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New Releases

Feb 09, 2005
The ISM Angel of Death, Azrael, returns to us today with a ravishing Reload for all fans of the darkside. She's as black as her habits (licking batteries, anyone?) and as deadly as her looks. You'll want to get caught up in this web.
Feb 09, 2005
Part 1 today of gorgeous Stellamaris frolicking about, shooting herself in a very serene grassy meadow. Unfortunately if you don't speak German, like me, you'll have no idea what this is about - until the ant bites. That bit, I got.
Feb 08, 2005
Following up her recent hit (on ISM, anyway), here's Laila with an ode to ISM. Written just for us, oh shucks!
Feb 08, 2005
For you inkies, here's a body of work to contemplate; an abdominal menagerie in the making. Hopefully Frangelico will come back in a year or two so we can check the prgoress.
Feb 07, 2005
We can't help but love a lady who's catchcry is "Take pornography out of the hands of sleazy men! Put it back in the hands of naked people!!!". Ladylone submitted a great set that was a little fuzzy around the edges, but here's the pick of the bunch.
Feb 07, 2005
We asked Wilow to do a few more shots to round out her set, and that's where the outdoor sequence - and the genius - started. There are some really exceptional shots of a gorgeous contributor here. reload anyone?
Feb 06, 2005
It's a long way between smiles here, but worth the trip. "Babyboo" suffered through a frigid melbourne winter's day to bring you thse goosebumps, so do the right thing and worship every single one - then vote for a reload.
Feb 06, 2005
It's been far too long since her adoring public have caught a glimpse of Dandy, ISM's resident showoff and alltime public nudity star. This Reload sees her taking us (and a video camera!) on a wee trip around the house, with a quick pitstop for a spot of playing with Barbie. It's best not to ask what happened to Ken.
Feb 05, 2005
From a gorgeous pair of brown eyes yesterday to the blackest pools of oil you ever saw. And Boo made a point in her shoot of emphasising her other huge feature...nah, go and see it for yourself.
Feb 05, 2005
Bunbun's strawberry daiquiri lasted only a few frames but it gave her the sugar boost she needed to complete a full set of bright and colourful pics. It seems the sun was the enemy of the day and we had to toss most of them due to overexposure, but what's left is a fine snapshot of Happy Hour in your average Australian backyard.
Feb 04, 2005
A pair of brown eyes like these has inspired irish love songs, bad 60's Spanish romanticism and a generation of Disney animators. I'd call this a good ordinary folio; not many standout moments, but consistency and a pretty artist make it work.
Feb 04, 2005
cle & strawberry//"frosty"
These two larrikins are ten times better at taking photos than making snowmen, and we got proof. Poor old Frosty copped it in the end, but Cle and Strawberry kindly spared him the indignity of being snapped naked. You saw the 'snowchix' videos, now here's the coolest shoot ever.
Feb 04, 2005
cle & strawberry//"frosty"
These two larrikins are ten times better at taking photos than making snowmen, and we got proof. Poor old Frosty copped it in the end, but Cle and Strawberry kindly spared him the indignity of being snapped naked. You saw the 'snowchix' videos, now here's the coolest shoot ever.
Feb 04, 2005
An interview today: Last month's Art Prize winner keeps her clothes on and tells us why ISM wasn't the first reason to take naked pictures of herself, then tells us a bit about how and where she shot the award winning folio.
Feb 03, 2005
We continue the diversity with another healthy Rubens' today, and she glows like a supernova. Hey it's february already, do you have any nominations for the art prize? Let head@ishomyself.com know all about it.