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"My second shoot for ISM was really fun, although I was a lot more stretched for time than I was for the first shoot so the shoot was pretty rushed. I've been exploring shibari recently and I've discovered I really like tying so I wanted to capture that in this shoot. This was pretty ambitious considering my time constraints though and I found myself rushing through the tying process which sort of defied the purpose of it, however this also made me ruminate less on each picture which I did in the first shoot, and I was actually really happy with how they turned out. I love the way the jute rope looks on my skin and the sensual experience of shibari is really intoxicating."
"You always said your hair looked like avocados when the dye faded. You said it with distain, but I always loved the taste. You always wanted an adventure, to be extraordinary. You were extraordinary here, doing nothing at all, and now you're extraordinary there, doing everything. Your hair still looks like avocados, and sometimes, the sea. Fitting. You were both delicious, and incredibly free. I was always happy to drown in you."
"I initially wanted to do a shoot that was well planned and thought out. I wanted to fit into an idea of myself I had in my head but decided to take the pictures when I am my most imperfect self and that is in the morning. My hair was a mess and my face looked tired but taking the pictures helped me embrace this self. I felt sexier than ever and have a newfound appreciation for this version of myself that in undone before getting done."
"I am surrounded by all the things that represent who I am. You may catch artwork I created on the walls or the satin curtains I artfully draped over my ceiling fan (rendering me unable to use it in summer, hot, but worth it for the sanctuary I have) or fairy lights twinkling in the background... I sometimes don't entirely feel human and would describe myself as a part mythical creature - part woodland fairy, and in these moments doing the shoot, I truly felt like the Ancient Goddess that I am, about to take flight."
"Doing this shoot made me feel 100% at ease with my whole body including all of its beautiful skin tags, scars, bumps and lumps as well as its lady rolls. I've rarely looked at my whole body let alone photographed it, but as I continued with the shoot I had an enormous sense of self love and appreciation for it and the wonder that it is. It functions every day, provides a safe, working haven for me and allows me to move about freely to continue on my exploration of the world and the life lessons I gain along the way. Looking through the photographs after made me feel more confident in my body shape and acknowledge and love my curves, which when you struggle to look in the mirror everyday is a pretty big thing! Something has been started within me from doing this and I'm excited to see where it leads."
Evening light, harvest time, sunshine through eyelashes... when we see Emma, we think of all things golden. I wonder if she planned it, the way the light matches her hair, the way her body is halo'd and glowing in every photo? Either way, you'd better unearth those Ray-bans you keep misplacing - because Emma's so bright, you're gonna need shades.
"As Kenneth Clark said - "The nude does not simply represent the body but relates it, by analogy to all structures that have become part of our imaginative experience". Leaps and bounds of fun was had during this shoot. I definitely had a giggle experimenting with reflections, shadows and my body as a whole. My aim was to keep it playful and free because I feel those are key themes that I personally relate to nudity. Being in nature as well as my room felt fun and free for sure so I do hope it comes across in the photos."
"For my second shoot I got a bit bolder, exploring outside and reaching a new level of vulnerability. I felt very honored to be doing a second shoot so I wanted to make it more interesting, different and unique. Most importantly I wanted to really show who I was and take and shoot my body in places that relate to who I am. It was thrilling shooting outside, however it was challenging to take photos of myself. Sometimes I wish I had some help but at the same time it was a exploration of self and I had a great time just me, the camera and my body. I hope you enjoy my pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them."
"I love creating art so I played around with some clay and then body collaging. This was a first. Heaps of fun but I still have glue and paper stains on my boobs and bum! I find creating art very sensual (it really turns me on sometimes). Using my hands to create stuff also makes me feel sexy, so I tried to show this while I played around. I loved the feeling of the clay on my boobs - it was so cool and sort of calming..."
"Das Ausziehen im Garten hat sich angefuehlt, als haette ich mich wieder in meine Kindheit zurueckversetzt, in der das Nacksein das natuerlichste und gewoehnlichste fuer mich war, ohne Schamgefuehl oder Gedanke darueber, wie ich soeben aussehe, sondern wie ich mich gerade in dem Moment fuehle. Dieses Gefuehl hat auch Kindheitserinnerungen herauf gebracht, die mich um so schwereloser haben fuehlen lassen. / Moving out in the garden felt like I was back in my childhood, where being naked was the most natural and common thing for me, without feeling ashamed or thinking about what I was looking like, but how I was feeling at the moment. This feeling also brought up childhood memories that made me feel all the more weightless."
"Ce second shoot etait super parce que j'etais encore plus en confiance, et j'avais moins froid que pour mon premier shoot! La difficulte etait d'etre nu juste en face dela fenetre mais avec le temps je suis passe a travers! Meme si, je dois bien l'avouer, mon peigoire n'etait jamais tres loin ;). Encore une fois c'etait du bon temps passe avec moi-meme, et tout ca, piur un magnifique projet. / This second shoot was so nice because I was much more confident and my room was warmer than it was for my first shoot! The challenge was to be naked just in front of the window haha. Over the time of doing the shoot I have to admit, that my bathrobe was never far from me ;). Once again, it was a pleasant time with myself, and all of this for a beautiful project."
"In this shoot I decided to come up with some silver linings of social isolation. Basically I just had a giggly time in my room doing all the things that I can’t do in public - eating donuts naked, yoga naked (which I love doing anyway). The donuts really were the big win (Nutella custard filled). It was an educational experience."
"Ich habe mich wie eins mit dem Garten und es ist wirklich sehr interessant fuer mich zu sehen wie meine Augen glaenzen auf den Fotos. Unser Koerper ist ein Wunderland jedes Mal wenn ich Fotos von mir aufnehme verliebe ich mich ein bisschen mehr in ein bestimmtes Koerperteil. Auch in jede Narbe und in jeden Dehnungsstreifen. Ich habe Hass in Liebe veraendert. Liebe ist der Schluessel. / I felt like one with the garden and it's really interesting for myself to see how my eyes shine in the pictures. Our body is a wonderland and every time I take pictures of myself I fall in love with another part of my body and more in love with every stretch mark and scar I have. I changed hate into love. Love is the key."
"Originally I thought I would be super nervous and shy to be so exposed but actually I felt light, free and cheeky! I wanted to show the playful side of the shoot, that your body can bend in different ways and you can laugh and enjoy doing different angles. I used this mosaic mirror to capture shots that make you look twice and think WAS THAT A NIPPLE!?! During the experience I also got bitten on the bum which I was not impressed by but hey at least someone thinks it is tasty. I really enjoyed getting creative with using my feet as a tripod and on a few occasions my toe as a button. I liked that the weather was overcast but bright allowing me to play with different light angles."
"This shoot was way different to my last one. Being naked and outdoors is something I don't think I've ever done. It was definitely an experience, trying to get some great photos under amazing natural light but not get dirt somewhere nobody wants dirt. I think I enjoyed this shoot better than my first one. I felt more confident and comfortable being naked despite being so exposed."
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