New Releases
Feb 10, 2021
"This is my first time doing anything quite like this. I have often enjoyed taking nudes and lewds but struggled with my own insecurities and feelings in regards to being "good enough" to submit them anywhere before but here we are, I did it! I had an amazing time working on this project and accepting my body exactly as it is. I got to spend time outside in a place I love whilst truly loving myself in the process, and I feel incredible for it (even if I did have to take some breaks to remove the odd insect or stray piece of flora from my privates)."
Feb 09, 2021
"Wo auch immer ich bin, ich verschwinde in meiner Umgebung. Die Farbe meiner Haut, die Windungen meines Schamhaars...dieser Shoot hat sich anders angefhlt. Bei meinen anderen Shoots war ich immer in der sicheren Umgebung meines Zuhauses. Dieses Mal bin ich losgezogen andere Orte zu erkunden, die Hauser von Anderen, den Busch, eine verlassene Farm. Besonders machten ich mit dem zu spielen, was mir der jeweilige Ort angeboten hat. Das rostige Metall auf meiner Haut zu spaen. Die kalten Kacheln es Kchenbodens. Das Leder des Sofas und wie es gegen meine Schenkel presst. / Wherever I am, I blend in with my environment. The colour of my skin, the shape of my pubic hair...this shoot felt different. I used to be in the safe environment of my own home. This time I went to explore other spaces, other people's houses, the bush, an old farm yard. I loved to play with whatever that specific environment had to offer. Feel the rusty metal on my skin. The cold tiles on the kitchen floor. The leather of the couch pressing against my thighs."
Feb 08, 2021
"For this folio I really wanted to get out into the bush and have a good play. The bush is where I feel most alive, I was born out in the country and I'm kind of a loner, which is perfect for solo self-shooting. Being outside is contemplative for me so I thought it would fit really well. Unfortunately plans don't always work out. Due to weather I had to shoot inside so I tried to get creative with my many props... and in the end, I was blessed with blue skies so I quickly ran to my hiking spot and snapped a few quick pics!"
Feb 07, 2021
"I love brightness! I used coloured clothes and props to represent the aspects of myself that I truly love, the colourful side of me that loves to play around and have fun. I felt inspired by the plants and sunshine that surrounded me so I decided to incorporate some gorgeous sunflowers! They are a total representation of how I was feeling at that time. Bright and beautiful! My housemate who wasn't aware of me taking part in the project came busting into my my space unannounced and hilariously intrigued so I filled her in on the whole story. She felt super inspired and is now also keen to take part and do a shoot for ISM. How great!"
Feb 06, 2021
"Ik ben Lina, 21j, wonend in Belgisch meisje. Ik hou ervan om naakt te zijn, als ik een dagje vrij ben zul je me vaak naakt zien rondlopen/poetsen/dansen in mijn huisje. Het is wel moeilijk om te shooten met een kat rond je! Kijk naar mijn foto's geniet er van zoals ik ervan genoot om ze te maken! / My name is Lina, I'm a 21 year old Belgian girl. I love being nude, when I have a day off you'll catch me walking/cleaning/dancing nude in my house! It's quite hard to shoot with a cat around you though! Take a look at my photos and enjoy them as much as I did making them!"
Feb 04, 2021
"J'ai fais IShotMySelf dans mon appartement. C'etait incroyable, au debut, j'ai ete un peu impressionnee. Mais apres quelques photos j'etais plus detendue et j'avais plus confiance en moi! Apres le tournage, je me suis senti libre avec mon corps comme je l'ai decouvert maintenant! Alors merci pour cette experience, c'etait genial! Je le recommande a toutes les femmes du monde! / I shot myself in my apartment. It was amazing, I was a bit impressed. After a few pictures I was more relaxed and I had more trust in myself! After the shoot I felt free with my body like I discovered it now! So thank you for this experience, it was awesome! I recommend it for all women in the world!"
Feb 03, 2021
"Let me preface this by saying I'm not a shy person, and especially not shy about nudity. A long flowing skirt and a tube top made exposing myself to the camera (and the world) very easy. Especially sliding off my underwear and relieving myself down by the creek, I wasn't even busting, just wanted to feel the excitement of an outdoor public pee. Come on a bike ride with me and see all my favourite spots along the way: the creek, the playground, hidden alleyways, and my patio at home. Come on! Let's go!"
Feb 03, 2021
Seek and ye shall find, they said. Well, we had some extra time on our hands this year - who didn't? So, we sought. We turned over cushions, went deep into dusty closets, and lifted up floorboards, and well, we've gotta say, we're very pleased with what we found. Hellsangel rocked our worlds when she first appeared in 2010, and realising we've got a whole extra folio worth of photos to post, just made 2020 a little more bearable.
Feb 02, 2021
"In my home I am surrounded by beautiful plants. I decided to do this shoot freely in the living room of my sharehouse in the early morning sun over 2 days whilst utilising the array of greenery that I surround myself with. My house plants got up close and personal with me during this shoot and I loved every second of it. My housemates were on holidays at the time so I had the freedom to be nude wherever I wanted, for as long as I wanted. Being nude in your home, lounging around in the morning sun, while no one is around is truly a one of the best feelings in the world."
Feb 02, 2021
"I like to show off near the mirror, and when I look at my reflection, I have a smile on my lips. When I was photographing myself in some poses, I lost my balance and fell, it was funny. I liked taking pictures of myself, and after the photo session I was in a great mood. I love taking beautiful pictures, and I hope my photos show it. Hope you will like the result!"
Feb 01, 2021
"I was super excited to try this shoot on the roof because it gets pretty morning sun and I thought the brick/views would make an interesting backdrop. I didn't consider how cold it would be up there in the middle of winter but the pics were worth it! I had to hide from the builders next door but that just added to the fun. Although it was a little nerve wracking being nude and that exposed in the open I had so much fun with this shoot and absolutely love the view from that height!!"
Jan 31, 2021
"When doing my shoot I wanted to really show the natural female body, unedited, unposed, and playful. Usually when I pose for a photo, I suck in, cover my scar, arch my back, etc to get the "perfect" idea of myself. This shoot encouraged me to accept my body in its most raw form, and love it exactly for how it is. I am sexy and beautiful and everyone deserves to feel that way as well. I felt confident and beautiful after I shot myself and I think it's wonderful they accept people of all body types on this site."
Jan 30, 2021
"Here I am ISM, ten years older and wiser, and more connected to myself than ever. Am I still a perfect Jewish princess? Si! Have I found my dream husband and my dream wife, who will let me feed them bagels all day long? Alas, not quite. Sometimes one, sometimes the other, but not yet both together. I still dream! And meanwhile, I shoot myself in the pouring rain."
Jan 29, 2021
"I'm a harley girl through and through, my dad and his mates drive harleys and I just grew up like that. Even though yeah I'm posing with my friend's honda here, I couldn't get naked at my own place. A lot of people say some other smaller bikes are faster and better but I think they've never ridden on a harley before. There's just something about that big weight and power. If you've never ridden on a nice big bike I'd say you have to give it a try some day."
Jan 28, 2021
"It was a rainy day when my car suddenly stopped. I was going to my friend's house in the countryside. My car stopped near an abandoned building, close to the forest. Well, I called to service and had about an hour to wait. This is not a problem, I am a big optimist, so I chose to have some fun while waiting. Hmm, what about making sexy selfies? I loved that idea. I started in the car, but after chose to walk around a bit. It was a bit scary at times, maybe somebody will watch me. But it was away from the city, so no people around. That situation was exciting for me."