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New Releases

Jun 11, 2005
CharlieZ is a local girl who heard about ISM from some friends and swanned in one day to see if ISM was still looking for "girls who like to take off their clothes for fun"? Hell yeah, we said, and here she is. I'm not a botanist but I'm sure that's some sort of medicinal Elm variety in #68.
Jun 10, 2005
Shy, provocative, sexy, cheeky, ticklish, brazen, coy, demure, sexy, flirtatious, gorgeous. Not enough pictures!
Jun 10, 2005
Today we're back to France for a very stimulating folio from the totally hot Claire de Paris. I can grok enough French to understand from her bio that she hopes we enjoy her naked body. Uh, yep, I think so.
Jun 09, 2005
We dare you not to find Roxx as gorgeous as she finds herself. It's good to see a bit of healthy ego going on with the kids today!
Jun 09, 2005
Bonniegirl is proudly rounder than your average denuded netizen and shot herself because "I love my body". I love the light in this shoot. Bonnie will soon qualify as a nurse but already qualifies as an iconic ISM natural beauty, don't you think?
Jun 08, 2005
Okay so she mightn't be the first girl to paint her naked body and slam it against a canvas, but mad_dame is probably the cutest, and the first to do it for ISM. The resulting masterpiece is now hanging in the ISM foyer - we'd have preffered to pin ~her~ up instead but she plans for the rest of her life. Seen here in front of her self-portrait, also now in the ISM Collection.
Jun 08, 2005
Bad girls like pool, and extremely bad girls like naked pool, but only the naughtiest and baddest of girls wears heels on the table. My my! Syndi's Reload is smokin', sexy and sinful, all at once.
Jun 08, 2005
From the USA today comes the illustrated Stoli and her fuck-off flaming boots. Cute but nasty, hard as ice but warm like pudding, the irresistible Stoli is a contradiction of herself. My favourite is 66 but the composition of 141 is hard to beat too.
Jun 07, 2005
A no-nonsense set from a balls-out, no-nonsense lady. Jem likes her fast-paced death metal, Dr Suess and Paris Hilton. Guess which of these factors have influenced her folio?
Jun 07, 2005
If wallowing about in a drain is Renate's idea of a pipe-dream, I'd hate to see her worst nightmare. Today's contributor is another German with a bio we could barely transcribe, let alone translate, so if you want to know more about the girl behind the pics you'll need some help from babelfish. Unless you're German, in which case you already know more about her that my babbling anyway. Just look at the pretty pictures.
Jun 06, 2005
It's cold and wet here in ISM-land, so we thought we'd cheer ourselves up with a gorgeous sunny beach set. Gabriella managed some magnificent pictures in 'coolwater'and deserves extra kudos for not getting a sinlge drop on the lens.
Jun 06, 2005
How many times have I told you Lavern, don't sit in the frypan without your clothes on! At least she gave her arse - no sorry, she's Canadian, so ass - a good scrub in the sink first. Gastronomically I'd give this shoot a 2, photographically a 6, but humorously, a 9.9.
Jun 05, 2005
Decadence has submitted one of the more colourful, messy and dirty folios on ISM. Somewhere underneath all the bodypaint is a fascinating human who "roams the streets of Manhattan looking for trouble"... she's exactly the kind of painted lady your mum told you to stay away from. Yeah, but like you'd listen to your mum.
Jun 05, 2005
Imogene took herself out to pasture at the tender age of 21 to shoot this gorgeous and well-rounded folio. And don't sit around waiting till the cows to come home, hit that vote button folks.
Jun 04, 2005
I think I have new favourite artist, and not just because she's a Scot and I'm a sucker for that accent. She's promised us a video so we'll just have to wait and hear...and see. This outstanding folio starts in a public loo but it's all uphill from there.