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"I decided to do a photo shoot in the field and at the same time combine it with a picnic with my friend. It was fun to photograph myself, I was not afraid of nudity, since the grass around me was quite high. I embarrassed my friend a little, I didn't warn him about the photo session. He was pleasantly surprised and helped me by being my lookout. There was a bright sun and my pale ass got tanned a bit on it haha. I am also a little shy of the camera and do not really expose my body outside, I hope I will get better with time."
"I woke up at 5:30am and headed down to the beautiful forest near my house for sunrise. I carried a heavy backpack and a chair for a few kilometres into the forest. When I reached my first location the sun had began to shine itself all over me and the trees. The day was sensual and rich with the divinity of nature and self expression. I shot video alongside taking stills and it was a very orgasmic experience - touching myself in the sunshine with the birds singing. At one stage an old man walked past catching me in the act which was fun. We should all masturbate more in nature."
"I shot most of the photos in my one bedroom apartment. It was actually difficult to shoot because my apartment is on the ground floor and to get the best lighting I had to have my blinds fully open for everyone on the street to see as they walked past! But after a while it really didn't bother me at all and I felt super comfortable. While I was shooting outdoors, I had the most fun and was constantly harassed by the dogs (I think they made it in to a few shots). Bees were also a hassle, haha."
"Raus aus der Zivilisation und raus aus uns selbst. Am meisten liebe ich wie komisch wir uns anfangs fühlten und wie man Stück für Stück sicherer wurde und loslassen konnte. Die letzten 2 Stunden verbrachten wir splitterfasernackt wie Mama Earth uns schuf am Strand. Mein Körper ist ein Tempel voller schöner Ungewissheit. / Getting out of civilization and out of myself. Most of all, I love how weird I felt at first and how one by one got safer and could let go. The last 2 hours were spent naked like Mama Earth created us on the beach. My body is a temple full of beautiful uncertainty."
"I had dreams of banana lounges and perfect lighting. My Mum's nasturtiums and effortlessly hot nudes. I've been taking them for so many years, why should this be different? When I turned the camera on though, I realised I didn't know who I was taking these photos for. They were for no one specific person. I wasn't even sure if they were for me. The first couple of photos I took felt silly, but then as I kept going I couldn't take my eyes off myself. I realised that I never spend this long looking at myself and performing for only me. It was not perfect and I still kinda wish that it was, but this was way more fun than that."
"I did this shoot in my share house kitchen, very early in the morning. It was a really enjoyable experience as I spend so much time in my kitchen but never without clothes! I am a very passionate cook and baker so my kitchen is definitely my happy place - exploring my body through art in the space was very special to me. I found myself thinking a lot about what I want to bake next while doing the shoot, and found that this space really allows my creativity to flow, however next time I'll definitely bring a heater into my freezing cold kitchen."
"The inspiration for this video was my love for music. I wrote a song specifically for the video actually as I was inspired when thinking about loving my body and accepting my whole self. The song kind of flowed out naturally and I wrote the whole thing in about half an hour, with minor tweaks in the following days. Hopefully I'll eventually perform and record this like my other music. I loved being inspired to write a song, when something comes up that draws me into creating about it I am grateful for that experience."
"I was a little nervous to start, (having never done this before) but I soon became very interested in alternative ways to shoot myself, it was very very fun. I decided to shoot at a place that symbolises balance. The 3 large rocks in my folio show this, they are all different sizes yet they sit on top of each other in perfect balance. This sculpture signifies how I try to keep my life balanced and always moving forward which is why I chose to shoot myself there. After the shoot I felt liberated as well as being quite intrigued in how my body can look in different weather, spaces and places."
"I took these photos in a beautiful converted warehouse apartment where a good friend of mine is currently living. We made tea and I felt very cozy while I shot myself. The theme was yoga and active wear, which I think is really cute and kinda naughty. The idea of fucking someone wearing trainers and booty shorts, after a sweaty workout, really turns me on. I hope that this series gets you hard and makes your thoughts run wild!"
"I shot this in my bedroom with my cats watching me. I did this on a Sunday while the sun was shining in the room and was giving some lovely lighting. I was thinking about angles and what looks best and what will catch the attention of people. I was very worried about my family seeing me as they kept going outside and walking past my bedroom window. I felt sexy as hell after doing the photo shoot! I honestly had a great time taking these photos and would love to be able to show off my body more often."
"This was a great approach to what is public and what is private - even trying to find where to photograph myself was a challenge. I did get sprung by a toddler being carried on their Dad's shoulders who had the vantage to peer over my fence and see me in twister pose trying to take a picture of my butt. That brought horror, fright for him, but shock and silliness/joy for me. Surprisingly I found this project really difficult to keep making fresh - how to find a new space, new light, new angles, etc. I reckon I found some undiscovered moles and freckles and I also got to lay in the grass and feel the air on my entire canvas for a weekend, which was divine."
"I love shooting in natural light. This afternoon it was partly cloudy partly sunny making it perfect for shooting. I went into my backyard first, then a walk further to even bigger backyard - the nature. I was pulling off some yoga poses from recently, and was just glad to be in nature and be myself. I'm never a makeup girl, and love to see myself in my own skin. It's been a while since I was last here but I'm glad to be back."
"Hola chicos! Tomando estas fotos estaba muy divertido. Usé cámara móvil para tomar fotos originales de mi cuerpo. Me gustaba expresar mi creatividad fotografiando en diferentes lugares y con diferentes posturas. Usa tu cuerpo para hacer cosas originales, explora, es un cosa muy divertido. / Hello guys! This project was really fun to do. I used my mobile camera to take original photos of my body. I loved being able to express my creativity by photographing in different places and with different postures. Use your body to do original things, explore, it is a very fun thing."
"Sometimes you just have to get your sexy on, you know? There were so many things I had to do today... go to the shops, clean my room, a million boring grownup things... but I think you can tell from my pictures that there was something else I needed to do instead. I wanted to make it really good for myself so I took time before to really get myself excited, taking photos of myself and looking at them, it's like a sexy loop the more I look, the more I want to see myself."
Dec 16, 2020 Frieda_H//"taa_daa"
"The project was a great experience and self-love exercise! In the beginning it took me a while to get confident in how to tilt the camera so that my body actually is in the picture and the light bright enough. But once I'd started to warm up a bit and discovered more perspectives and body poses, I felt more comfortable. This was evident when I started to make silly faces and just laugh, it was a feeling of more love for myself and the pictures I made. This ability to transpose my true self into the photos generated ideas for new pictures. This felt natural to me and I loved it. The project helped me embrace my feminine energy and play with my sexuality."
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