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En cuanto escuché acerca de ISM, no lo dudé. Quiero estar desnuda en internet! Me encantó la idea, está bueno que todas las mujeres se saquen fotos desnudas. Además contribuyendo podría ver las fotos de otras mujeres, me encantó la idea. As soon as I heard about ISM, did not hesitate. I want to be naked on the internet! I loved the idea, is good for all women to take naked pictures. Also contributing I could see pictures of other women so I loved the idea.

Media index

Fabiana 'foamflower'
13 Feb 13
ZIP - 41 images
birthplace: Chimbote, Peru.
age: 20.
relationship status: Soltera/Single.
starsign: Virgo.
biggest passion in my life: Viajar/To travel.
I like to listen to: buenas historias que tiene la gente para contar/good stories people have to tell.
I like to watch: las caras de las mujeres e imaginar sus historias de vida/women's faces and their life stories.
I like to smell: olor de cada persona, el olor del cabello o el sudor/the smell of each person, the smell of hair.
I like to taste: hierbas como rosa mosqueta o anís/herbs such as rosehip or anise.
I like to feel: el pasto mojado rozando mi cuerpo/wet grass brushing against my body.
favourite part of my body: Mis tetas/My boobs.
favourite part of someone else's body: Las caras/Faces.
Why i shot myself: Porque me encanta estar desnuda/Because I love being naked.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Mis abuelos/My grandparents.
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Mi prima/My cousin.
my website/fav website: No tengo/I don't have.
Most outrageous thing I have done: Pelarme/Peeled.
Bands I like: Extremo duro, Heroes del silencio, Deep Purple.
Books I like: Erotica, Maldito karma, Ellas también viven.
Films I like: Carlitos Way, Pulp Fiction, Hierro 3.
other random stuff: Nadar bien/Swim well.

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony