nudism as a practice, getting away from artificiality, restriction and self-set boundaries, playing rather than posing, which is the spirit I tried to capture in my treetop shoot!"