21:41 - APR 26 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            


Realmente disfruto el estar desnuda frente a la cámara, me hace sentir conectada a mi espíritu sexual, libre, primitiva y salvaje! Amo todas las expresiones artisticas y creo que la sexualidad y el amor son las obras de arte más naturales y perfectas. Adoro expresarme con mi cuerpo desnudo, y jugar con otras personas que tienen mis mismos sentimientos :) I really enjoy to be naked in front of a camera, it makes me feel connected with my sexual spirit, free, primitive and wild! I love all the different expressions of art and I think that sexuality and love is the most natural and perfect art creation. I love to express myself with my naked body, and play with other people that has my same feeling vibrations :)

Media index

birthplace: Gijon, Spain.
age: 22.
height: 161cms.
relationship status: Enamorada!/In love!
starsign: Acuario/Aquarian.
biggest passion in my life: Tatuarme/Tattooing.
I like to listen to: la musica alta y gemidos de chicas en mi oido/low music and girls moaning on my ears.
I like to watch: chicas monas jugando juntitas/cute girls playing together.
I like to smell: el olor de la ropa sudada y la piel de las chicas!/sweat, sweated clothes and girls skin!
I like to taste: cosas nuevas!/new things!
I like to feel: la lluvia sobre mi cuerpo, especialmente en la naturaleza/the rain on my body.
favourite part of my body: Mi cara y mi culo/My face and my butt.
favourite part of someone else's body: Manos y ojos/Hands and eyes.
Why i shot myself: Porque me hace sentir libre/Because it makes me feel free :)
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Todas las chicas de Victoria's Secret/All the victoria's Secret girls :P
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Me gustaria ver desnudo a todo el mundo al menos una vez!/I would want to see naked everyone at least one time!
my website/fav website: Orgasmatrix.com.
Most outrageous thing I have done: Hacer una sesion de fotos en la que me metí una vela por el coño!/Make a photo shoot in which I put a candle inside of my pussy!
Bands I like: Trip-hop, sixties music, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Delta Blues...
Books I like: En la carretera (Kerouac), cartas de la Ayahuasca (Ginsberg) y todo lo de Burroughs!/On the Road (Kerouac), Ayahuasca Letters (Allen Ginsberg) and everything from Burroughs!
Films I like: Hacia rutas salvajes, Factory Girl, Pulp Fiction y todo lo de Tarantino/Into the Wild, Factory Girl, Pulp Fiction and all Tarantino :)

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony