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E stata veramente un idea creativa anche per vedere le personalita di molte ragazze diverse da me sono stata davvero felice di avere partecipato. stare nuda e naturale siamo nati cosi del resto che ce di male? Non capisco perche le persone vanno ingiro con i vestiti! // I Shot Myself is very creative idea for the see the personality of every girl is very interesting and I'm very happy to make that, I like stay naked I'm feel in the nature I don't understand why the people dress with the clothes!

Media index

Kloey 'corpocanzone'
01 Feb 13
ZIP - 44 images
birthplace: Verbania.
currently living in: Italy.
occupation: Ballerino/Dancer.
age: 19.
height: 1.53.
weight: 48kgs.
relationship status: Fidanzata/Engaged.
starsign: Cancro/Cancer.
I like to listen to: la voce del mio ragazzo/the voice of my guys, Kasabian.
I like to watch: commedie il mio film preferito e ted/funny movies.
I like to smell: cocco, e quando i miei ragazzi tirarlo profumo/coconut, and when my boys get him perfume.
I like to taste: soffice, pizza con funghi, prosciutto e formaggi/soft, pizza with mushrooms, ham and cheese.
I like to feel: bellissima/beautiful.
favourite part of my body: Busto perche ho tette reali e l'altra ragazza e molto gelosa/Chest because I have real boobs and the other girl is very jealous.
favourite part of someone else's body: Gli occhi, lo specchio della parte interna/Eyes, the mirror of inside.
Why i shot myself: Perche mi fanno molto felice e creativo e mi piace/Because it makes me very happy and creative and I love it.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: La mia famiglia/My family.
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Tutti nel mondo/Any one in the world.
Bands I like: Kasabian, Rudimental, The Doors.
Books I like: Perche mi piace vedere le figure di posti nuovi.
Films I like: Ted, Family Guy, Ace Ventura, Simpsons.