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New Releases

Apr 12, 2004
Oscar is a fine drag king from the #1 haircut to the ifeminising breast bandage down to the unfettered body hair. She unwrapped herself for her ISM folio and here it is.
Apr 11, 2004
rosy's wednesday
Rosy looked to the late afternoon sun for divine light, then played with the shadows from a wire fence to make some interesting images. She told us the whole experience was quite surreal because she'd spent so much time in this field, playing soccer and drinking with her friends, then here she was, alone and naked late one Wednesday. "It was scary", she said, "but in a good way".
Apr 11, 2004
May in April
May was artist #222 way back in, oh, sometime. We invited her back to shoot again because she seemed to have so much fun the last time around, and she shot herself this time in her parent's garden.
Apr 10, 2004
Precious Demi
Shot in her home town of Portland, Oregon, USA, this folio by the cutess Demi shows a soft side, a serious side, and a playful side.
Apr 09, 2004
Lil Red
There's something about redheads, they all seem to turn in great shoots. Heatcharm shot this folio in her home where the filtered daylight glows softly around her curves.
Apr 09, 2004
FiFi gets Frank
At 31, she is one of the older contributors ot ISM (help us fix that, women!) and we wouldl love to have featured FiFi as a daily folio. But, as her bio will attest, she didn't put her heart and soul into this set and we couldn't find enough images with the required technical standard.
Apr 08, 2004
La has a very laid back outlook on life, some stolen milk crates and a bendy body. Rain from a subtropical storm interrupted play on this set, shot in her inner urban yard in the middle of summer.
Apr 07, 2004
Can you bare more hair?
Kyla dropped into the ISM office when she was in town, so natrually we asked her if she'd like to do a Reload. And she did, right then and there. Kyla is fun, smart, fully articulated, and has the longest hair on the Project. So far.
Apr 07, 2004
If you looked into the face of the Mythical medusa you turned to stone. Look only at her reflection, then post your best Medusa pun in the Comments section. Winner gets a week added to their ISM subscription. We'd like to thank madeline for taking time out from her diesel fetish to create this amazing collection of images, and Ralph for being so deliciously slinky.
Apr 06, 2004
The gorgeous young mother Paige took the Project head on and submitted a very varied set of images. From the bedroom to the bath to the backyard to the car she gives her all and here''s the best.
Apr 06, 2004
This set could have been shot in a photobooth - a pair of teenage girls jostling for lens position, as they do. You might recognise these two, they were artists Freckles and Kaya from the early days of the Project.
Apr 06, 2004
This set could have been shot in a photobooth - a pair of teenage girls jostling for lens position, as they do. You might recognise these two, they were artists Freckles and Kaya from the early days of the Project.
Apr 05, 2004
All Hail Princess Natalie
Natalie is straight out of Cute School. She told us she found it difficult to photograph herself, not emotionally but technically, and apologised for making it a short set. We don't care, we think she did 'orlright.
Apr 05, 2004
We couldn't fit Jay into the daily schedule so here she is in Overload, demonstrating great dexterity with the camera.
Apr 05, 2004
Juggling fun with Guinessa
Bubbly Swedish moppet Guinessa debuted on ISM last week. Among her many skills she's a competent juggler using balls, clubs, footballs, and...er...well you'll have to watch this video to find out. Since her friend Kitty did most of the camera work this isn't very self-shot but it is HILARIOUS.