PRIMARY - 03 MAR 2025
"Bueno, en principio mi amiga me cont? de esta p?gina y me propuso para hacerlo, me costo un poco empezar con las fotos por qu? trabajo mucho y no confiaba que mis fotos fueran a servir. En el momento de hacerlas sent? bastante inseguridad, no me gustaban las fotos pens? que todas estaban feas, como sal?a yo o el encuadre, adem?s porque no soy de sacarme selfis entonces no se mucho usar la c?mara. Igual me sorprend?, porque algunas fotos me gustaron y la propuesta me hizo ten?r que jugar con el espacio, espejos y lugares dentro de mi casa y eso me result? divertido, admito que no me gustan todas pero algunas si. / Well, at first my friend told me about this website and suggested that I do it too. It took me a bit to start with the photos because I work a lot and I didn't trust that my photos would be useful. At the time of taking them I felt quite insecure, I didn't like the photos and I thought they were all ugly, how did I appear or the framing, also because I'm not one to take selfies so I don't know much how to use the camera. I was still surprised, because I liked some of the photos and the proposal made me have to play with the space, mirrors and places inside my house and that was fun for me, I admit that I don't like all of them but I definitley love some."