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Pornos sind gespielt und langweilig und es wird immer ein Teil der Gesellschaft sein, also lasst es selbst machen und artistisch. Eine Frau sollte ihren Koerper kennen und ihnen lieben. Porn is acting and boring, and it shows/Porn will always be a part of society, so lets do it ourselves and do it artistic. A woman needs to know her body and love it for how it looks.

Media index

Andrea_O 'its_a_wrap'
28 Mar 15
ZIP - 45 images
birthplace: Germany.
occupation: Waitress.
age: 21.
height: 168cms.
weight: 65kgs.
starsign: Aquarius.
biggest passion in my life: Die Natur in ihrer Schoenheit und sie zu erforschen/The beauty of nature and exploring it.
I like to listen to: Punk und Klassik, kaotisch und wunderschoen/punk and classical, chaotic and beautiful.
I like to watch: 70's Filme punshlines, nakte Frauen und Explosionen/punchlines, naked women and explosions.
I like to smell: frisch geschnittenes Gras und neue Buecher/new cut grass and new books.
I like to taste: Ein kaltes Bier mit Lemone, jetzt sofort/a cold beer with lemon, right now.
I like to feel: Moss an Baeumen und eine warme Hand/moss on trees and a warm hand.
favourite part of my body: Meine Hand/My hands.
favourite part of someone else's body: verschiedene Rueckenstrukturen/Different structure of backs.
Why i shot myself: I liebe meinen Koerper wie er ist: haarig und knackig/I love my body as it is hairy and juicy.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Alle amerikanischen Praesidenten/All the American presidents.
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Meine Liebe in der Zukunft/Someone I'm in love with in the future.
my website/fav website: Google hat viele Antworten-Die beste Webseite/Google has a lot of the answers, best website.
Most outrageous thing I have done: Das hier! Oder Naktbilder auf Facebook posten/Doing this! Or posting myself naked on Facebook a few times.
Bands I like: The Animals, The Zombies and The 13th Floor Elevators.
Books I like: Buecher ueber das Universum, ueber Insekten und Pflanzen/Factual books about the universe, about bugs, and about plants.
Films I like: Pulp Fiction, Eastern Promises, Gummo.

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony