New Releases
Dec 15, 2020 Euphemia//"showing_up"
"Remembering what it feels like to create ritual around self love and my body feels so good, especially when a camera is involved to capture it. It's been a wild year and I thoroughly enjoyed this moment in time to pause. Return the attention and intention onto myself, exploring my body, my sensuality and my beloved bedroom for another ISM. I played some music that makes me feel HOT, lit some incense, danced with my playful and sensual nature and carved out lines in space with my breasts and yoni. The female body is sacred, and I hope you feel that as you gaze upon it. x"
Dec 14, 2020 Camille_C//"spilt_milk"
"J'ai pri les photos de chez moi parce qu'on est en quarantaine. En fait, je n'ai pas detesté travailler sous contrainte. Certes, j'ai éprouvé de la difficulté à commencer le projet, à laisser l'inspiration venir. J'étais ennuyée, stressée et un peu inconfortable. Je me trouvais commune. Puis, et alors que j'exprérimentais avec mon appareil photo, je me suis surprise a etre un peu emoustillée par le shooting. Je me sentais inspirée, mieux dans mon corps. J´avais envie de faire l´amour. / Like many others, I shot myself from home, due to the social distancing and isolation laws but against all odds, I quite enjoyed this constriction. Yes, I had felt anxiety in regards to the project. I wasn't sure what or where to shoot. I was annoyed and felt uncomfortable, vulnerable. And then, as I was experimenting with the camera, I stopped needing my partner's encouragement. I felt inspired and started making the project my own. I was feeling better about my own body and found myself a little bit aroused. I wanted to have sex."
Dec 13, 2020 Zoe_T//"lightstream"
"This time around I was limited to my room to do my IShotMyself shoot but I didn't let that stop me. It was interesting having to adapt to the available lighting at different times of the day and with different weather conditions. We have built in window shutters which meant the light would stream in between the slots creating a fun effect. Also outside my room there is a big tree which filtered the light when it wasn't streaming directly through. I usually love to bask in this light naked during the day so it was fun sharing that view with the camera."
Dec 13, 2020 Adalfam//"cuarentena"
"Este folio se hizo en cuarentena en casa de mi novio y de su tia. Su mama vino a la casa mientras yo estaba filmando, tuve que ponerme la ropa ra¡pidamente. Siempre me ha gustado fotografiarme desnuda y es como cualquier dia normal, realmente lo disfrute y me encanto el resultado. / This folio was made in quarantine at my boyfriend's house and his aunt's. His Mom came to the house while I was shooting, I had to put my clothes on quickly. I have always liked to photograph myself naked and it's like any normal day, I really enjoyed it and loved the result."
Dec 12, 2020 Selda//"in_the_mood"
"The mood was the most important part of the shoot for me. I wanted to feel romantic and sexy, so I put on my favourite lingerie and some music that always gets me going and I turned the lights down low and just started seeing what would happen when it is just me and the camera. I think the shots came out really good, I like the ones where I'm tangled in fishnets and I think overall my eyes look so sexy too. I hope you like them."
Dec 11, 2020 Animals//"la_fievre"
"I was listening to Elvis Presley's Fever while doing this folio and I do think it fits totally - "Now you've listened to my story, here's the point that I have made. Cats were born to give chicks fever. Be it Fahrenheit or Centigrade. They give you fever when you kiss them, fever if you live and learn, fever till you sizzle. What a lovely way to burn."
Dec 10, 2020 Maggie_P//"concupiscence"
"I had initially wanted to take my body on an adventure, getting out into nature and stripping down to my bare bones...but then COVID-19 exploded around the globe and I was forced into self-quarantine. I began documenting my isolated world, finding adventure in my own home. I played with my plants, rearranged rooms, rolled around on fur, rubbed myself in oil, contorted my figure and dropped the camera on my face more times than I care to admit. Resulting in a playful, light filled celebration of ME! This was my way of celebrating and highlighting how proud I am of every experience I’ve endured. Whether good or bad."
Dec 09, 2020 Jemma_C//"gemini_sky"
"If one could embody summer, I felt I was just that. I found a patch of clover, weeds, and grass, and really enjoyed the way the greens hugged my curves. I grabbed the mirror and was loving the illusion of the mirrored sky against the real sky. My gemini self was pleased with illusions of my twin looking back at me. I felt like a goddess - even when my bum was covered in dirt and the grass was prickling against my soft skin. This shoot was gentle and delicate, reminding me of the unappreciated nature of the sacred feminine."
Dec 08, 2020 Laurel//"party_4_one"
"Friday night. I don't want to go out tonight, I just want to party by myself, or I guess in a way whoever is looking at these photos is partying with me. I wanted to do these photos to celebrate my scars and the choices I've made about my body. People say a lot of things about plastic surgery and they can be really mean. But what they don't see is all the pain and how worth it it really is when it's something you truly want. I'm so proud of my body so I wanted to share it with you, hope you like the pics!"
Dec 07, 2020 Dani_J//"power_move"
"My second time shooting myself was a whole new experience from the first. I was already familiar with shooting my own body and tried to encapsulate more emotion and energy into the photos. I was inspired by the theme of women and power, an important message I recently received in my life, and wanted to convey that through my pictures. I portrayed joy, sexiness, anger and power, all while learning to love my body more and express my sexuality. I thought a lot about what power means to women, how we can grab it for ourselves and how we can exert that in our sexuality."
Dec 06, 2020 Sureau//"ReflexionSubtile"
"I shot this folio at home at the end of August. I was so into it that I forgot to close the curtains a bit, so I guess some of my neighbours had a good view! I shoot a lot of self-done photos at my place, but usually with a timer and tripod. It was challenging and fun trying to find interesting poses without that, and I felt closer to the camera, well, literally but also mentally. I had to get my cat out of the way too many times though!"
Dec 05, 2020 Georgia_L//"SpringInMyStep"
"This is my first time outside with anything less than jeans for 4 months. Winter, lockdown, ya know. So I thought I'd celebrate spring with another shoot - for some reason ISM keeps taking new folios from me! I hope you like. I love clover, but I did get a wet butt. I don't care, shooting's so much fun, I could do it every day."
Dec 05, 2020 Alejandra_M//"horizonte"
"La experience de sacar fotos desnudas fui una que me ha hecho sentir libero y empoderado, y tambien me ha connectado mucho mas con mi femininidad. Tambien ha cido un experienza lleno de sopresas y sonrisas. Entre tratando de sacar fotos con mis pies y usando la casa de mi fuck buddy como un fotostudio, yo ha pasado todo el shoot sonriendo! / The experience of taking nude photos was one that has made me feel free and empowered, and has also connected me much more with my femininity. It was an experience full of surprises and smiles. Between trying to take pictures with my feet and using the house of my fuck buddy as a photo studio, I have spent the entire shoot smiling!"
Dec 04, 2020 Leria_G//"besstrashno"
"I had a great time shooting in my house. Everything was great, nothing unexpected happened. I was thinking about my different sexual experiences to make myself aroused and horny while doing the pictures, so I had a joyful time. I didn't have a mirror to take photos, so I was not sure I could do it well. But I took all my fantasy and imagination, and said to myself - "Hey girl, just have some fun, do not doubt!" After a few minutes I felt relaxed and became free in posing. It's unbelievable, how many ideas you can get when relaxed and interested in something!"
Dec 03, 2020 Rose_P//"rosa_deliciosa"
"It's a cold, quarantine day but I'm so happy to have been outdoors amongst the giant monsteras. I wanted to keep this shoot simple, almost as a re-documentation of my body. Isolation has caused me to gain a few kilos, some extra rolls and some biiiiiig boobies! I'm embracing these changes, and continually exploring my sexuality throughout isolation. I'm wishing everyone a short lockdown and a wonderful new normal x."