Media index
birthplace: Melbourne occupation: Model age: 31 biggest passion in my life: art current obsession: monsters, puppets, imperfections I like to listen to: hard music, anothers intense pleasure I like to watch: tasteful vintage porn or hentai I like to smell: vegan beauty products I like to taste: hot enjoyment I like to feel: my stomach melt and my bits get drenched favourite part of my body: feet, hands, pussy, ass, face favourite part of someone else's body: depends on the person, legs or hands maybe, cute butts are nice too Why i shot myself: a friend recommended this project and it sounded awesome who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: he who shall not be named who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Sugar Saun Most outrageous thing I have done: been payed to run around naked Bands I like: Sub Urban, Ohgr, IAMX Books I like: 1984, Anthem, u know, classics Films I like: Quintin Tarintino |