New Releases
Aug 01, 2020 Victoria_T//"hot_in_here"
It may be winter in Victoria, but when it comes to Victoria_T, it's all summer all the time. Just the warmth of her skin and the golden colour of her hair is enough to have us stripping down to our tank tops and breaking out our electric fans, and it looks like we're going to need them. Because Victoria's not stopping at tank tops - she's stripping all the way down. And it is definitely getting hot in here.
Jul 31, 2020 Dee_B//"dyenamo"
"The shoot was really fun for myself. I started off with a proper little backdrop then realised it wasn't what I liked, I wanted something not so staged so then I began taking photos of myself when I had just gotten out of the shower which I felt so much more comfortable doing natural. In one of the little shoots I did of myself, I was bleaching my hair and had foil wrapped around my head. It looked so out of the ordinary and weird so I was like, yep! I'm taking photos of this. Kind of an alien/conspiracy theory kind of vibe. I loved it."
Jul 30, 2020 Ana_B//"bronzeada"
"A praia fica bem próxima da minha casa na pequena cidade onde vivo no Brasil. O dia estava lindo e o sol estava se preparando para se por. O sol deixou minha pele ainda mais bronzeada e eu me senti muito bonita!! As pessoas que estavam caminhando na praia não conseguiam me ver, e eu pude ficar muito avontade pra tirar as fotos. Ao mesmo tempo que me senti livre por estar nua, me senti protegida, por estar no meio da natureza em um lugar onde ninguém me podia ver. Quando em dei conta estava com areia em todo meu corpo e cabelo haha Fiquei muito satisfeita com as fotos e me senti muito bonita. / The beach is very close to my house in the small town where I live in Brazil. The day was beautiful and the sun was getting ready to set. The sun made my skin even more tanned and I felt very beautiful !! The people who were walking on the beach couldn't see me, and I was able to be very free to take the pictures. At the same time that I felt free to be naked, I felt protected, to be in the middle of nature in a place where no one could see me. When I realized I had sand all over my body and in my hair at this moment I felt liberated."
Jul 29, 2020 Chelsea_D//"dirty_words_1"
"I thought I would tell you a bit more about why I wanted to shoot myself. I guess.. my body is different from other people's bodies. I mean, we're all different - but I don't see this very often. I don't see a tum. And it's always been my biggest embarassment ... I've tried dieting ... but looking, back, I just think, what a waste. What a waste of time. Eventually I gave up. I'd rather live a full life, have fun, go out for dinner, and exercise because I enjoy it, rather than to be slimmer. And now I feel like, being confident in my own body, it's a political act."
Jul 29, 2020 Hazel_M//"musing"
"I really wanted to make this shoot very authentic and me. I took the photos in the corner of my loungeroom by our beautiful big window, the blues and pinks of the room really created a soft and sensual atmosphere for me. I let myself be surrounded by the morning sunlight, ferns and soft leaves with smooth music. I listened to my favourite songs and just really let myself get into it and let go and just be my naked raw self."
Jul 28, 2020 Nicole_S//"comfort_zone"
"Where do you find comfort? Can you find a home in yourself anywhere, like some suggest? What sort of people encourage that sort of trust and peace? I suppose these questions are what inspired this photo set. It was shot coming out of a very long, limbo-like place. Dissatisfied with the environment I called home, my appearance, my camera gear, my place in this world... I reached out to a friend for a change of scenery. These photos were on a camera that I was really struggling to accustom myself to (thus why so many were taken with a tripod and trigger), in an outfit that I find most comfortable. I wanted to have FUN with these. The bright colours, and old school psychedelic elements allowed me out of my head and back into my body. I think we should play around just as much, as adults, in everyday life when appropriate. Being around people that accept all of me, unconditionally, is what ultimately keeps my spirit up and my inspiration churning. Love, love, love, love."
Jul 27, 2020 Milly_G//"elastigirl"
"It wasn't until I started exploring my own body, I realised how beautiful and sexy it was to me. I had so much fun doing this shoot, especially looking back at the photos and zooming in on all parts of my body. I love putting my body in all different positions, I love showing off my flexibility to other people so the fact I got to incorporate that in the shoot made it even more exciting for me. I can't believe how comfortable and liberating it was - despite living in an open sharehouse with 5 other people and using the communal spaces for some of the photos. It was a laugh having one of them walk into a shoot. I love being naked, I love feeling my skin. I love feeling sexy."
Jul 26, 2020 Avery_G//"fine_dining"
"I wanted to try something different this shoot and involve all of my senses, especially my sense of feeling and tasting, which is why I turned myself into a human sushi and dessert platter. It was super fun, but I didn't anticipate how messy it would get. This shoot felt really fun, chaotic and creative at the same time, I had an idea of how I wanted the photos to look, pretty and neat, they turned out way more wild, but I love them and I enjoyed playing with the different elements and how they changed in my body. Can't wait to try this with somebody else."
Jul 25, 2020 Talisa//"shoo_fly"
"Wow I loved getting the chance to shoot these pictures! I've never been naked on the beach before, and I had no idea what a rush it would be. I was really nervous at first. It's weird, I was actually more nervous when I was topless than when I was totally naked! So I just stripped right down. I surprised myself by how comfortable I felt. It felt so natural. The only problem was those little buzzing flies... they were obsessed with my nipples. Super annoying, but worth it for these pics and the experience."
Jul 24, 2020 Chantelle_A//"shape_of_you"
"I absolutely loved my time doing ISM. I shot it at home with beautiful warm afternoon light coming through my windows. Finding different body shapes and expressing myself without barriers was a freedom I really enjoyed. I used this time to think about the things I love most; music, nature, reading and creativity! However, in my creative flowing state I had forgotten I had neighbours who could see straight through my window. Hoping they enjoyed the show as much as I did!"
Jul 23, 2020 Tonita//"empodereda"
"Tenia un poco de verguenza al comenzar, por el hecho de estar desnuda y tambien porque nunca me tomo fotos sonriendo, fue algo que tuve que pracitar antes de sacarme fotos de cuerpo entero, pero luego de un par de fotos me sentia empodereda y linda, es una experiencia que te hace sentir y descubrir cosas nuevas y eso es asombroso! / I was a little embarrassed when I started because I was naked and also because I never take pictures smiling, it's something I had to practice a lot before started to taking pictures of my body, but after a couple photos I started to feel empowered and beautiful. This is an experience that makes you feel and discover new things, and this is awesome!"
Jul 22, 2020 Juana_Astier//"start2finish_3"
"Se complementan perfectamente la filmacion y la fotografia, y se acompanan en ir un paso mas alla hacia la autonomia, el poder y la dignidad de la expresion del erotismo, para poder quebrar la idea de cuerpo objetizado y comercializado que persiste lamentablemente hoy dia. / Filming and photography are perfectly complemented, and they are accompanied by going one step further towards the autonomy, power and dignity of the expression of eroticism, in order to break the idea of ??an objectified and commercialized body that unfortunately persists today."
Jul 21, 2020 Amanda_Blue//"azul_suenos"
"Recien levantada, me gusta dormir desnuda sientiendo las suaves sabanas en mi piel. Estaba en un suenio, donde la mar rompe en las piedras, donde las plantas me vestian. Con la brillante luz me di cuenta que mi pelo azul hace combinacion con mis ojos. En mi cuarto hay tres grandes ventanas, generalmente despues de baniarme, al ponerme cremas la gente pasa por la calle y a veces me doy cuenta que paran a mirar. Esta vez fue diferente, estaba haciendo fotos desnudas a mi misma, me senti mas libre. / I had just woken up. I like to sleep naked feeling the soft sheets on my skin. I was in a dream where the sea crashed to the rocks, where the plants dressed me. With the bright light I realized that my blue hair matches my eyes. I have 3 large windows in my room. Usually after a shower I put cream on myself, and sometimes I notice that people walking along those streets can see me. This time was different though, I was making a photo shoot of myself naked. I feel more free."
Jul 20, 2020 Emerald_A//"striations"
"I shot this folio in the beautiful morning and afternoon shining sun of my new apartment. My favourite part of any day is laying naked in the sun in my bed, so I thought there is no better place to shoot my folio than here! I could only think of how grateful I am to have such a gorgeous area that is now mine to be in whenever I want. I only live on the first level of these new apartments which looks over a semi-main road, so a lot of the photos were taken facing the morning and afternoon traffic as well as pedestrians walking along the road. I didn’t pay attention to it most the time but I’m sure there were a few people who got a cheeky look!! After finishing my shoot I felt incredibly empowered. It is an overwhelming rush of thrill and courage. Looking over the photos made me feel beautiful and powerful. I loved participating in this project."
Jul 19, 2020 Sarah_C//"mindful_stills"
"Today I did a shoot for ISM. It was interesting for me. I tried to produce photos with the best possible quality, and I worried mostly about taking beautiful pictures. Maybe it is a bit unusual but I was not worried about some nudity though. It is a beautiful idea, to observe a person who enjoys themselves this way. however in perfection there is probably nothing sincere. This is a revelation. For myself I love to watch my partners, and would love it if they made nude selfies for me. In the middle of shooting I got so relaxed, that I didn't notice that I'd started to shoot without thinking. Like on waves of inspiration, I wanted to share my deep world inside with others."