#1 October 14th, 2005 01:38 PM


Headlines from the EXTRA frontline

It's been an amazing week in EXTRA with some smashing stuff coming through, such as today's inspiring Reload by Madlyn, who is now my personal pinup girl for the millenium. I saved some pocket money this week and lashed out on protecting women's bits - as both an owner of boobs and general admirer I reckon it's the least I can do.  I hope you're all fired up to do the same.  Good places to donate to include breastcancer.org and The Cancer Council .  And you Australian ISM ladies might want to get involved in the Girl's Night In campaign, which is all about wearing your PJs with your girlfriends and donating some dosh to The Cancer Council.  And unlike every other night on the turps, you'll wake up feeling like a million bucks. To make it interesting for the first person to submit a Girl's Night In folio I will personally hand over 50 bucks to your charity of choice.  This I swear by my entire Star Wars figurine collection.

STOP PRESS!!! - The inimitable Jules has been spotted in ISM EXTRA and will appearing soon on a screen near you.

Apart from old friends we've also had some recent favourites Reloading away, including French fox Claire & the pixie-ish Yellana.  Stay tuned for more news from the trenches next Friday...


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