09:15 - MAR 03 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            


I haven't done as much naked work/art as I'd like to. I find most of the creative things I do end up coming back to nudity one way or another - when I paint, I usually paint nudes. When I write, what best holds my frazzled concentration is writing erotica. A couple of my future ambitions are to recreate the paint-flinging scene from The Big Lebowski, and to do burlesque; weird, daring, political burlesque. I have a whole routine I want to do that's mostly just cursing Centrelink, naked, with dildos. It's very different to the only other nude photo shoots I've done - also at home, with a then-partner who was a professional photographer. Those shoots were far more polished, edited. There were artistic things that could be achieved with lights and another set of hands that I can't do here. I'd like to challenge myself further, to see how artistic and beautiful a selfie by daylight with no outside help can be.

Media index

Matilda_A 'aphorism'
26 Apr 24
ZIP - 51 images
Matilda_A 'soft_palette'
11 Aug 24
Photos - reload
ZIP - 57 images
Matilda_A 'liquid_motion'
01 Mar 25
Photos - reload
ZIP - 56 images
birthplace: Townsville, Australia
occupation: Student
age: 34
height: 165cm
relationship status: Poly and partnered
biggest passion in my life: Either being creative, or change. Which I guess you could say is the same thing. Also DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS! I love it with all my nerdy heart. Playing with different character builds, inventing backstories, seeing characters grow over time, improv, shenanigans, collaborative storytelling. It's wonderful, addictive, and it gives me life
I like to listen to: The sound of the rain, I don't care if that's a cliche, rainy thunderstormy sounds are the best. And I love the sound of frogs
I like to watch: Right now, I'm drawing a blank as to what I like to watch. I really don't know. Except I guess that most often what I want when I'm watching content is to laugh
I like to smell: Glossy picture book paper, roses in other people's gardens, popcorn, caramel. I like to smell like my new jasmine perfume
I like to taste: I like clover clubs - cold, sweet, frothy raspberries and gin. Dulce du leche, chocolate with peanut butter. The taste of my lover's breath. The taste of my juices on my lover
I like to feel: Capable. I like to feel strong. I like to feel cute. I like to feel funny. I like to feel inspired
favourite part of my body: I love my butt! I like that the two moles on one cheek could be the earth and the moon. I'm pretty fond of my cunt also ngl. I like lots of parts of my body. I like my nose. I like having pubic hair. I like my body as a whole
favourite part of someone else's body: Depends on them! I love my partner's one dimple very much. In general I'm a sucker for muscular arms, thick/strong thighs, curvy hips, a pretty face
Why i shot myself: I enjoy working naked, and enjoy opportunities to be naked and playful, naked and creative, naked and political. To summarise, I enjoy being naked and doing lots of things all at once.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Elon Musk? My first thought was Donald Trump, but I think somehow the Musk shoot would be even more painful
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: I want to see the cast of college humour shoot themselves. With individual shots and big cute group photos. I think that group of people would be a glorious mix of funny and silly and sexy and fierce and adorable
Most outrageous thing I have done: Lots of things that could go here. But I have snuck into the driver's seat of a tram that was left irresistibly unlocked
Bands I like: I like Brass Against The Machine! Shaun Tan and Robin Eisenberg, and Taylor Tomlinson
Books I like: Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde, The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson, Feeling Sorry for Celia by Jaclyn Moriarty, books of foreign words and phrases, The Hedonism Handbook by Michael Flocke. I stole my Mother's copy of this book many many times as a teenager. She doesn't want her copy anymore, but refuses to give it to me on principle. I object to this, she should give it to me
Films I like: Everything Everywhere All at Once, Knives Out, Stranger Than Fiction, A Knight's Tale, 10 Things I Hate About You, Jojo Rabbit, But I'm a Cheerleader, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Poirot movies. And I watch The Mummy with my friends every Christmas