Media index
birthplace: Cordoba, Argentina occupation: Fletera/Freighter age: 31 height: 1.70m relationship status: Soltera/Single starsign: Libra biggest passion in my life: El canto y las plantas/Singing and plants I like to listen to: Me gusta escuchar el canto de los pájaros/I like to listen to birdsong I like to watch: Gente cuando está concentrada en algo/People when they are concentrating on something I like to smell: Marihuana/Marijuana I like to taste: El café con leche vegetal a la mañana/Coffee with vegetable milk in the morning I like to feel: El viento y el aire fresco/The wind and fresh air favourite part of my body: Mis manos/My hands favourite part of someone else's body: Manos - me gusta mirar como las otras personas las mueven, sus gestos, su forma/Hands - I like to watch how other people move them, their gestures, their shape Why i shot myself: Porque quería ver si podía hacerlo y por tener una herramienta diferente con mi cuerpo. / Because I wanted to see if I could do it and because I had a different tool with my body. who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Caetano Veloso who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Mauricio Macri ex presidente de Argentina/Mauricio Macri former president of Argentina Most outrageous thing I have done: Lo más escandaloso que he hecho fue hacer pis delante de una valla de policías que estaban cubriendo una iglesia en una marcha y hice pis mostrándoles el culo/The most scandalous thing I've ever done was pee in front of a fence of policemen who were covering a church in a march and I peed showing them my ass Bands I like: Marina Sena, Sasha Sathya, Mantis Atex, La Joaqui, Ariana Puello Books I like: Mafalda comic strip by Quino Films I like: Telma y Luis/Thelma and Louise, Death Proof, Mi vecino Totoro/My Neighbour Totoro, La revolución de los mapaches/Pompoko |