09:57 - APR 28 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            


Estar desnuda para mi es un placer, lo mismo que sacarme fotos... una muy buena combinación que me encanta compartir, que vean y opinen. Es muy bueno ganar dinero teniendo placer, debería ser siempre así. Espero gustarles! Being naked to me is a pleasure, as well as taking pictures of me ... a very good combination that I love to share, to be seen and be commented. It's great to make money having pleasure, it should be always this way. I hope you like me!

Media index

birthplace: España, Barcelona.
age: 25.
relationship status: Soltera en emergencia. / single and desperate.
biggest passion in my life: mmm... pintar! / painting
I like to listen to: música Rockera. / rock 'n' roll music.
I like to watch: a gente que sale a la noche. / the people that go out at night.
I like to smell: el perfume que usan los hombres. / men's perfumes.
I like to taste: Tarta de manzana, es riquísima / apple pie, it's delicious.
I like to feel: el helado cuando se derrite en mi boca. / ice cream melting inside my mouth.
favourite part of my body: mis tetas / my boobs
favourite part of someone else's body: sus ojos / their eyes
Why i shot myself: porque amo sacarme fotos y luego verme. / because I love taking pictures of myself and then seeing myself.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Robert De Niro, Jodie Marsh.
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Leonardo DiCaprio! Johnny Depp...
my website/fav website: facebook.
Most outrageous thing I have done: que me hayan hecho un bodypainting en público, fue genial! / having made a bodypainting in public, it was great!
Bands I like: Sex Pistols, The Rolling Stones, The Clash.
Books I like: "El perfume", "Déjame Entrar", "Drácula" Bram Stoker.
Films I like: Life of Pi, Django, Apocalipsis Now.
other random stuff: Current obsession: comer chicle, chewing gum.