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"Ah, where have I been all those years! Whilst I was living in the big city for a decade, I wouldn't have believed you then if you said that I would move to the countryside. Looking at my 2009 (!) portfolio "lively", I thought it was way time to create a new one for ISM. I feel like it was yesterday though. Of course I would use the place I live at, as I am on 3 acres. I just had to keep an eye on what my neighbors were doing!"
"I did my shoot in my bedroom which is the place I feel most at home in. I like being surrounded by the clutter in my room. While taking the photos was very confronting for me, afterwards I felt really comfortable with myself. Doing this shoot has really helped me accept my body for how it is."
"I rode my bike over to a trusted friend's house on a coolish, cloudy morning. They had gone out for the day and allowed me to use their home for this shoot. When I saw the garden hose I instantly wrapped it around myself. After being outside for a while I decided to move in and take a few indoor shots by a large window with white curtains, they felt kind of romantic to me and I was a little cold, although I had worked up a little inner heat in both senses of the phrase."
"When I was taking these photos, I was trying to tune into my spiritual side and connect with the space around me. I went into the shoot with no expectations and this made these photos a really sensual and comfortable experience. I didn't put any pressure on myself to 'perform' and I was feeling my most authentic self while taking these photos. Afterwards I felt empowered, confident and grounded."
"I shot this at my apartment during the third week of social isolation during Covid-19. It was a cold, rainy morning during such a weird, uncertain time. It was really nice to spend an hour or so focusing on myself and my body. I found that doing this helped me be a lot more present in the "right now" rather than stressing about what was happening in the rest of the world. It ended up being like a moving meditation, really!"
"Rita Mae Brown once said that "The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself", and this resonates with me. I used to be afraid of being myself, instead, I would self-edit to try and please others. This left me feeling like I would never be enough. Instead of blending in, I purposely started to stand out. This shoot is a representation of me. Quirky, weird as fuck and proud of it. Colourful, playful, vibrant, and multifaceted like the colours of a rainbow. No one is me, and that is my power."
Jun 02, 2021 Altea//"IDGAF_2"
"I just keep looking for inspiration and I found all of these socks I got from Ali Express - cause I love socks, and I love expressing myself. I think socks is a quite discreet way of doing it. So I choose them and they say funny things like fuck off, or leave me alone, or play with me. My favourite says, don't follow me, I'm already lost. And I love them. I also have panties like, "ain't going to spank myself". It's quite funny..."
"I was thinking about all of the different ways I could photograph myself in a body positive way, rather than looking perfect and pristine like I normally try to appear in photos. I have a wrist tattoo which is featured in the folio that reads "imperfection is human" in my own handwriting. It was a sentiment that meant a lot to me at the time I wrote it in my journal, and that stands true today."
"Technically it is Autumn, but the sun was just divine and tasted of summer. I did this shoot in my bedroom and on my balcony, basking in the sun. My body felt warm and sensuous, whilst also feeling free and gentle. I adored this shoot and just felt so happy in my body, what a gift to myself. In the last year I've struggled with some health issues in my body, so doing this shoot felt like a return to my sacred beauty, with a new understanding of my body. I loved it."
"Ishotmyself is something I've thought about doing for years but never had the courage to do. Recently, I've felt the need to be more confident in my body and myself. I shot a lot in my bedroom but I also took some shots out in my backyard, hiding behind trees, ha. It's crazy how good it feels to do this. I'm loving it. It feels amazing and terrifying to be out in the open, taking shots. But, slowly I am becoming more comfortable. I think probably everyone should try this at least once, even if you don't show anyone the pictures."
"I focused on creating unusual shapes with my body, contracting into small spaces and expanding over furniture or against the wall. Whilst the overall aesthetic remained soft and femme, I aimed to inject a sense of strength and non-conformity by exploring odd angles and bold poses. More colour was also included in this shoot than last time - to convey confidence and variation. The active shots contrast with more passive, languid poses represent the duality of my self-perception and sexuality."
"Hello and welcome to me! I took these photos in my home throughout this spring, on days when the sunlight inspired me. I enjoy photography, whether I'm photographing myself, friends, or lovely outdoor scenes. Capturing subtle contrasts and noticing varying types of light is meditative and pulls me into the present moment. This project was challenging for me, I wanted to capture a lot of my body in each shot and that was difficult to do while holding the camera. But I think I rose to the challenge and was able to capture my best features with some fun angles and mirror tricks."
"I am typically the type of person to hide in the back of photos, this time I had the lens of the camera pointed directly at my naked body! This, I will say took me a hot minute to get used to. When the main mirror I would be using for the majority of the shoot smashed, instead of giving up (I was close) I tried to incorporate the reality of the broken mirror into the shoot. I think some of these photos came out a lot cooler than I was anticipating."
"Zuerst wollte ich mich auf eine kleine Reise zu einem verlassenen Ort machen um Spannung aufzubauen und dem ganzen einen Hauch von Abenteuer zu verleihen. Doch dann oberkam mich der Gedanke: Was wurde spannender sein als dein eigenes zu Hause? Der Ort wo du dich am wohlsten fahlst. Der Ort an dem du am verletzlichsten, am intimsten bist. All das laste mein momentaner Gedankensalat aus. Manchmal fehlt man sich doch wohler zu Hause als geselligkeit raus unter Leute zu messen. / My first thought was going to an adventurous also a little dangerous place to create some sort of tension. But then I thought what can be more exciting than your home? Your safe space where you are the most vulnerable and intimate. It is very much based on my chaos of emotions which sometimes makes me wanna stay in my space rather than socialising and putting myself out there."
"Hola! Tome estas fotos en mi cuarto, cocina y bano. Tome las fotos justo despues de almorzar. Al tomar las fotos frente a la ventana, un grupo de personas que estaban caminando por la calle me vieron y me gritaron "Hola guapa!" Fue muy vergonzoso y a la vez divertido. Me encanta mi cuerpo, y tomar estas fotos subio mi autoestima aun mas :). / Hi! I took these pictures in my room, kitchen and bathroom. I shot it right after having lunch. When taking the pictures in front of the window, a group of people who were walking on the street saw me and called me "Hey pretty!" It was really awkward but fun at the same time. I love my body a lot, and taking these pics raised my self esteem even more :)."
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