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After completing my first shoot, i feel more confident about myself. This has been a wonderful way for me to be creative and express some of my artistic ideas. Give me your feedback!

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tanika 'dazzle'
25 Jul 13
ZIP - 38 images
birthplace: Spain
occupation: Massage Therapist
age: 24
height: 170cm
relationship status: single
starsign: Scorpio
biggest passion in my life: cars - fast and loud (just like me)
I like to listen to: thunder and fireworks
I like to watch: yes please
I like to smell: the first drops of a thunderstorm
I like to taste: strawberries dipped in melted chocolate
I like to feel: pampered and indulged
favourite part of my body: eyes and hands
favourite part of someone else's body: I suppose that depends on whether they're male or female
Why i shot myself: I wanted a bit of excitement
my website/fav website: www.ishotmyself.com
Most outrageous thing I have done: Project ISM
Bands I like: Tupac
Books I like: Snuggle Pot and Cuddle Pie
Films I like: The Butterfly Effect

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
tanika is Agony contributor A0037